115 Publications (Page 1 of 5)
Co-designing a mobile health application with breast cancer survivors: The MOSAIC study (Preprint)
Co-designing the MOSAIC mobile health application with breast cancer survivors: User-centered design approach (Preprint) JMIR Formative Research
. | Journal Article
Enhancing Epilepsy Awareness and Cooperative Care in Elementary and Middle Schools. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
. | Journal Article
Exploring the Integration of Technology in Art Therapy: Insights From Interviews With Art Therapists. Art Therapy
. | Journal Article
When AI Meets Art Therapy: Evaluating AI-Generated Art Through Art Therapists Insights (Preprint)
Where does stress happen? Ecological momentary assessment of daily stressors using a mobile phone app. Mental Health Science
. | Journal Article
Wizard of Props: Mixed Reality Prototyping with Physical Props to Design Responsive Environments
Concordance Between Accelerometer-Measured and Self-Reported Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Adults with Autism
Lee, D.Frey, G.C.Cothran, D.J.Harezlak, J. and Shih, P.C.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. | Journal Article
Ecological momentary assessment of mid-life adults’ daily stress: Protocol for the STRIVE study. (Preprint) JMIR Research Protocols
Jordan, Evan JShih, Patrick CNelson, Erik JCarter, Stephen JSchootman, MarioPrather, Aric AYao, XingPeters, Chasie D and Perry, Canaan S
. | Journal Article
Examining the daily stress of mid-life adults in the built and natural environment using ecological momentary assessment: The STRIVE study protocol (Preprint)
"It’s like With the Pregnancy Tests": Co-design of Speculative Technology for Public HIV-related Stigma and its Implications for Social Media
Understanding Contexts and Challenges of Information Management for Epilepsy Care
Wearable alcohol monitors for alcohol use data collection among college students: Feasibility and acceptability
Rosenberg, M.Kianersi, S.Luetke, M.Jozkowski, K.Guerra-Reyes, L.Shih, P.C.Finn, P. and Ludema, C.
Alcohol, vol. 111, pp. 75-83. | Journal Article
Design for Discordant Chronic Comorbidities (DCCs): A DC 3 Model
Ongwere, T.Stolterman, E.Shih, P.C.James, C. and Connelly, K.
(pp. 346-362)
Optimizing Performance and Satisfaction in Matching and Movement Tasks in Virtual Reality with Interventions Using the Data Visualization Literacy Framework
Bueckle, A.Buehling, K.Shih, P.C. and Börner, K.
Frontiers in Virtual Reality, vol. 2. | Journal Article
Survey on the Past Decade of Technology in Animal Enrichment: A Scoping Review
Chia-Fang, Chung and Shih, Patrick C
Animals, vol. 12, (no. 14), 2022. | Journal Article
Survey on the Past Decade of Technology in Animal Enrichment: A Scoping Review. Animals
Translating a DC 3 Model into a Conceptual Tool (DCCs Ecosystem): A Case Study with a Design Team
Ongwere, T.Stolterman, E.Shih, P.C.James, C. and Connelly, K.
(pp. 381-397)
Trust, Reciprocity, and the Role of Timebanks as Intermediaries: Design Implications for Addressing Healthcare Transportation Barriers
Dillahunt, T.R.Maestre, J.F.Kameswaran, V.Poon, E.Osorio Torres, J.Gallardo, M.Rasmussen, S.E.Shih, P.C.Bagley, A.Young, S.L.A. and Veinot, T.C.
3D virtual reality vs. 2D desktop registration user interface comparison
PLOS ONE. | Journal Article
3D virtual reality vs. 2D Desktop registration user interface comparison
Bueckle, A.Buehling, K.Shih, P.C. and Börner, K.
Effects of A Gamified, Behavior Change Techniques-Based Mobile Application on Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Anxiety in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Preliminary Study (Preprint)
JMIR Formative Research. | Journal Article
Effects of A Gamified, Behavior Change Techniques-Based Mobile Application on Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Anxiety in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Preliminary Study (Preprint)
Examining mobility among people living with hiv in rural areas
Maestre, Juan F.Maestre, J.F.Dillahunt, T.R.Dillahunt, TawannaTheisz, A.A.Theisz, Alec AndrewFurness, M.Furness, MeganKameswaran, VaishnavKameswaran, V.Veinot, T.Veinot, TiffanyShih, P.C. and Shih, Patrick C.
Fashionq: An ai-driven creativity support tool for facilitating ideation in fashion design
Jeon, Y.Jin, S.Shih, P.C. and Han, K.