10 Publications
Public Sector Collective Bargaining: A Meta-Review. Review of Public Personnel Administration
. | Journal Article
OUP accepted manuscript
Publius. | Journal Article
Comparing Motivations for Including Enforcement in US COVID-19 State Executive Orders
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. | Journal Article
Cop Wisdom and the Democratic Consequences of Citizen–State Interactions
Administration & Society. | Journal Article
Police Performance As Symbolic Politics? Public Recognition and the Value of Awards
Federman, Peter Stanley
Public Performance & Management Review, pp. 1–25. | Journal Article
Comparative Public Management: Why National, Environmental, and Organizational Context Matters. Kenneth J.Meier, Amanda N.Rutherford, Claudia N.Avellaneda, eds. Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 2017. 272 pp. $32.95 (paper)
Federman, Peter Stanley
Governance, vol. 31, (no. 3), pp. 598, 2018-07-00. | Journal Article
Four Crises of American Democracy: Representation, Mastery, Discipline, Anticipation
Federman, Peter Stanley
Public Integrity, vol. 20, pp. 207–210. | Journal Article
In the Midst of an Epidemic: How Print Media Shapes Policy Feedback to the Opioid Crisis
Federman, Peter
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy, vol. 25, (no. 3), pp. 55, 20181001. | Journal Article
Beyond the Lavender Scare: LGBT and Heterosexual Employees in the Federal Workplace
Public Integrity. | Journal Article
-Book chapter-
In Digital Dashboards as Social Media. Social Media for Government: Theory and Practice