131 Publications (Page 5 of 6)
The Sexual Response
Janssen, E., Prause, N., & Geer, J. and Janssen, Erick
Unprotected Anal Intercourse in HIV Positive and HIV Negative Gay Men: the Relevance of Sexual Arousability, Mood, Sensation Seeking, and Erectile Problems
Bancroft, J., Carnes, L., & Janssen, E. and Janssen, Erick
(pp. 299-305). 2005
Unprotected Anal Intercourse in HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Gay Men: The Relevance of Sexual Arousability, Mood, Sensation Seeking, and Erectile Problems
Bancroft, JohnCarnes, Lori and Janssen, Erick
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 299-305, Jun 2005. | Journal Article
Classical Conditioning of Sexual Arousal in Women and Men: Effects of Varying Awareness and Biological Relevance of the Conditioned Stimulus
Hoffmann, HeatherJanssen, Erick and Turner, Stefanie L
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 33, (no. 1), pp. 43-53, Feb 2004. | Journal Article
Classical conditioning of sexual arousal in women and men: Effects of varying awareness and biological relevance of the CS
Hoffmann, H., Janssen, E., & Turner, S. and Janssen, Erick
(pp. 43-53). 2004
Sexual activity and risk taking in young heterosexual men: the relevance of sexual arousability, mood, and sensation seeking
Bancroft, JohnBancroft, JohnJanssen, ErickCarnes, LoriCarnes, LoriGoodrich, DavidGoodrich, DavidJanssen, ErickStrong, DavidLong, ScottLong, J. Scott and Strong, David
Journal of Sex Research, vol. 41, (no. 2), pp. 181-192, 2004. | Journal Article
Priming the sexual system: Implicit versus explicit activation
Spiering, MarkEveraerd, Walter and Janssen, Erick
The Journal of Sex Research, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 134, May 2003. | Journal Article
Selecting films for sex research: Gender differences in erotic film preference
Janssen, E., Carpenter, D., & Graham, C. and Janssen, Erick
(pp. 243-251). 2003
Selecting Films for Sex Research: Gender Differences in Erotic Film Preference
Janssen, ErickCarpenter, Deanna L and Graham, Cynthia
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 243-51, Jun 2003. | Journal Article
Sexual risk-taking in gay men: the relevance of sexual arousability, mood, and sensation seeking.
Bancroft, JohnBancroft, JohnJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickStrong, DavidStrong, DavidCarnes, LoriCarnes, LoriVukadinovic, ZoranVukadinovic, ZoranLong, J Scott and Long, Scott
Archives of sexual behavior, vol. 32, (no. 6), pp. 555-72, 2003/Dec. | Journal Article
Sexual risk taking in gay men: The relevance of sexual arousability, mood and sensation seeking
Bancroft, J., Janssen, E., Strong, D., Carnes, L., Vukadinovic, Z., & Long. J. S. and Janssen, Erick
(pp. 555-572). 2003
The Relation Between Mood and Sexuality in Gay Men
Bancroft, JohnBancroft, JohnJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickStrong, DavidStrong, DavidVukadinovic, Zoran and Vukadinovic, Zoran
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 231-42, Jun 2003. | Journal Article
The Relation Between Mood and Sexuality in Heterosexual Men
Bancroft, JohnBancroft, JohnJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickStrong, DavidStrong, DavidCarnes, LoriCarnes, LoriVukadinovic, ZoranVukadinovic, ZoranLong, Scott and Long, J Scott
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 32, (no. 3), pp. 217-30, Jun 2003. | Journal Article
The Sexual Inhibition (SIS) and Sexual Excitation (SES) Scales: II. Predicting psychophysiological response pattens.
Janssen, ErickVorst, HarrieFinn, Peter and Bancroft, John
Journal of sex research, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 127-32, 2002/May. | Journal Article
The Sexual Inhibition (SIS) and Sexual Excitation (SES) Scales: II: predicting psychophysiological response patterns
Janssen, ErickVorst, H. CFinn, Peter R and Bancroft, John
Journal of Sex Research, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 127-32, 2002. | Journal Article
The Sexual Inhibition (SIS) and Sexual Excitation (SES) Scales: II. Predicting psychophysiological response patterns
Janssen, E., Vorst, H., Finn, P., & Bancroft, J. and Janssen, Erick
(pp. 127-132). 2002
The Sexual Inhibition (SIS) and Sexual Excitation (SES) Scales: I. Measuring sexual inhibition and excitation proneness in men
Janssen, E., Vorst, H., Finn, P., & Bancroft, J. and Janssen, Erick
(pp. 114-126). 2002
The Sexual Inhibition (SIS) and Sexual Excitation (SES) Scales: I. Measuring sexual inhibition and excitation proneness in men.
Janssen, ErickVorst, H. CFinn, Peter R and Bancroft, John
Journal of sex research, vol. 39, (no. 2), pp. 114-26, 2002/May. | Journal Article
Annual Review of Sex Research (Vol. III)
Janssen, Erick
(pp. 639-643). Dec 2001
Automatic processes and the appraisal of sexual stimuli: toward an information processing model of sexual arousal
Janssen, ErickEveraerd, W.Spiering, M. and Janssen, J.
Journal of Sex Research, vol. 37, (no. 1), pp. 8-23, 2000. | Journal Article
Effects of fragrance on female sexual arousal and mood across the menstrual cycle.
Graham, CynthiaJanssen, Erick and Sanders, Stephanie A
Psychophysiology, vol. 37, (no. 1), pp. 76-84, 2000/Jan. | Journal Article
Sexual function after hysterectomy.
Rozenman, D and Janssen, E
(pp. 2238-2239). May 3, 2000
The dual control model of male sexual response: a theoretical approach to centrally mediated erectile dysfunction
Bancroft, John and Janssen, Erick
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 571-579, 2000. | Journal Article
Continuous monitoring of affective-autonomic response dissociation in repressers during negative emotional stimulation
Brosschot, Jos F and Janssen, Erick
Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 25, (no. 1), pp. 84, 1998. | Journal Article
Continuous monitoring of affective-autonomic response dissociation in repressors during negative emotional stimulation
Brosschot, J. F and Janssen, Erick
Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 25, (no. 1), pp. 69-84, 1998. | Journal Article