
My research explores notions of authorship and the relationship between lyric text and melodic setting. I investigate the fundamental tension between song as an ephemeral performance and as a fixed, written text, including the mise en page and manuscript context of song. On this last point, my work on lyric intersects with my other main research focus: medieval manuscripts and the history of the book.

I am particularly interested in manuscript fragments, and in using digital tools to virtually reassemble books that have been dismantled and libraries that have been dispersed.

Research areas:

  • Medieval French and Occitan literature, particularly lyric and romance
  • Relationship between text and music
  • Medieval manuscripts, book history, paleography and codicology, manuscript fragments
  • Medievalism, reception of the Middle Ages, history of Medieval Studies.


  • France
  • Literature
  • Medieval
  • Music

Research Interests

  • Medieval French and Occitan literature, particularly lyric and romance; medieval manuscripts and the history of the book; and the reception of the Middle Ages

Research Interests:

  • Medieval French and Occitan literature, particularly lyric and romance; relationship between text and music; medieval manuscripts, book history, paleography and codicology, manuscript fragments; medievalism, reception of the Middle Ages, history of Medieval Studies.
PhD, Yale University, French, 2017
BMus, University of Georgia, Music Performance, 2007
BA, University of Georgia, French and German, 2007