131 Publications (Page 3 of 6)
Correlates of condom-associated erection problems in young, heterosexual men: condom fit, self-efficacy, perceptions, and motivations.
Sanders, Stephanie AHill, Brandon JCrosby, Richard and Janssen, Erick
AIDS and behavior, vol. 18, (no. 1), pp. 128-34, 2014/Jan. | Journal Article
Introducing a Software-Based Method to Assess and Manipulate Visual Attention: Feasibility and Initial Validation
Samson, Lelia and Janssen, Erick
Communication Methods and Measures, vol. 8, (no. 4), pp. 278, 10/2/2014. | Journal Article
Patterns of sexual arousal in young, heterosexual men who experience condom-associated erection problems (CAEP).
Janssen, ErickSanders, Stephanie AHill, Brandon JAmick, ErickOversen, DrakeKvam, Peter and Ingelhart, Kara
The journal of sexual medicine, vol. 11, (no. 9), pp. 2285-2291, September 2014. | Journal Article
Physiological reactivity in a community sample of sexually aggressive young men: A test of competing hypotheses
Peterson, Zoë DPeterson, Zoe DJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickGoodrich, DavidGoodrich, DavidHeiman, Julia R and Heiman, Julia R
Aggressive Behavior, vol. 40, (no. 2), pp. 164, 2014-03-00. | Journal Article
Predictors of men's sexual response to erotic film stimuli: the role of affect and self-reported thoughts.
Oliveira, CátiaLaja, PedroCarvalho, JoanaQuinta Gomes, AnaVilarinho, SandraJanssen, Erick and Nobre, Pedro J
The journal of sexual medicine, vol. 11, (no. 11), pp. 2701-2708, November 2014. | Journal Article
Sexual and Affective Responses to Same- and Opposite-Sex Stimuli in Heterosexual and Homosexual Men: Assessment and Manipulation of Visual Attention
Samson, Lelia and Janssen, Erick
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 43, (no. 5), pp. 917-30, Jul 2014. | Journal Article
The effect of condoms on penile vibrotactile sensitivity thresholds in young, heterosexual men.
Hill, BrandonJanssen, ErickKvam, PeterAmick, Erick E and Sanders, Stephanie A
The journal of sexual medicine, vol. 11, (no. 1), pp. 102-6, 2014/Jan. | Journal Article
The Role of Classical Conditioning in Sexual Compulsivity: A Pilot Study
Hoffmann, HeatherGoodrich, DavidWilson, Molly and Janssen, Erick
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, vol. 21, (no. 2), pp. 91, 4/3/2014. | Journal Article
The role of conditioning in sexual compulsivity
Hoffmann, HGoodrich, DWilson, M and Janssen, Erick
2014. | Journal Article
Gender Differences in Sexual Arousal and Affective Responses to Erotica: The Effects of Type of Film and Fantasy Instructions
Carvalho, JoanaGomes, AnaLaja, PedroOliveira, CátiaVilarinho, SandraJanssen, Erick and Nobre, Pedro
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 42, (no. 6), pp. 1011-9, Aug 2013. | Journal Article
Individual differences in the effects of mood on sexuality: the revised Mood and Sexuality Questionnaire (MSQ-R).
Janssen, ErickMacapagal, Kathryn and Mustanski, Brian
Journal of sex research, vol. 50, (no. 7), pp. 676-87, 2013. | Journal Article
Attentional and Affective Processing of Sexual Stimuli in Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Brauer, Mariekevan Leeuwen, MatthijsJanssen, ErickNewhouse, Sarah KHeiman, Julia R and Laan, Ellen
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 41, (no. 4), pp. 891-905, Aug 2012. | Journal Article
Risk, Individual Differences, and Environment: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Sexual Risk-Taking
Nagoski, EmilyJanssen, ErickLohrmann, David and Nichols, Eric
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 41, (no. 4), pp. 849-860, 2012. | Journal Article
The Effect of Pre-Existing Affect on the Sexual Responses of Women With and Without a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Rellini, AlessandraElinson, SamanthaJanssen, Erick and Meston, Cindy M
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 41, (no. 2), pp. 329-339, 2012. | Journal Article
The effects of similarity in sexual excitation, inhibition, and mood on sexual arousal problems and sexual satisfaction in newlywed couples.
Lykins, Amy DLykins, AmyJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickNewhouse, SarahNewhouse, SarahHeiman, Julia RHeiman, JuliaRafaeli, Eshkol and Rafaeli, Eshkol
The journal of sexual medicine, vol. 9, (no. 5), pp. 1360-6, 2012/May. | Journal Article
Incorporating Emotions Specific to the Sexual Response into Theories of Emotion Using the Indiana Sexual and Affective Word Set
Stevenson, Ryan AStevenson, Laurel DRupp, HeatherKim, SunahJanssen, Erick and James, Thomas W
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 40, (no. 1), pp. 59-78, 2011. | Journal Article
Infidelity in Heterosexual Couples: Demographic, Interpersonal, and Personality-Related Predictors of Extradyadic Sex
Mark, KristenMark, KristenJanssen, ErickJanssen, ErickMilhausen, Robin R and Milhausen, Robin
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 40, (no. 5), pp. 971-982, Oct 2011. | Journal Article
In search of something our study was not about: response to bailey, rieger, and rosenthal (2011).
Janssen, Erick and Cerny, Jerome A
Archives of sexual behavior, vol. 40, (no. 6), pp. 1297-300, 2011/Dec. | Journal Article
Marital Satisfaction and Communication Behaviors During Sexual and Nonsexual Conflict Discussions in Newlywed Couples: A Pilot Study
Rehman, UzmaJanssen, ErickNewhouse, SarahHeiman, JuliaHoltzworth Munroe, AmyFallis, Erin and Rafaeli, Eshkol
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, vol. 37, (no. 2), pp. 94-103, 2011. | Journal Article
Patterns of Sexual Arousal in Homosexual, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Men
Cerny, Jerome A and Janssen, Erick
Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 40, (no. 4), pp. 687-697, 2011. | Journal Article
Sexual arousal in men: A review and conceptual analysis
Janssen, Erick
Hormones and Behavior, vol. 59, (no. 5), pp. 708-716, May 2011. | Journal Article
Sexual desire, sexual arousal and hormonal differences in premenopausal US and Dutch women with and without low sexual desire
Heiman, Julia RRupp, HeatherJanssen, ErickNewhouse, Sarah KBrauer, Marieke and Laan, Ellen
Hormones and Behavior, vol. 59, (no. 5), pp. 772-779, May 2011. | Journal Article
The effects of impulsivity, sexual arousability, and abstract intellectual ability on men's and women's go/no-go task performance.
Macapagal, KathrynJanssen, ErickFridberg, Daniel JFinn, Peter R and Heiman, Julia R
Archives of sexual behavior, vol. 40, (no. 5), pp. 995-1006, 2011/Oct. | Journal Article
The valence of sex: Automatic affective associations in erotophilia and erotophobia
Macapagal, Kathryn and Janssen, Erick
Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 51, (no. 6), pp. 699-703, 2011. | Journal Article
Association Between Sexual Aggression and HIV Risk Behavior in Heterosexual Men
Peterson, Zoë DJanssen, Erick and Heiman, Julia
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, vol. 25, (no. 3), pp. 538 - 556, 2010. | Journal Article