91 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Altered Ecosystem Nitrogen Dynamics as a Consequence of Land Cover Change in Tallgrass Prairie
Norris, MarkBlair, John M and Johnson, Loretta C
The American Midland Naturalist, vol. 158, (no. 2), pp. 432-445, Oct 2007. | Journal Article
Molecular approach for assessing responses of microbial-feeding nematodes to burning and chronic nitrogen enrichment in a native grassland
JONES, KENNETH LTodd, TimothyWALL-BEAM, JULIE LCoolon, JosephBlair, John M and Herman, Michael A
Molecular Ecology, vol. 15, (no. 9), pp. 2601-2609, Aug 2006. | Journal Article
An Ecosystem in Transition: Causes and Consequences of the Conversion of Mesic Grassland to Shrubland
Briggs, John MKnapp, Alan KBlair, John MHeisler, JLHoch, GALett, MS and McCARRON, JK
Bioscience, vol. 55, (no. 3), pp. 243-254, 2005. | Journal Article
Ecological consequences of C₄ grass invasion of a C₄ grassland: a dilemma for management.
Reed, H.E.Seastedt, T.R. and Blair, John M
Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America., vol. 15, (no. 5), pp. 1560-1569, 2005. | Journal Article
Increased rainfall variability and reduced rainfall amount decreases soil CO2 flux in a grassland ecosystem
Harper, ChrisBlair, John MFay, Philip AKnapp, Alan K and Carlisle, Jonathan D
Global Change Biology, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 322+, Feb 2005. | Journal Article
Increased rainfall variability and reduced rainfall amount decreases soil CO sub(2) flux in a grassland ecosystem
Harper, ChrisBlair, John MFay, Philip AKnapp, Alan K and Carlisle, Jonathan D
Global Change Biology, vol. 11, (no. 2), pp. 322-334, 2005. | Journal Article
Soil Heterogeneity Effects on Tallgrass Prairie Community Heterogeneity: An Application of Ecological Theory to Restoration Ecology
Baer, SaraCollins, Scott LBlair, John MKnapp, Alan K and Fiedler, Anna K
Restoration Ecology, vol. 13, (no. 2), pp. 413-424, 2005. | Journal Article
Competition and coexistence in grassland codominants: responses to neighbour removal and resource availability
Silletti, Andrea MKnapp, Alan K and Blair, John M
Canadian Journal of Botany/Revue Canadienne de Botanique, vol. 82, (no. 4), pp. 450-460, 2004. | Journal Article
Influence of shrub encroachment on aboveground net primary productivity and carbon and nitrogen pools in a mesic grassland
Lett, Michelle SKnapp, Alan KBriggs, John M and Blair, John M
Canadian Journal of Botany/Revue Canadienne de Botanique, vol. 82, (no. 9), pp. 1363-1370, 2004. | Journal Article
Plant community responses to resource availability and heterogeneity during restoration
Baer, SaraBlair, John MCollins, Scott L and Knapp, Alan K
Oecologia, vol. 139, (no. 4), pp. 617-629, 2004. | Journal Article
Does resource availability, resource heterogeneity or species turnover mediate changes in plant species richness in grazed grasslands?
Bakker, C.Blair, John M and Knapp, Alan K
Oecologia, vol. 137, (no. 3), pp. 385-91, 2003/Nov. | Journal Article
Effect of Bt Corn for Corn Rootworm Control on Nontarget Soil Microarthropods and Nematodes
Al Deeb, Mohammed AWilde, Gerald EBlair, John M and Todd, Timothy
Environmental Entomology, vol. 32, (no. 4), pp. 859-865, 2003. | Journal Article
Macroinvertebrates in North American tallgrass prairie soils: effects of fire, mowing, and fertilization on density and biomass
Callaham, MacBlair, John MTodd, TimothyKitchen, DJ and Whiles, Matt R
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 35, (no. 8), pp. 1079-1093, 2003. | Journal Article
Productivity responses to altered rainfall patterns in a C4-dominated grassland.
Fay, Philip ACarlisle, Jonathan DKnapp, Alan KBlair, John M and Collins, Scott L
Oecologia, vol. 137, (no. 2), pp. 245-51, 2003/Oct. | Journal Article
Soil C and N responses to woody plant expansion in a mesic grassland.
McCarron, J.K.Knapp, Alan K and Blair, John M
Plant and soil., vol. 257, (no. 1), pp. 183-192, 2003. | Journal Article
Soil resources regulate productivity and diversity in newly established tallgrass prairie
Baer, S.G., J.M. Blair, A.K. Knapp and S.L. Collins and Blair, John M
(pp. 724-735). 2003
Soil resources regulate productivity and diversity in newly established tallgrass prairie
Baer, S.G., J.M. Blair, A.K. Knapp and S.L. CollinsBaer, S. G.Blair, J. M.Collins, S. L.Knapp, A. K. and Blair, John M
(pp. 724-735). 2003
Soil resources regulate productivity and diversity in newly established tallgrass prairie
Baer, SaraBlair, John MCollins, Scott L and Knapp, Alan K
Ecology, vol. 84, (no. 3), pp. 724-735, Mar 2003. | Journal Article
Altered rainfall patterns, gas exchange, and growth in grasses and forbs.
Fay, Philip ACarlisle, J.D.Danner, B.T.Lett, M.S.McCarron, J.K.Stewart, C.Knapp, Alan KBlair, John M and Collins, Scott L
International journal of plant sciences., vol. 163, (no. 4), pp. 549-557, 2002. | Journal Article
Annual Fire, Mowing and Fertilization Effects on Two Cicada Species (Homoptera: Cicadidae) in Tallgrass Prairie
Callaham, MacWhiles, Matt R and Blair, John M
American Midland Naturalist, vol. 148, (no. 1), pp. 90-101, 2002. | Journal Article
Changes in ecosystem structure and function in a chronosequence of grasslands restored through the Conservation Reserve Program
Baer, S.G., D.J. Kitchen, J.M. Blair and C.W. Rice and Blair, John M
(pp. 1688-1701). 2002
Changes in ecosystem structure and function in a chronosequence of grasslands restored through the Conservation Reserve Program
Baer, S.G., D.J. Kitchen, J.M. Blair and C.W. Rice and Blair, John M
(pp. 1688-1701). 2002
Rainfall Variability, Carbon Cycling, and Plant Species Diversity in a Mesic Grassland
Knapp, Alan KFay, Philip ABlair, John MCollins, Scott LSmith, Melinda DCarlisle, JDHarper, ChrisDanner, BTLett, MS and McCarron, JK
Science (Washington), vol. 298, (no. 5601), pp. 2202-2205, 2002. | Journal Article
Assessing changes in biomass, productivity, and C and N stores following Juniperus virginiana forest expansion into tallgrass prairie
Norris, MarkBlair, John MJohnson, Loretta C and McKane, Robert B
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 31, (no. 11), pp. 1940-1946, Nov 2001. | Journal Article
Different behavioral patterns of the earthworms Octolasion tyrtaeum and Diplocardia spp. in tallgrass prairie soils: potential influences on plant growth.
Callaham, MacBlair, John M and Hendrix, P.F.
Biology and fertility of soils., vol. 34, (no. 1), pp. 49-56, 2001. | Journal Article