24 Publications
Observation of fermion-mediated interactions between bosonic atoms
DeSalvo, B JDeSalvo, B. J.Patel, KrutikPatel, KrutikCai, GeyueCai, GeyueChin, Cheng and Chin, Cheng
Nature, vol. 568, pp. 61–64. | Journal Article
Dynamics and interactions of particles in a thermophoretic trap
Foster, B.Fung, F.Fieweger, C.Usatyuk, M.Gaj, A.Desalvo, B.J. and Chin, C.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 10347. | Conference Proceeding
Observation of a Degenerate Fermi Gas Trapped by a Bose-Einstein Condensate
DeSalvo, B JDeSalvo, B.\hspace0.167emJ.Patel, KrutikPatel, KrutikJohansen, JacobJohansen, JacobChin, Cheng and Chin, Cheng
Physical Review Letters, vol. 119. | Journal Article
Stable thermophoretic trapping of generic particles at low pressures
Fung, FrankieUsatyuk, MykhayloDeSalvo, B. J. and Chin, Cheng
Applied Physics Letters, vol. 110, pp. 034102. | Journal Article
Testing universality of Efimov physics across broad and narrow Feshbach resonances
Johansen, JacobJohansen, JacobDesalvo, BDeSalvo, B. J.Patel, KrutikPatel, KrutikChin, Cheng and Chin, Cheng
Nature Physics, vol. 13, pp. 731–735. | Journal Article
Resonant Rydberg Dressing of Alkaline-Earth Atoms via Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
Gaul, CGaul, C.DeSalvo, B.\hspace0.167emJ.DeSalvo, B JAman, J AAman, J.\hspace0.167emA.Dunning, F.\hspace0.167emB.Dunning, F BKillian, T CKillian, T.\hspace0.167emC.Pohl, T. and Pohl, T
Physical Review Letters, vol. 116. | Journal Article
Rydberg-blockade effects in Autler-Townes spectra of ultracold strontium
DeSalvo, B. J.Aman, J. A.Gaul, C.Pohl, T.Yoshida, S.Burgdörfer, J.Hazzard, K. R. A.Dunning, F. B. and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review A, vol. 93. | Journal Article
Trap losses induced by near-resonant Rydberg dressing of cold atomic gases
Aman, J. A.DeSalvo, B. J.Dunning, F. B.Killian, T. C.Yoshida, S. and Burgdörfer, J.
Physical Review A, vol. 93. | Journal Article
Production of ultra-long-range Rydberg molecules in a divalent atomic system
DeSalvo, B JAman, JDunning, F BKillian, T CSadeghpour, H RYoshida, S and Burgdörfer, J
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 635, pp. 092023. | Journal Article
Trap losses due to near-resonant Rydberg dressing of cold atomic gases
DeSalvo, B.J.Aman, J.A.Dunning, F.B.Killian, T.C.Yoshida, S. and Burgdörfer, J.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 635. | Conference Proceeding
Ultra-long-range Rydberg molecules in a divalent atomic system
DeSalvo, B. J.Aman, J. A.Dunning, F. B.Killian, T. C.Sadeghpour, H. R.Yoshida, S. and Burgdörfer, J.
Physical Review A, vol. 92. | Journal Article
Mass scaling and nonadiabatic effects in photoassociation spectroscopy of ultracold strontium atoms
Borkowski, MateuszMorzyński, PiotrCiuryło, RomanJulienne, Paul S.Yan, MiDeSalvo, Brian J. and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review A, vol. 90. | Journal Article
Controlling Condensate Collapse and Expansion with an Optical Feshbach Resonance
Yan, M.Yan, MiDesalvo, B.J.DeSalvo, B. J.Ramachandhran, B.Ramachandhran, B.Pu, H.Pu, H.Killian, T.C. and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 110. | Journal Article
Optical feshbach resonances and coherent photoassociation in a strontium BEC
Killian, T.C.Yan, M.DeSalvo, B.J.Huang, Y.Ramachandhran, B.Naidon, P. and Pu, H.
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. | Conference Proceeding
Rabi oscillations between atomic and molecular condensates driven with coherent one-color photoassociation
Yan, M.Yan, MiDeSalvo, B JDesalvo, B.J.Huang, YingHuang, Y.Naidon, P.Naidon, Pascal RKillian, T.C. and Killian, Thomas C
Physical Review Letters, vol. 111. | Journal Article
Rabi Oscillations between Atomic and Molecular Condensates Driven with Coherent One-Color Photoassociation
Yan, MiDeSalvo, B. J.Huang, YingNaidon, P. and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 111. | Journal Article
Numerical modeling of collisional dynamics of Sr in an optical dipole trap
Yan, M.Chakraborty, R.Mazurenko, A.Mickelson, P. G.Escobar, Y. N. MartinezDeSalvo, B. J. and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review A, vol. 83. | Journal Article
Bose-Einstein condensation of Sr88 through sympathetic cooling with Sr87
Mickelson, P.G.Martinez De Escobar, Y.N.Yan, M.Desalvo, B.J. and Killian, T.C.
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, vol. 81. | Journal Article
Bose-Einstein condensation ofSr88through sympathetic cooling withSr87
Mickelson, P. G.Escobar, Y. N. MartinezYan, M.DeSalvo, B. J. and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review A, vol. 81. | Journal Article
Degenerate fermi gas of Sr87
Desalvo, B.J.Yan, M.Mickelson, P.G.Martinez De Escobar, Y.N. and Killian, T.C.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 105. | Journal Article
Degenerate Fermi Gas ofSr87
DeSalvo, B. J.Yan, M.Mickelson, P. G.Escobar, Y. N. Martinez and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 105. | Journal Article
Bose-Einstein condensation of Sr84
De Escobar, Y.N.M.Mickelson, P.G.Yan, M.Desalvo, B.J.Nagel, S.B. and Killian, T.C.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 103. | Journal Article
Bose-Einstein Condensation ofSr84
Escobar, Y. N. MartinezMickelson, P. G.Yan, M.DeSalvo, B. J.Nagel, S. B. and Killian, T. C.
Physical Review Letters, vol. 103. | Journal Article
Repumping and spectroscopy of laser-cooled Sr atoms using the (5s5p)3P2–(5s4d)3D2transition
Mickelson, P. GMickelson, P GEscobar, Y N Martinezde Escobar, Y. NAnzel, P.Anzel, PDeSalvo, B JDesalvo, B. JNagel, S. BNagel, S BTraverso, A JTraverso, A. JYan, MYan, M.Killian, Thomas C and Killian, T C
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 42, pp. 235001. | Journal Article