19 Publications
Public History Review: "Leonard Bernstein: The Power of Music" Touring Exhibit, created at the National Museum of American Jewish History, March 16-September 2, 2018
Cohen, Judah
American Jewish History, vol. 103, (no. 4), pp. 571, 20191001. | Journal Article
quot;Leonard Bernstein: The Power of Music": Touring Exhibit, created at the National Museum of American Jewish History, March 16–September 2, 2018
Cohen, Judah
American Jewish History, vol. 103, (no. 4), pp. 573, 2019. | Journal Article
MORE-PERSISTENT WEAK STRATOSPHERIC POLAR VORTEX STATES LINKED TO COLD EXTREMES: Over recent decades, the stratospheric polar vortex has shifted toward more frequent weak states, which can explain Eurasian cooling trends in boreal winter in the era of Arctic amplification
Kretschmer, MarleneKretschmer, MarleneKretschmer, MarleneCoumou, DimCoumou, DimCoumou, DimAgel, LaurieAgel, LaurieAgel, LaurieBarlow, MathewBarlow, MathewBarlow, MathewTziperman, EliTziperman, EliTziperman, EliCohen, JudahCohen, Judah and Cohen, Judah
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 99, (no. 1), pp. 49, 20180101. | Journal Article
Embodying Musical Heritage in a New-Old Profession: American Jewish Cantorial Schools, 1904-1939
Cohen, Judah
Journal of the Society for American Music, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 52, 2017. | Journal Article
Embodying Musical Heritage in a New-Old Profession: American Jewish Cantorial Schools, 1904-1939
Cohen, Judah
Journal of the Society for American Music, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 52, 2017. | Journal Article
Higher education
Cohen, Judah
Journal of Jewish Identities, 2017. | Journal Article
Higher Education: Debbie Friedman in Chicago
Cohen, Judah M
Journal of Jewish Identities, vol. 10, (no. 1), pp. 26, 2017. | Journal Article
A holy brother's liberal legacy
Cohen, Judah
American Jewish History, 2016. | Journal Article
A Holy Brother’s Liberal Legacy: Shlomo Carlebach, Reform Judaism, and Hasidic Pluralism
Cohen, Judah M
American Jewish History, vol. 100, (no. 4), pp. 509, 2016. | Journal Article
Cohen, Judah
The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Jewish Cultures, 2015. | Journal Article
Debbie Friedman
Cohen, Judah
Musica Judaica, vol. 20, pp. 262, 20140101. | Journal Article
Debbie Friedman
Cohen, Judah
Musica Judaica, vol. 20, pp. 262, 20140101. | Journal Article
Debbie Friedman
Cohen, Judah
Musica Judaica, vol. 20, pp. 262, 20140101. | Journal Article
Amy Horowitz. Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2010. xvii, 251 pp
Cohen, Judah MCohen, Judah and Horowitz, Amy
AJS Review, vol. 35, (no. 1), pp. 216, 20110401. | Journal Article
Arabs and Jews in the Virgin Islands: A Search for Caribbean Paradigms.
Cohen, judah
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, vol. 6, (no. 2), pp. 213-223, 2011. | Journal Article
Hip-hop Judaica: the politics of representin' Heebster heritage
Cohen, Judah
Popular Music, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 1-18, Jan 2009. | Journal Article
Whither Jewish Music? Jewish Studies, Music Scholarship, and the Tilt Between Seminary and University
Cohen, Judah
Association for Jewish Studies. AJS Review, vol. 32, (no. 1), pp. 29-48, Apr 2008. | Journal Article
A Large-Ensemble Model Study of the Wintertime AO–NAO and the Role of Interannual Snow Perturbations
Gong, GavinGong, GavinEntekhabi, DaraEntekhabi, DaraCohen, Judah and Cohen, Judah
Journal of Climate, vol. 15, (no. 23), pp. 3499, 20021201. | Journal Article
Becoming a Reform Jewish cantor: A study in cultural investment (Dissertation)
Cohen, Judah (2002).