
The Katzenellenbogen Laboratory conducts research on human papillomavirus (HPV).  HPV is a very common infection, affecting more than 75% of the adult population.  HPV is categorized as high-risk or low-risk, based on its association with cancer; nearly 5% of cancers worldwide are caused by HPV.  In the Katzenellenbogen Laboratory, the focus is on the host-pathogen interactions that activate oncogenic pathways and dysregulate typical cellular processes to permit cancer development and progression of HPV-associated cancers.  The laboratory conducts fundamental molecular biology studies and works to link those models of disease to true pathophysiology in people. 

My research focuses on the fundamental mechanisms by which high-risk HPV infections drive cancer development and progression in host cells. I focus on the collaboration of the high-risk HPV oncogenes, E6 and E7, with cellular proteins to dysregulate key pathways and genes that are shared among infection-associated and non-infection associated cancers. I also conduct research on the synergy between HPV and HIV in accelerating cervical cancer development in Uganda.

Past Affiliations

Member, Herman B. Wells Center for Pediatric Research, Centers and Institutes, Indiana University School of Medicine

Adolescent Medicine

Resident, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Washington (past)

Oncology, Family Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics
MD, Johns Hopkins University, Medicine, 1999
AB, Harvard University, Chemistry, 1994
adolescent health sexually transmitted diseases--std womens health immunological & bioassay methods molecular cloning deoxyribonucleic acid, dna tissue culture pediatrics molecular pathology cell & developmental biology biochemistry & molecular biology proteomics dna sequencing ribonucleic acid, rna

Medical Student Research Fellowship (Oncology Reseach), Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Johns Hopkins University), 1997-1998

Alpha Omega Alpha
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Society for Microbiology
Society for Adolescent Medicine
Society for Pediatric Research