39 Publications (Page 2 of 2)
Effects of wet corn gluten feed and intake level on diet digestibility and ruminal passage rate in steers.
Montgomery, S PDrouillard, James STitgemeyer, EvanSindt, J JFarran, T BPike, J NCoetzer, C MTrater, A M and Higgins, James J
Journal of animal science, vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. 3526-36, 2004/Dec. | Journal Article
Effects of wet corn gluten feed and intake level on diet digestibility and ruminal passage rate in steers1
Montgomery, S. PDrouillard, James STitgemeyer, E. CSindt, J. J and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 82, (no. 12), pp. 3526-3536, Dec 2004. | Journal Article
Combinations of alfalfa hay and wet corn gluten feed in limit-fed growing diets for beef cattle1
Montgomery, S. PDrouillard, James SSindt, J. JFarran, T. B and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 81, (no. 7), pp. 1671-1680, Jul 2003. | Journal Article
Effects of monensin and tylosin concentrations in limit-fed, high-energy growing diets for beef cattle1
Montgomery, S. PDrouillard, James SSindt, J. Jfarran, T. B and al, et
Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 19, (no. 3), pp. 244, Jun 2003. | Journal Article
Effects of processing factors on in vitro ammonia release from cooked molasses blocks containing urea.
Trater, A.M.Titgemeyer, EvanDrouillard, James S and Pike, J.N.
Animal feed science and technology., vol. 107, (no. 1-4), pp. 173-190, 2003. | Journal Article
Wet corn gluten feed and alfalfa hay combinations in steam-flaked corn finishing cattle diets1
Sindt, J. JDrouillard, James STitgemeyer, E. CMontgomery, S. P and al, et
Journal of Animal Science, vol. 81, (no. 12), pp. 3121-3129, Dec 2003. | Journal Article
Evaluation of finishing performance, carcass characteristics, acid-resistant E. coli and total coliforms from steers fed combinations of wet corn gluten feed and steam-flaked corn.
Sindt, J JDrouillard, James SThippareddi, HarshavardhanPhebus, Randall KLambert, D LMontgomery, S PFarran, T BLaBrune, H JHiggins, James J and Ethington, R T
Journal of animal science, vol. 80, (no. 12), pp. 3328-35, 2002/Dec. | Journal Article
Supplemental betaine and peroxide-treated feather meal for finishing cattle.
LöEst, Clint ATitgemeyer, EvanDrouillard, James SCoetzer, C MHunter, R DBindel, D J and Lambert, Barry D
Journal of animal science, vol. 80, (no. 9), pp. 2234-40, 2002/Sep. | Journal Article
Effects of L-carnitine on nitrogen retention and blood metabolites of growing steers and performance of finishing steers.
Greenwood, R HTitgemeyer, EvanStokka, G LDrouillard, James S and LöEst, Clint A
Journal of animal science, vol. 79, (no. 1), pp. 254-60, 2001/Jan. | Journal Article
Soybean hulls as a primary ingredient in forage-free diet for limit-fed growing cattle.
Löest, Clint ATitgemeyer, EvanDrouillard, James SBlasi, D.A. and Bindel, D.J.
Journal of animal science., vol. 79, (no. 3), pp. 766-774, 2001. | Journal Article
Urea and biuret as nonprotein nitrogen sources in cooked molasses blocks for steers fed prairie hay.
Löest, Clint ATitgemeyer, EvanDrouillard, James SLambert, Barry D and Trater, A.M.
Animal feed science and technology., vol. 94, (no. 3-4), pp. 115-126, 2001. | Journal Article
Effects of base ingredient in cooked molasses blocks on intake and digestion of prairie hay by beef steers.
Greenwood, R HTitgemeyer, Evan and Drouillard, James S
Journal of animal science, vol. 78, (no. 1), pp. 167-72, 2000/Jan. | Journal Article
Effects of ruminally protected choline and dietary fat on performance and blood metabolites of finishing heifers.
Bindel, D JDrouillard, James STitgemeyer, EvanWessels, R H and LöEst, Clint A
Journal of animal science, vol. 78, (no. 10), pp. 2497-503, 2000/Oct. | Journal Article
Changes in visceral organs, body composition and performance of ruminants in response to discontinuous patterns of growth (Dissertation)
Drouillard, James S (1989).