
Clark's research focused on the conservation of and efficient use of water resources through proper irrigation system design and management. Specific research topics included design and management of microirrigation systems for row crop and field crop production; hydraulic performance of microirrigation systems; assessment and evaluation of sprinkler performance for center pivot irrigation systems; irrigation scheduling; and using irrigation systems to apply wastewater resources.

Past Affiliations

Interim Dean, Carl and Melinda Helwig Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering, Kansas State University

Associate Professor - Ext. Irrigation Specialist, Gulf Coast R.E.C., College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida (past)
1986 - 1994

Department Head, Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering, Kansas State University

Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Engineering
PhD, Texas A&M University, Agricultural Engineering, 1986
ME, University of Florida, Agricultural Engineering, 1982
BSE, University of Florida, Agricultural Engineering, 1980
agricultural engineering irrigation
Soil and Water Conservation Society