
Dr. Cheng’s research focuses on elucidating the mechanisms for establishing and maintaining lifelong homeostasis and transparency in the eye lens. Despite decades of research, there remain many unanswered questions about basic lens cell biology that hinder the development pharmaceuticals to prevent or delay age-related lens pathologies, including cataracts and presbyopia.

Ongoing research projects

  • Role of Eph-ephrin bidirectional signaling in eye lens cataractogenesis
    • Lens ion and fluid homeostasis
    • Cell patterning and organization
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms of eye lens biomechanical properties
    • Age-related changes in lens biomechanics and morphometrics
    • Lens fiber cell compression and nucleus formation
  • Bioengineered 3D lens for pharmaceutical development

Area of expertise:

  • Cornea disorders, ocular surface-dry ey
PhD, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Francisco, Bioengineering, 2009
BS, University of California, Berkeley, Bioengineering, 2002