69 Publications (Page 3 of 3)
Travellers' self-protections against health risks: An application of the full Protection Motivation Theory
Wang, JieWang, JieLiu-Lastres, BingjieLiu-Lastres, BingjieRitchie, Brent W.Ritchie, Brent WMills, Deborah J. and Mills, Deborah J
Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 78, pp. 102743, September 2019. | Journal Article
Travellers self-protections against health risks: An application of the full Protection Motivation Theory. Annals of Tourism Research
. | Journal Article
Using the media's tweets to broaden previous conceptualizations of political travel risks
Schroeder, AshleyPennington-Gray, LoriKim, Hany and Liu-Lastres, Bingjie
Tourism Management Perspectives, vol. 26, pp. 117, April 2018. | Journal Article
-Book chapter-
Liu, Bingjie and Pennington-gray, Lori
In 14 Managing Health-related Crises in the Cruise Industry. (pp. 220). CABI. 2017
Managing Health-related Crises in the Cruise Industry
Cruise Ship Tourism, Edition. | Journal Article
Managing Health-related Crises in the Cruise Industry. Cruise Ship Tourism, Edition
Addressing travel writers’ role as risk brokers: the case of Jordan
Farajat, Suleiman A. D.Liu, Bingjie and Pennington-Gray, Lori
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, vol. 9, pp. 23–39. | Journal Article
Source market perceptions: How risky is Jordan to travel to?
Liu, BingjieSchroeder, AshleyPennington-Gray, Lori and Farajat, Suleiman A.D.
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, vol. 5, pp. 294–304. | Journal Article
Tourism crisis management: Can the Extended Parallel Process Model be used to understand crisis responses in the cruise industry?
Liu, BingjiePennington-Gray, Lori and Krieger, Janice
Tourism Management, vol. 55, pp. 310–321. | Journal Article
Bed bugs bite the hospitality industry? A framing analysis of bed bug news coverage
Tourism Management. | Journal Article
Developing a conceptual framework to understand local residents’ contribution in online travel communities
Liu, Bingjie and Norman, William C.
IJTA, vol. 4, pp. 367. | Journal Article
New York City Bed Bug Crisis as Framed by Tourists on Tripadvisor
Liu, BingjieLiu, BingjiePennington-Gray, LoriPennington-Gray, LoriDonohoe, HollyDonohoe, HollyOmodior, Oghenekaro and Omodior, Oghenekaro
Tourism Analysis, vol. 20, pp. 243–250. | Journal Article
Responding to the bed bug crisis in social media
International Journal of Hospitality Management. | Journal Article
Using social media in hotel crisis management: the case of bed bugs
Liu, BingjiePennington-Gray, Lori and Klemmer, Louisa
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. 6, pp. 102–112. | Journal Article
A Flash of Culinary Tourism: Understanding The Influences of Online Food Photography on People’s Travel Planning Process on Flickr
Liu, IngjieNorman, William C. and Pennington-Gray, Lori
Tourism Culture & Communication, vol. 13, pp. 5–18. | Journal Article
Images of safe tourism destinations in the United States held by African Americans
PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural. | Journal Article
Images of safe tourism destinations in the United States held by African Americans. PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
Shoot, taste and post: an exploratory study of food and tourism experiences in an online image-share community.
e-Review of Tourism Research. | Journal Article
Shoot, taste and post: an exploratory study of food and tourism experiences in an online image-share community. e-Review of Tourism Research