139 Publications (Page 2 of 6)
Maternal care can rapidly induce an odor-guided huddling preference in rat pups
Kojima, Sayuri and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Developmental Psychobiology, vol. 51, (no. 1), pp. 95-105, 2009. | Journal Article
Orbital Spaceflight During Pregnancy Shapes Function of Mammalian Vestibular System
Ronca, April EFritzsch, BerndBruce, Laura L and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 122, (no. 1), Feb 2008. | Journal Article
Self‐Sensitivity in Fetal Development
Alberts, Jeffrey R
Infancy, vol. 13, (no. 3), pp. 274, May‐June 2008. | Journal Article
The Nature of Nurturant Niches in Ontogeny
Alberts, Jeffrey R
Philosophical Psychology, vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 303, 6/1/2008. | Journal Article
Huddling by rat pups: ontogeny of individual and group behavior.
Alberts, Jeffrey R
Developmental psychobiology, vol. 49, (no. 1), pp. 22-32, 2007/Jan. | Journal Article
Maternal anesthesia via isoflurane or ether differentially affects pre-and postnatal behavior in rat offspring
Ronca, April EAbel, Regina A and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Developmental Psychobiology, vol. 49, (no. 7), pp. 675-684, 2007. | Journal Article
Rat Behavioral Thermoregulation Integrates With Nonshivering Thermogenesis During Postnatal Development
Farrell, William and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 121, (no. 6), Dec 2007. | Journal Article
Effects of Labor Contractions on Catecholamine Release and Breathing Frequency in Newborn Rats
Ronca, April EAbel, Regina ARonan, Patrick JRenner, Kenneth J and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 120, (no. 6), pp. 1308, Dec 2006. | Journal Article
Development as adaptation: a paradigm for gravitational and space biology.
Alberts, Jeffrey and Ronca, April E
Advances in space biology and medicine, vol. 10, pp. 175-207, 2005. | Journal Article
Housing Pregnant Mice (Mus musculus) in Small Groups Facilitates the Development of Odor-Based Homing in Offspring
Honeycutt, Hunter and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Journal of Comparative Psychology, vol. 119, (no. 4), pp. 418-429, Nov 2005. | Journal Article
The validity and utility of geotaxis in young rodents
Motz, BAMotz, Benjamin A.Alberts, Jeffrey R. and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol. 27, (no. 4), pp. 529-533, 2005. | Journal Article
Positive Geotaxis in Infant Rats (Rattus norvegicus )
Alberts, Jeffrey R.Alberts, Jeffrey RMotz, Benjamin AMotz, Benjamin A.Schank, Jeffrey C and Schank, Jeffrey C.
Journal of Comparative Psychology, vol. 118, (no. 2), pp. 132, 20040600. | Journal Article
Positive geotaxis in infant rats (Rattus norvegicus): A natural behavior and a historical correction
Alberts, JeffreyAlberts, Jeffrey RMotz, Benjamin AMotz, BenjaminSchank, Jeffrey and Schank, Jeffrey C
Journal of Comparative Psychology, vol. 118, (no. 2), pp. 123, Jun 2004. | Journal Article
Gastric saline infusion reduces ultrasonic vocalizations and brown fat activity in suckling rat pups.
Nelson, Eric E and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Developmental psychobiology, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 160-7, 2002/Mar. | Journal Article
Maternal Responsiveness to Infant Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus ) Ultrasonic Vocalizations During the Maternal Behavior Cycle and After Steroid and Experiential Induction Regimens
Farrell, William J and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Journal of Comparative Psychology, vol. 116, (no. 3), pp. 296, 20020900. | Journal Article
Simply complex: essentialism trumps reductionism.
Alberts, Jeffrey R
Current neurology and neuroscience reports, vol. 2, (no. 5), pp. 379-81, 2002/Sep. | Journal Article
Stimulus control of maternal responsiveness to Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) pup ultrasonic vocalizations.
Farrell, William and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983), vol. 116, (no. 3), pp. 297-307, 2002/Sep. | Journal Article
A general approach for calculating the likelihood of dyadic interactions: Applications to sex preferences in rat pups and agonistic interactions in adults
Schank, Jeffrey C and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Animal Learning & Behavior, vol. 28, (no. 4), pp. 354-359, 2000. | Journal Article
Effects of Male Rat Urine on Reproductive and Developmental Parameters in the Dam and Her Female Offspring
Schank, Jeffrey C and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Hormones and Behavior, vol. 38, (no. 2), pp. 130-136, 2000. | Journal Article
Effects of microgravity on vestibular development and function in rats: genetics and environment.
Ronca, April EFritzsch, BerndAlberts, Jeffrey R and Bruce, Laura L
Korean journal of biological sciences, vol. 4, (no. 3), pp. 215-21, 2000/Sep. | Journal Article
Effects of prenatal spaceflight on vestibular responses in neonatal rats
Ronca, April and Alberts, Jeffrey
Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 89, (no. 6), pp. 2324, 2000-12-01. | Journal Article
Effects of prenatal spaceflight on vestibular responses in neonatal rats
Ronca, April and Alberts, Jeffrey
Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 89, (no. 6), pp. 2324, 2000-12-01. | Journal Article
Physiology of a Microgravity Environment Selected Contribution: Effects of spaceflight during pregnancy on labor and birth at 1 G
Ronca, AprilRonca, AprilAlberts, Jeffrey and Alberts, Jeffrey
Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 89, (no. 2), pp. 854, 2000-08-01. | Journal Article
Physiology of a Microgravity Environment Selected Contribution: Effects of spaceflight during pregnancy on labor and birth at 1 G
Ronca, AprilRonca, AprilAlberts, Jeffrey and Alberts, Jeffrey
Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 89, (no. 2), pp. 854, 2000-08-01. | Journal Article
The developmental emergence of coupled activity as cooperative aggregation in rat pups
Schank, Jeffrey C and Alberts, Jeffrey R
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, vol. 267, (no. 1459), pp. 2307-2315, 2000. | Journal Article