91 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
Land cover change in eastern Kansas: litter dynamics of closed-canopy eastern redcedar forests in tallgrass prairie
Norris, MarkBlair, John M and Johnson, Loretta C
Canadian Journal of Botany/Revue Canadien de Botanique, vol. 79, (no. 2), pp. 214-222, 2001. | Journal Article
Altering Rainfall Timing and Quantity in a Mesic Grassland Ecosystem: Design and Performance of Rainfall Manipulation Shelters
Fay, Philip ACarlisle, JDKnapp, Alan KBlair, John M and Collins, SL
Ecosystems, vol. 3, (no. 3), pp. 308-319, 2000. | Journal Article
Assessment of soil quality in fields with short and long term enrollment in the CRP
Baer, SaraRIce, C. W and Blair, John M
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 55, (no. 2), pp. 142-146, Second Quarter 2000. | Journal Article
Effects of altered soil-water availability on a tallgrass prairie nematode community.
Todd, TimothyBlair, John M and Milliken, G.A.
Applied soil ecology : a section of Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment., vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 45-55, 1999. | Journal Article
Responses of soil microarthropods to changes in soil water availability in tallgrass prairie
O'Lear, HA and Blair, John M
Biology and Fertility of Soils, vol. 29, (no. 2), pp. 207-217, 1999. | Journal Article
The keystone role of bison in North American tallgrass prairie
Knapp, A.K., J.M. Blair, J.M. Briggs, S.L. Collins, D.C. Hartnett, L.C. Johnson and E.G. Towne. and Blair, John M
(pp. 39-50). 1999
The keystone role of bison in North American tallgrass prairie
Knapp, A.K., J.M. Blair, J.M. Briggs, S.L. Collins, D.C. Hartnett, L.C. Johnson and E.G. Towne. and Blair, John M
(pp. 39-50). 1999
The Keystone Role of Bison in North American Tallgrass Prairie
Knapp, Alan KBlair, John MBriggs, John MCollins, Scott LHartnett, David CJohnson, Loretta C and Towne, EG
Bioscience, vol. 49, (no. 1), pp. 39-50, 1999. | Journal Article
Determinants of soil CO sub(2) flux from a sub-humid grassland: effect of fire and fire history
Knapp, Alan KConard, Shawn L and Blair, John M
Ecological Applications, Tempe, AZ, vol. 8, (no. 3), pp. 760-770, 1998. | Journal Article
Modulation of diversity by grazing and mowing in native tallgrass prairie
Collins, S.L., A.K. Knapp, J.M. Briggs, J.M. Blair and E. Steinauer.Collins, S. L.Knapp, A. K.Briggs, J. M.Blair, J. M.Steinauer, E. M. and Blair, John M
(pp. 745-747). 1998
Modulation of diversity by grazing and mowing in native tallgrass prairie
Collins, S.L., A.K. Knapp, J.M. Briggs, J.M. Blair and E. Steinauer. and Blair, John M
(pp. 745-747). 1998
Modulation of diversity by grazing and mowing in native tallgrass prairie.
Collins, Scott LKnapp, Alan KBriggs, John MBlair, John M and Steinauer, E.M.
Science., vol. 280, (no. 5364), pp. 745-747, 1998. | Journal Article
Effects of earthworms on soil aggregate stability and carbon and nitrogen storage in a legume cover crop agroecosystem.
Ketterings, Q.M.Blair, John M and Marinissen, J.C.Y.
Soil biology & biochemistry., vol. 29, (no. 3-4), pp. 401-408, 1997. | Journal Article
Fire, N availability, and plant response in grasslands: A test of the transient maxima hypothesis
Blair, John M
(pp. 2359-2368). 1997
Fire, N availability, and plant response in grasslands: A test of the transient maxima hypothesis
Blair, John M
Ecology, vol. 78, (no. 8), pp. 2359-2368, 1997. | Journal Article
Fire, N availability, and plant response in grasslands: A test of the transient maxima hypothesis
Blair, John M
(pp. 2359-2368). 1997
Soil N and plant responses to fire, topography, and supplemental N in tallgrass prairie
Turner, Clarence LBlair, John MSchartz, Rita J and Neel, Jeffery C
Ecology, Tempe, AZ, vol. 78, (no. 6), pp. 1832-1843, 1997. | Journal Article
Soil N availability and plant response in tallgrass prairie: Effects of fire, topography and supplemental N
Turner, C.L., J.M. Blair, R.J. Schartz and J.C. Neel. and Blair, John M
(pp. 1832-1843). 1997
Soil N availability and plant response in tallgrass prairie: Effects of fire, topography and supplemental N
Turner, C.L., J.M. Blair, R.J. Schartz and J.C. Neel. and Blair, John M
(pp. 1832-1843). 1997
Detecting spatial and temporal patterns of aboveground production in a tallgrass prairie using remotely sensed data
SU, HAIPINGBriggs, John MKnapp, Alan KBlair, John M and KRUMMEL, J. R
UNITED STATES. 1996. | Conference Proceeding
Detecting spatial and temporal patterns of aboveground production in a tallgrass prairie using remotely sensed data
Su, HaipingKrummel, John RBriggs, John MKnapp, Alan K and Blair, John M
IGARSS '96; International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Lincoln, NE; UNITED STATES; 27-31 May 1996. 1996. | Conference Proceeding
Efficacy of methods for manipulating earthworm populations in large-scale field experiments in agroecosystems
Bohlen, Patrick JParmelee, RWBlair, John MEdwards, CA and Stinner, BR
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 27, (no. 8), pp. 993-999, 1995. | Journal Article
Manipulation of earthworm populations in field experiments in agroecosystems
Blair, John MBohlen, Patrick JEdwards, CAStinner, BRMcCartney, DA and Allen, MF
Acta Zoologica Fennica, (no. 196), pp. 48-51, 1995. | Journal Article
Using anion-exchange membranes to measure soil nitrate availability and net nitrification
Subler, S.Blair, John M and Edwards, CA
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 27, (no. 7), pp. 911-917, 1995. | Journal Article
A comparison of the forest floor invertebrate communities of four forest types in the northeastern U.S.
Blair, John MParmelee, RW and Wyman, RL
Pedobiologia, vol. 38, (no. 2), pp. 146-160, 1994. | Journal Article