59 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Comparison of common fecal flotation techniques for the recovery of parasite eggs and oocysts.
Dryden, Michael WPayne, Patricia ARidley, R and Smith, V
Veterinary therapeutics : research in applied veterinary medicine, vol. 6, (no. 1), pp. 15-28, 2005. | Journal Article
Determining a Diagnostic Dose for Imidacloprid Susceptibility Testing of Field-Collected Isolates of Cat Fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
Rust, Michael KDenholm, I.Dryden, Michael WPayne, Patricia ABlagburn, Byron LJacobs, Dennis EMencke, N.Schroeder, I.Vaughn, M.Mehlhorn, H.Hinkle, Nancy C and Williamson, M.
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 42, (no. 4), pp. 631-636, 2005. | Journal Article
Biology and control of ticks infesting dogs and cats in North America.
Dryden, Michael W and Payne, Patricia A
Veterinary therapeutics : research in applied veterinary medicine, vol. 5, (no. 2), pp. 139-54, 2004. | Journal Article
Progress of the international work of the "Imidacloprid Flea Susceptibility Monitoring Team".
Schroeder, IBlagburn, Byron LBledsoe, D LBond, RDenholm, IDryden, Michael WJacobs, Dennis EMehlhorn, HMencke, NPayne, Patricia ARust, M K and Vaughn, M B
Parasitology research, vol. 90 Suppl 3, pp. S127-8, 2003/Jul. | Journal Article
Development of a Larval Bioassay for Susceptibility of Cat Fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) to Imidacloprid
Rust, Michael KWaggoner, M.Hinkle, Nancy CMencke, N.Hansen, O.Vaughn, M.Dryden, Michael WPayne, Patricia ABlagburn, Byron LJacobs, Dennis EBach, T.Bledsoe, D.Hopkins, T.Mehlhorn, H. and Denholm, I.
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 39, (no. 4), pp. 671-674, 2002. | Journal Article
Distribution and prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in wild predators in Nebraska, Kansas, and Wyoming.
Storandt, S TVirchow, D RDryden, Michael WHygnstrom, S E and Kazacos, Kevin R
The Journal of parasitology, vol. 88, (no. 2), pp. 420-2, 2002/Apr. | Journal Article
Efficacy of a combination febantel-praziquantel-pyrantel product, with or without vaccination with a commercial Giardia vaccine, for treatment of dogs with naturally occurring giardiasis.
Payne, Patricia ARidley, Robert KDryden, Michael WBathgate, ChristineMilliken, George A and Stewart, Patricia W
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 220, (no. 3), pp. 330-3, 2002/Feb/1. | Journal Article
Insecticide susceptibilities of cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) from several regions of the United States.
Bossard, Robert LDryden, Michael W and Broce, Alberto B
Journal of medical entomology, vol. 39, (no. 5), pp. 742-6, 2002/Sep. | Journal Article
Integrated flea control for the 21st century.
Dryden, Michael W and Broce, A.B.
Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian., vol. 24, (no. 1A), pp. 36-40, 2002. | Journal Article
Effect of 0.29% w/w fipronil spray on adult flea mortality and egg production of three different cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche), strains infesting cats
Payne, Patricia ADryden, Michael WSmith, V. and Ridley, RK
Veterinary Parasitology, vol. 102, (no. 4), pp. 331-340, 2001. | Journal Article
Speed of flea kill with nitenpyram tablets compared to imidacloprid spot on and fipronil spot on in dogs.
Dryden, Michael WMcCoy, C.M. and Payne, Patricia A
Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian., vol. 23, (no. 3A), pp. 24-27, 2001. | Journal Article
Control of fleas on naturally infested dogs and cats and in private residences with topical spot applications of fipronil or imidacloprid
Dryden, Michael WDenenberg, TM and Bunch, S.
Veterinary Parasitology, vol. 93, (no. 1), pp. 69-75, 2000. | Journal Article
Effects of circadian rhythms and other bioassay factors on cat flea (Pulicidae: Siphonaptera) susceptibility to insecticides.
Bossard, R.L.Broce, Alberto B and Dryden, Michael W
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society., vol. 73, (no. 1), pp. 21-29, 2000. | Journal Article
Evaluation of the CatanDog's tag to prevent flea infestations, inhibit flea reproduction or repel existing flea infestations on cats.
Dryden, Michael WPayne, Patricia A and Smith, V
Veterinary parasitology. , vol. 92, (no. 4), pp. 303-8, 2000/Oct/20. | Journal Article
Pupation site selection of cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in various carpet types and its influence on insecticide efficacy.
Miller, RobertDryden, Michael WBroce, Alberto B and Suiter, D R
Journal of economic entomology, vol. 93, (no. 4), pp. 1391-7, 2000/Aug. | Journal Article
Efficacy of fenbendazole granules and pyrantel pamoate suspension against Toxocara canis in greyhounds housed in contaminated runs.
Dryden, Michael W and Ridley, R K
Veterinary parasitology. , vol. 82, (no. 4), pp. 311-5, 1999/May. | Journal Article
Emergence, survival, and fecundity of adult cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) exposed as pupae to juvenile hormone mimics.
Miller, RobertBroce, Alberto BDryden, Michael W and Throne, James E
Journal of medical entomology, vol. 36, (no. 6), pp. 776-9, 1999/Nov. | Journal Article
Susceptibility to Insect Growth Regulators and Cuticle Deposition of the Cat Flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) as a Function of Age
Miller, RobertBroce, Alberto BDryden, Michael W and Hopkins, T.
Journal of Medical Entomology, vol. 36, (no. 6), pp. 780-787, 1999. | Journal Article
Fleas and their control in the 21st century.
Dryden, Michael W
Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference., pp. 563, 1998. | Journal Article
Understanding persistent and recurrent flea problems.
Dryden, Michael W
Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference., pp. 559-560, 1998. | Journal Article
Rapid Assay for the Detection of Esterases in the Cat Flea, Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
Kambhampati, SriniBossard, R. and Dryden, Michael W
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society., vol. 70, (no. 2), pp. 129-132, 1997. | Journal Article
The biology, ecology, and management of the cat flea
Rust, Michael K and Dryden, Michael W
Annual Review of Entomology, vol. 42, pp. 451-473, 1997. | Journal Article
The biology, ecology, and management of the cat flea.
Rust, Michael K and Dryden, Michael W
Annual review of entomology., pp. 451-473, 1997. | Journal Article
The biology, ecology, and management of the cat flea.
Rust, Michael K and Dryden, Michael W
Annual review of entomology, vol. 42, pp. 451-73, 1997. | Journal Article
Diagnosis and control of gastrointestinal parasites in dogs and cats.
Dryden, M W
The Veterinary quarterly, vol. 18, pp. 42-43, April 1996. | Journal Article