69 Publications (Page 2 of 3)
Travel despite the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for tourism recovery. Frontiers in Psychology
. | Journal Article
Using the extended parallel process model (EPPM) to explore US consumers dining behaviors during COVID-19
British Food Journal. | Journal Article
Applying Crowd Risk Mitigation Technologies in Urban Sport Events
Weaver, Kennedy and Liu-Lastres, Bingjie L
Events and Tourism Review, vol. 4, (no. 2), Dec 17, 2021. | Journal Article
Are female business travelers willing to travel during COVID-19? An exploratory study
Liu-Lastres, BingjieMirehie, Mona and Cecil, Amanda
Journal of Vacation Marketing, pp. 135676672098787. | Journal Article
Are we missing the boat? Examining managers' perspectives on employee wellbeing in the foodservice industry
Liu-Lastres, Bingjie and Wen, Han
Journal of Qualitative Research in Tourism, vol. 2, (no. 1), pp. 60-67, May 2021. | Journal Article
Developing a resilience-based adaptive co-management framework: public sectors' insights on the role of tourism
Cahyanto, Ignatius PLiu-Lastres, Bingjie and Edwards, Chase
Journal of policy research in tourism, leisure and events, vol. 13, (no. 2), pp. 204-221, May 4, 2021. | Journal Article
Does robotic service improve restaurant consumer experiences? An application of the value-co-creation framework
Jain, Namrata RLiu-Lastres, Bingjie and Wen, Han
Journal of Foodservice Business Research. | Journal Article
Examining the impact of psychological capital on workplace outcomes of ethnic minority foodservice employees
International Journal of Hospitality Management. | Journal Article
Exploring the host-Guest interaction in tourism crisis communication
Cahyanto, Ignatius P
Current issues in tourism, vol. 24, (no. 15), pp. 2097-2109, Aug 3, 2021. | Journal Article
How do ethnic minority foodservice workers perceive employee well-being? An exploratory study
Wen, Han
Journal of hospitality and tourism management, vol. 46, pp. 376-383, Mar 2021. | Journal Article
How do Ethnic Minority Foodservice Workers Perceive Employee Well-Being? An Exploratory Study. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Crisis communication and organizational learning: A case study of the 2010 New York city bed bug crisis
Liu-Lastres, BingjieBufkin, Alexa and Kim, Hany
In Organizational learning in tourism and hospitality crisis management (vol. 8). (pp. 205-218). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. 2021. | Book Chapter
Business travel, risk, and safety of female university faculty and staff
Mirehie, MonaLiu-Lastres, B.Cecil, A. and Jain, N.
Annals of Leisure Research, pp. 1–19. | Journal Article
Can post-disaster tourism development improve destination livelihoods? A case study of Aceh, Indonesia
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. | Journal Article
Learning from past crises: Evaluating hotels’ online crisis responses to health crises
Liu-Lastres, BingjieKim, Hany and Ying, Tianyu
Tourism and hospitality research, vol. 20, (no. 3), pp. 372-378, Jul 2020. | Journal Article
Norovirus on Cruise Ships: Should Americans be Worried?
Liu-Lastres, Bingjie and Ogbeide, Godwin-Charles
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases, vol. 8, pp. 23–33. | Journal Article
Norovirus on Cruise Ships: Should Americans Be Worried?
Liu-Lastres, Bingjie and Ogbeide, Godwin-Charles
International CHRIE
Risk perception, media exposure, and visitor s behavior responses to Florida Red Tide
Cahyanto, Ignatius and Liu-Lastres, Bingjie
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. | Journal Article
Cruise Line Customers’ Responses to Risk and Crisis Communication Messages: An Application of the Risk Perception Attitude Framework
Liu-Lastres, BingjieSchroeder, Ashley and Pennington-Gray, Lori
Journal of travel research, vol. 58, (no. 5), pp. 849-865, May 2019. | Journal Article
Exploring inbound tourists experience in Beijing, China: an online deductive approach
Liu, YuLiu-Lastres, BingjieWang, Qiuju and Fu, Yao-Yi
International Journal of Tourism Cities, vol. 5, (no. 3), pp. 450, 20191129. | Journal Article
Industry convergence in rural tourism development: a China-featured term or a new initiative?
Shen, WeiliLiu-Lastres, BingjiePennington-Gray, LoriHu, Xiaohai and Liu, Jiayi
Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 22, (no. 20), pp. 2457, 12/14/2019. | Journal Article
-Book chapter-
In Managing the reputation of cruise lines in times of crisis A review of current practices. Reputation and Image Recovery for the Tourism Industry
Risk reduction and adventure tourism safety: An extension of the risk perception attitude framework (RPAF)
Wang, JieWang, JieLiu-Lastres, BingjieLiu-Lastres, BingjieRitchie, Brent WRitchie, Brent W.Pan, Dong-Zi and Pan, Dong-Zi
Tourism Management, vol. 74, pp. 257, October 2019. | Journal Article
Risk reduction and adventure tourism safety: An extension of the risk perception attitude framework (RPAF) Tourism Management
. | Journal Article
Thirty Years of Research on Tourism Safety and Security: A Comparative Automated Content Analysis Approach
Wang, JieLiu-Lastres, BingjieShi, Yong and Li, Tingting
Journal of China Tourism Research, vol. 15, (no. 3), pp. 358, 7/3/2019. | Journal Article