
Dr. Yu's research focus is to investigate glial cell pathology and neuroinflammatory mechanisms contributed to neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment. Her laboratory has established several preclinical models of human neurodegenerative disorders, including acute ischemic stroke, global cerebral ischemia, and chronic vascular dementia. They investigate molecular mechanisms using biochemical, cellular and immunohistochemical approaches in animal models as well as in isolated microglia and astrocytes.

Clinical Interests:

  • Neuropsychological outcome, cognition, and quality of life after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 
  • Automated external defibrillator accessibility and impact on survival outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Past Affiliations

Assistant Scientist/Scholar, School of Medicine, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Human Anatomy, Cell Biology
PhD, University of Rochester, 2010
MS, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2001
BS, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Agricultural Chemistry, 1999