59 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Light availability and rhizobium variation interactively mediate the outcomes of legume–rhizobium symbiosisHeath, Katy D⋅Podowski, Justin C⋅Heniff, Stephanie⋅Klinger, Christie R⋅Burke, Patricia V⋅Weese, Dylan J⋅Yang, Wendy H and Lau, Jennifer AAmerican Journal of Botany, vol. 107, (no. 2), pp. 238, February 2020.
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Novel plant–microbe interactions: Rapid evolution of a legume–rhizobium mutualism in restored prairiesMagnoli, Susan M and Lau, Jennifer AJournal of Ecology, 2020-03-06.
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Phenology in a warming world: differences between native and non‐native plant speciesZettlemoyer, Meredith A⋅Schultheis, Elizabeth H⋅Lau, Jennifer A and Vila, MontserratEcology Letters, vol. 22, (no. 8), pp. 1263, August 2019.
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Effects of multiple mutualists on plants and their associated arthropod communitiesKeller, Kane⋅Carabajal, Sara⋅Navarro, Felipe and Lau, JenniferOecologia, vol. 186, (no. 1), pp. 194, 20180100.
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Evolution of increased Medicaco polymorpha size during invasion does not result in increased competitive abilityGetman-Pickering, Zoe⋅terHorst, Casey⋅Magnoli, Susan and Lau, JenniferOecologia, vol. 188, (no. 1), pp. 212, 20180900.
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Genetic variation in mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in an invasive legume.terHorst, Casey P⋅Wirth, Camdilla and Lau, Jennifer AOecologia, June 25, 2018.
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Long-term research in ecology and evolution: a survey of challenges and opportunitiesKuebmng, Sara⋅Reimer, Adam⋅Rosenthal, Seth⋅Feinberg, Geoffrey⋅Leiserowitz, Anthony⋅Lau, Jennifer and Bradford, MarkEcological Monographs, vol. 88, (no. 2), pp. 245, 20180501.
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When mutualisms matter: Rhizobia effects on plant communities depend on host plant population and soil nitrogen availabilityKeller, Kane R⋅Lau, Jennifer A and Shefferson, RichardJournal of Ecology, vol. 106, (no. 3), pp. 1056, May 2018.
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Long‐term agricultural management does not alter the evolution of a soybean–rhizobium mutualismSchmidt, Jennifer E⋅Weese, Dylan J and Lau, Jennifer AEcological Applications, vol. 27, (no. 8), pp. 2496, December 2017.
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Long-Term Research in Ecology and Evolution : 2015 survey dataBradford, Mark⋅Leiserowitz, Anthony⋅Feinberg, Geoffrey⋅Rosenthal, Seth and Lau, JenniferEcology, vol. 98, (no. 11), pp. 2980, 20171101.
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Long‐Term Research in Ecology and Evolution (LTREE): 2015 survey dataBradford, Mark A⋅Leiserowitz, Anthony⋅Feinberg, Geoffrey⋅Rosenthal, Seth A and Lau, Jennifer AEcology, vol. 98, (no. 11), pp. 2980, November 2017.
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Quantifying nonadditive selection caused by indirect ecological effects: ReplyterHorst, Casey P⋅terHorst, Casey P⋅Lau, Jennifer A⋅Lau, Jennifer A⋅Conner, Jeffrey K and Conner, Jeffrey KEcology, vol. 98, (no. 4), pp. 1175, April 2017.
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Testing genotypic variation of an invasive plant species in response to soil disturbance and herbivoryBayliss, Shannon⋅Bayliss, Shannon L J⋅terHorst, Casey P⋅terHorst, Casey⋅Lau, Jennifer A and Lau, JenniferOecologia, vol. 183, (no. 4), pp. 1141, 20170400.
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Decoupled genomic elements and the evolution of partner quality in nitrogen‐fixing rhizobiaGordon, Benjamin R⋅Klinger, Christie R⋅Weese, Dylan J⋅Lau, Jennifer A⋅Burke, Patricia V⋅Dentinger, Bryn T. M and Heath, Katy DEcology and Evolution, vol. 6, (no. 5), pp. 1327, March 2016.
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Ecological genomics of mutualism decline in nitrogen-fixing bacteriaKlinger, Christie R⋅Lau, Jennifer A and Heath, Katy DProceedings. Biological sciences, vol. 283, (no. 1826), pp. 20152563, 2016-Mar-16.
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The changing nature of plant-microbe interactions during a biological invasionLau, Jennifer and Suwa, TomomiBiological Invasions, vol. 18, (no. 12), pp. 3527-3534, Dec 2016.
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Genetic variation in invasive species response to direct and indirect species interactionsTerhorst, Casey P⋅terHorst, Casey P⋅Lau, Jennifer A and Lau, Jennifer ABiological Invasions, vol. 17, (no. 2), pp. 659, 2015-02-00.
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Long-term nitrogen addition causes the evolution of less-cooperative mutualistsWeese, Dylan J⋅Heath, Katy D⋅Dentinger, Bryn T. M and Lau, Jennifer AEvolution, vol. 69, (no. 3), pp. 642, 2015-03-00.
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No release for the wicked: enemy release is dynamic and not associated with invasivenessSchultheis, Elizabeth H⋅Berardi, Andrea E and Lau, Jennifer AEcology, vol. 96, (no. 9), pp. 2457, 2015-September.
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Quantifying nonadditive selection caused by indirect ecological effectsTerHorst, Casey P⋅terHorst, Casey P⋅Lau, Jennifer A⋅Lau, Jennifer A⋅Cooper, Idelle A⋅Cooper, Idelle A⋅Keller, Kane R⋅Keller, Kane R⋅Rosa, Raffica J. La⋅La Rosa, Raffica J⋅Royer, Anne M⋅Royer, Anne M⋅Schultheis, Elizabeth H⋅Schultheis, Elizabeth H⋅Suwa, Tomomi⋅Suwa, Tomomi⋅Conner, Jeffrey K and Conner, Jeffrey KEcology, vol. 96, (no. 9), pp. 2369, 2015-September.
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Correction to ‘The relative importance of rapid evolution for plant-microbe interactions depends on ecological context’terHorst, Casey P⋅Lennon, Jay T and Lau, Jennifer AProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 281, (no. 1791), pp. 20141615, 2014-09-22.
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The relative importance of rapid evolution for plant-microbe interactions depends on ecological contextTerhorst, Casey P⋅Terhorst, Casey P⋅Lennon, Jay T⋅Lennon, Jay T⋅Lau, Jennifer A and Lau, Jennifer AProceedings. Biological sciences, vol. 281, (no. 1785), pp. 20140028, 2014-Jun-22.
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Trophic consequences of a biological invasion: do plant invasions increase predator abundance?Lau, Jennifer AOikos, vol. 122, (no. 3), pp. 474-480, Mar 2013.
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Direct and indirect transgenerational effects alter plant-herbivore interactionsterHorst, Casey P and Lau, Jennifer AEvolutionary Ecology, vol. 26, (no. 6), pp. 1469-1480, 2012.
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