

  • Treatment planning systems: Varian Eclipse
  • Information systems: Varian AIRA Oncology Information System and Elekta MOSAIQ
  • Linear accelerators: Varian TrueBeam and Trilogy, Elekta Versa HD
  • HDR afterloaders: Varian Varisource iX
  • CT simulators: GE Discovery CT with the Varian RPM system
  • Water tank system: IBA Blue Phantom 2 with the OmniPro Accept 7.4.
  • Breathing monitoring systems: Varian RPM system and Calypso 4D system, Vision RT, QFix SDX system
  • Breathing motion simulation and QA phantoms: Dynamic Thorax Phantom
  • QA devices: Sun Nuclear ArcCheck, Mapcheck2, IC profiler, IBA MatriXX Evolution, Landauer nanoDot OSLD system,
  • and the Phantom Laboratory RANDO phantom
  • Software: Varian Eclipse API, Sun Nuclear SNC Patient, and Varian Velocity, MIM software, RadCal, MATLAB, SAS
  • Languages: C/C++/C#, Cuda GPU programming, Perl, Python, R

Clinical Interests:

  • Medical image analysis and processing
    • Multiple imaging modality fusion: rigid and non-rigid registration, B-spline deformable registration, optical flow,demons and feature-based elastic body registration
    • Image segmentation: Anatomical structure boundary detection using active contour, level set, deformable models,geodesic active contour, active shape model, maximum a posteriori segmentation, and learning based segmentation
    • Image reconstruction: Filter back projection (FBP), ordered-subsets expectation-maximization (OSEM)
    • Computational modeling: Statistical image modeling, machine learning, and pattern recognition, statistical learning,nonlinear discriminant analysis, manifold learning
PhD, Rice University, 2007
BS, Lanzhou University, Material Physics, 1996