75 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Predicting cumulative risk of bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) using feedlot arrival data and daily morbidity and mortality counts.
Babcock, Abram HWhite, Brad JRenter, David GDubnicka, Suzanne R and Scott, H M
Canadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche vétérinaire, vol. 77, (no. 1), pp. 33-44, 2013/Jan. | Journal Article
Prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and associated virulence genes in feces of commercial feedlot cattle.
Cernicchiaro, NataliaCull, Charley APaddock, Zachary DShi, XiaorongBai, JianfaNagaraja, Tiruvoor G and Renter, David G
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 10, (no. 10), pp. 835-41, 2013/Oct. | Journal Article
Associations between the distance traveled from sale barns to commercial feedlots in the United States and overall performance, risk of respiratory disease, and cumulative mortality in feeder cattle during 1997 to 2009.
Cernicchiaro, NWhite, Brad JRenter, David GBabcock, A HKelly, L and Slattery, R
Journal of animal science, vol. 90, (no. 6), pp. 1929-39, 2012/Jun. | Journal Article
Clinical, behavioral, and pulmonary changes in calves following inoculation with Mycoplasma bovis.
White, Brad JAnderson, David ERenter, David GLarson, Robert LMosier, Derek AKelly, Lindsey LTheurer, Miles ERobért, Brad D and Walz, Michelle L
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 73, (no. 4), pp. 490-7, 2012/Apr. | Journal Article
Efficacy of a vaccine and a direct-fed microbial against fecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in a randomized pen-level field trial of commercial feedlot cattle
Cull, Charley APaddock, Zachary DNagaraja, T. GBello, Nora MBabcock, Abram H and Renter, Dave G
Vaccine, vol. 30, (no. 43), pp. 6210-6215, 2012. | Journal Article
A simulation model to quantify the value of implementing whole-herd Bovine viral diarrhea virus testing strategies in beef cow-calf herds.
Nickell, Jason SWhite, Brad JLarson, Robert LRenter, David G and Sanderson, Michael W
Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc, vol. 23, (no. 2), pp. 194-205, 2011/Mar. | Journal Article
Associations between the prevalence of Mollicutes and Mycoplasma bovis and health and performance in stocker calves.
Hanzlicek, G AWhite, Brad JRenter, David GAnderson, D E and Larson, R L
The Veterinary record, vol. 168, (no. 1), pp. 21, 2011/Jan/8. | Journal Article
Determination of lying behavior patterns in healthy beef cattle by use of wireless accelerometers.
Robért, Bradley DWhite, Brad JRenter, David G and Larson, Robert L
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 72, (no. 4), pp. 467-73, 2011/Apr. | Journal Article
Evaluation of the effects of a commercially available Salmonella Newport siderophore receptor and porin protein vaccine on fecal shedding of Salmonella bacteria and health and performance of feedlot cattle.
Dodd, Charles CRenter, David GThomson, Daniel U and Nagaraja, T G
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 72, (no. 2), pp. 239-47, 2011/Feb. | Journal Article
Genetic Variations in Shiga Toxin-Producing Abilities of Bovine and Human Escherichia coli O157:H7
Taylor, E. VShi, X.Alam, M. JPeterson, G.Narayanan, SanjeevRenter, David G and Nagaraja, T. G
Zoonoses and Public Health, vol. 58, (no. 3), pp. 185-191, May 2011. | Journal Article
Modeling preharvest and harvest interventions for Escherichia coli O157 contamination of beef cattle carcasses.
Dodd, Charles CDodd, Charles CSanderson, Michael WSanderson, Michael WJacob, MeganJacob, Megan ERenter, David G and Renter, David G
Journal of food protection, vol. 74, (no. 9), pp. 1422-33, 2011/Sep. | Journal Article
Prevalence and persistence of Salmonella in cohorts of feedlot cattle.
Dodd, Charles CRenter, David GShi, XiaorongAlam, M. JNagaraja, T G and Sanderson, Michael W
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 8, (no. 7), pp. 781-9, 2011/Jul. | Journal Article
Reporting of methodological features in observational studies of pre-harvest food safety
Sargeant, JanO'connor, AnnetteRenter, Dave GKelton, David FSnedeker, KateWisener, Lee VLeonard, Erin KGuthrie, Alessia D and Faires, Meredith
Preventive veterinary medicine., vol. 98, (no. 2-3), pp. 88-98, 2011. | Journal Article
A field study evaluating health, performance, and behavior differences in crossbred beef calves administered different vaccine-parasiticide product combinations.
Hanzlicek, Gregg AWhite, Brad JRenter, David G and Blasi, Dale A
Vaccine, vol. 28, (no. 37), pp. 5998-6005, 2010/Aug/23. | Journal Article
Antimicrobial drug use and antimicrobial resistance in enteric bacteria among cattle from Alberta feedlots.
Rao, SangeetaVan Donkersgoed, JoyceBohaychuk, ValerieBesser, ThomasSong, Xin-MingWagner, BruceHancock, DaleRenter, David GDargatz, David and Morley, Paul S
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 449-57, 2010/Apr. | Journal Article
Antimicrobial Drug Use and Antimicrobial Resistance in Enteric Bacteria Among Cattle from Alberta Feedlots
Rao, SangeetaVan Donkersgoed, JoyceBohaychuk, ValerieBesser, ThomasSong, Xin-MingWagner, BruceHancock, DaleRenter, Dave GDargatz, David and Morley, Paul S
Foodborne pathogens & disease., vol. 7, pp. 449-457, 2010. | Journal Article
A stochastic risk-analysis model for the spread of bovine viral diarrhea virus after introduction to naïve cow-calf herds.
Smith, Rebecca LSanderson, Michael WRenter, David GLarson, Robert and White, Bradley
Preventive veterinary medicine, vol. 95, (no. 1-2), pp. 86-98, 2010/Jun/1. | Journal Article
Challenges involved in the Salmonella Saintpaul outbreak and lessons learned.
Taylor, EthelKastner, Justin J and Renter, David G
Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP, vol. 16, (no. 3), pp. 221-31, 2010 May-Jun. | Journal Article
Feed additives for swine: Fact sheet - prebiotics and probiotics, and phytogenics
Jacela, Jay YDeRouchey, Joel MTokach, Mike DGoodband, Robert DNelssen, Jim LRenter, Dave G and Dritz, Steve S
Journal of swine health and production., vol. 18, (no. 3), pp. 132-136, 2010. | Journal Article
Feed additives for swine: Fact sheets -- high dietary levels of copper and zinc for young pigs, and phytase
Jacela, Jay YDeRouchey, Joel MTokach, Mike DGoodband, Robert DNelssen, Jim LRenter, Dave G and Dritz, Steve S
Journal of swine health and production., vol. 18, (no. 2), pp. 87-91, 2010. | Journal Article
Genetic relatedness of Escherichia coli O157 isolates from cattle feces and preintervention beef carcasses.
Dodd, Charles CRenter, David GFox, J TShi, XiaorongSanderson, Michael W and Nagaraja, T G
Foodborne pathogens and disease, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 357-65, 2010/Apr. | Journal Article
Inclusion of dried or wet distillers' grains at different levels in diets of feedlot cattle affects fecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7.
Jacob, MeganPaddock, Z DRenter, David GLechtenberg, K F and Nagaraja, T. G
Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 76, (no. 21), pp. 7238-42, 2010/Nov. | Journal Article
Serial evaluation of physiologic, pathological, and behavioral changes related to disease progression of experimentally induced Mannheimia haemolytica pneumonia in postweaned calves.
Hanzlicek, Gregg AWhite, Brad JMosier, DerekRenter, David G and Anderson, David E
American journal of veterinary research, vol. 71, (no. 3), pp. 359-69, 2010/Mar. | Journal Article
Temporal distributions of respiratory disease events within cohorts of feedlot cattle and associations with cattle health and performance indices.
Babcock, A HRenter, David GWhite, Brad JDubnicka, S R and Scott, Harvey M
Preventive veterinary medicine, vol. 97, (no. 3-4), pp. 198-219, 2010/Dec/1. | Journal Article
Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Salmonella enterica serotypes recovered from pens of commercial feedlot cattle using different types of composite samples.
Alam, Mohammad JRenter, David GTaylor, EthelMina, DianaMoxley, Rodney and Smith, David
Current microbiology, vol. 58, (no. 4), pp. 354-9, 2009/Apr. | Journal Article