3 Publications
Laryngeal function in normal dogs administered isoflurane following partial clearance of alfaxalone or propofol.
Kapaldo, NathanielKapaldo, NathanielKapaldo, NathanielKapaldo, NathanielMcMurphy, RoseMcMurphy, RoseMcMurphy, RoseMc Murphy, RoseHodgson, DavidHodgson, DavidHodgson, DavidHodgson, DavidRoush, JamesRoush, JamesRoush, JamesRoush, JamesBerke, KaraBerke, KaraBerke, KaraBerke, KaraKlocke, EmilyKlocke, EmilyKlocke, Emily and Klocke, Emily
Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia, vol. 48, (no. 4), pp. 493-500, July 2021. | Journal Article
Effects of inhaled nitric oxide 10 ppm in spontaneously breathing horses anaesthetized with halothane
Young, L. EMarlin, D. JMc Murphy, Rose MWalsh, K. and Dixon, P. M
British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 83, (no. 2), pp. 321-4, Aug 1999. | Journal Article
Cardiovascular effects of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 minimum alveolar concentrations of isoflurane in experimentally induced hypothyroidism in dogs.
Mc Murphy, Rose MHodgson, D SBruyette, D S and Fingland, R B
Veterinary surgery : VS : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, vol. 25, (no. 2), pp. 171-8, 1996 Mar-Apr. | Journal Article