
Research Interests

  • adolescence; cognition; puberty; positive development; quantitative methods

Areas of Study

  • Developmental Science
  • Cognitive Science
  • Quantitative Methods

Research Topics

  • Adolescence
  • Cognitive Development

My research emphasizes that adolescent outcomes are multidetermined, person-specific, and the manifestation of their unique biopsychosocial context.

My core research interests involve understanding cognitive development in adolescence, its correlates, and the implications of its development for different populations, especially as related to puberty, psychopathology, and positive development. To investigate these questions, I use intensive longitudinal assessments (e.g., daily diary), physiological data collection (e.g., saliva), and behavioral assessments (e.g., neurocognitive testing) alongside secondary data analyses and community-orientated data collection (e.g., youth participatory action research) to better understand youth’s lived experiences.

Past Affiliations

Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, University of Michigan (past)

Research Fellow, Developmental Psychology Program, Department of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, University of Michigan (past)

Eisenberg Family Depression Center, Department of Psychiatry, Medical School, University of Michigan Health System, University of Michigan (past)

PhD, Fordham University, Applied Developmental Psychology, 2020
MA, Fordham University, 2017
BA, Vassar College, 2012
cognition positive development adolescents quantitative psychology adolescent health puberty
Association for Psychological Science