68 Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Enhancing cancer prevention and survivorship care with a videoconferencing model for continuing education: a mixed-methods study to identify barriers and incentives to participation.
Milgrom, Zheng ZSeverance, Tyler SScanlon, Caitlin MCarson, Anyé TJanota, Andrea DBurns, John LVik, Terry ADuwve, Joan MDixon, Brian E and Mendonca, Eneida A
JAMIA open. | Journal Article
Building a Sustainable Comprehensive Multiple Myeloma Program in Western Kenya.
Oduor, Mercy A.Lotodo, Teresa C.Vik, Terry A.Manyega, Kelvin M.Loehrer, PatrickOmondi, Austin A.Oguda, John O. and Asirwa, Fredrick C.
JCO global oncology. | Journal Article
Cancer prevention, screening, and survivorship ECHO: A pilot experience with an educational telehealth program.
Cancer medicine. | Journal Article
Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in an academic hospital in Kenya: Treatment outcomes and health-care providers' perspectives.
Pediatric blood & cancer. | Journal Article
Outcomes of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia treatment in Western Kenya. Cancer reports (Hoboken, N.J.)
Cancer reports (Hoboken, N.J.). | Journal Article
Outcomes of Wilms tumor treatment in western Kenya.
Pediatric blood & cancer. | Journal Article
Retrospective Analysis of Presentation, Treatment, and Outcomes of Multiple Myeloma at a Large Public Referral Hospital in Eldoret, Kenya.
Manyega, Kelvin M.Lotodo, Teresa C.Oduor, Mercy A.Namaemba, Diana F.Omondi, Austin A.Oyolo, Yvette L.Oguda, JohnLoehrer, Patrick J.Vik, Terry A. and Asirwa, Fredrick C.
JCO global oncology. | Journal Article
Previously unreported somatic variants in two patients with pleuropulmonary blastoma with metastatic brain recurrence.
Pediatric blood & cancer. | Journal Article
Retroperitoneal and Pelvic Lymph Nodes in Children: What Is Normal?
Karmazyn, BoazSupakul, NucharinLehnert, Stephen JShan, MuVik, Terry AJennings, S Gregory and Billmire, Deborah F
AJR. American journal of roentgenology, pp. 5, 2020-Mar-31. | Journal Article
A phase II trial testing interventions to shorten time to diagnosis and reduce abandonment of treatment of children with Burkitt lymphoma in Kenya
Langat, SandraLangat, SandraLangat, SandraNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusMostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaLotodo, ThereseLotodo, ThereseLotodo, ThereseKigen, NikolKigen, NikolKigen, NikolBoaz, OdwarBoaz, OdwarBoaz, OdwarKaspers, Gert JanKaspers, Gert JanKaspers, Gert JanMoormann, AnnMoormann, AnnMoormann, AnnVance, GailVance, GailVance, GailLoehrer, Patrick JLoehrer, Patrick JLoehrer, Patrick JVik, TerryVik, Terry and Vik, Terry
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 37, (no. 15_suppl), pp. 10032, 2019-05-20. | Journal Article
Bodyweight-adjusted rivaroxaban for children with venous thromboembolism (EINSTEIN-Jr): results from three multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 studies
Monagle, PaulLensing, Anthonie W AThelen, KirstinMartinelli, IdaMale, ChristophSantamaría, AmparoSamochatova, ElenaKumar, RitenHolzhauer, SusanneSaracco, PaolaSimioni, PaoloRobertson, JeremyGrangl, GernotHalton, JacquelineConnor, PhillipYoung, GuyMolinari, Angelo CNowak-Göttl, UlrikeKenet, GiliKapsa, StefanieWillmann, StefanPap, Akos FBecka, MichaelTwomey, TeresaBeyer-Westendorf, JanPrins, Martin HKubitza, DagmarMonagle, PaulRobertson, JeremyGrangl, GernotMale, ChristophStreif, WernerCarniero, JorgeLogetto, SandraBrandao, LeonardoHalton, JacquelineAmedro, PascalBonnet, DamienBeyer-Westendorf, JanDietrich, SvenHolzhauer, SusanneNowak-Göttl, UlrikeKallay, KrisztianKenet, GiliRevel-Vilk, ShoshanaTamary, HannahGiordano, PaolaAbbattista, MariaArtoni, AndreaMolinari, Angelo CSaracco, PaolaSimioni, PaoloTormene, DanielaOno, HiroshiTe Loo, Maroeska WMVan Ommen, HeleenVeening, Margreet ASuiker, Monique HPeters, MarjoleinSamochatova, ElenaShamardina, AnastasiaNovgorod, NizhnyZubarovskaya, LyudmilaDasi, Maria AElorza, MariaSantamaria, AmparoSánchez-Luna, ManuelAlbisetti, ManuelaGrunt, SebastianKavakli, KaanBiss, TinaConnor, PhilipWilliams, MikeAcharya, SuchitraBhat, RumiKearney, SusanKumar, RitenPatel, KavitaRajpukar, MadviSchwartz, Jeffrey HVik, TerryWynn, TungYee, Donald L and Young, Guy
The Lancet Haematology, vol. 6, (no. 10), pp. e509, October 2019. | Journal Article
Impact of socioeconomic markers on parents' retention of pediatric oncology home care education: A pilot study
Hentea, CristianaHentea, CristianaHentea, CristianaHentea, CristianaDowns, Stephen MDowns, Stephen MDowns, Stephen MDowns, Stephen MTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneTucker Edmonds, BrownsyneVik, TerryVik, TerryVik, TerryVik, TerryWiehe, Sarah EWiehe, Sarah EWiehe, Sarah EWiehe, Sarah ECheng, Erika RCheng, Erika RCheng, Erika R and Cheng, Erika R
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, vol. 66, (no. 5), pp. n/a, May 2019. | Journal Article
Clinical Presentation, Evaluation, and Management of Neuroblastoma
Sharma, RichaMer, JesseLion, Alex and Vik, Terry A
Pediatrics in review, vol. 39, (no. 4), pp. 203, 2018-Apr. | Journal Article
CYP3A5 genotype and its impact on vincristine pharmacokinetics and development of neuropathy in Kenyan children with cancer
Skiles, JodiSkiles, JodiSkiles, JodiSkiles, JodiSkiles, Jodi L.Chiang, ChienWeiChiang, ChienWeiChiang, ChienWeiChiang, ChienWeiChiang, ChienWeiLi, ClaireLi, ClaireLi, ClaireLi, Claire H.Li, ClaireMartin, SteveMartin, SteveMartin, SteveMartin, SteveMartin, SteveSmith, EllenSmith, EllenSmith, EllenSmith, Ellen L.Smith, EllenOlbara, GilbertOlbara, GilbertOlbara, GilbertOlbara, GilbertOlbara, GilbertJones, DavidJones, DavidJones, David R.Jones, DavidJones, DavidVik, TerryVik, TerryVik, Terry A.Vik, TerryVik, TerryMostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaAbbink, FloorAbbink, FloorAbbink, FloorAbbink, FloorAbbink, FloorKaspers, GertjanKaspers, GertjanKaspers, GertjanKaspers, Gertjan J.Kaspers, GertjanLi, LangLi, LangLi, LangLi, LangLi, LangNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusSajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySajdyk, TammySajdyk, Tammy J.Sajdyk, TammyRenbarger, JamieRenbarger, Jamie L.Renbarger, JamieRenbarger, Jamie and Renbarger, Jamie
Pediatric Blood and Cancer, vol. 65, (no. 3), pp. n/a, 2018-3. | Journal Article
Health-care providers’ perspectives on health-insurance access, waiving procedures, and hospital detention practices in Kenya
Mostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaMostert, SaskiaNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusBurgt, Renske H.M.Burgt, RenskeBurgt, RenskeMusimbi, JoyceMusimbi, JoyceMusimbi, JoyceLangat, SanaLangat, SanaLangat, SandraSkiles, JodiSkiles, JodiSkiles, JodiSeijffert, AnneloesSeijffert, AnneloesSeijffert, AnneloesSitaresmi, MeiSitaresmi, MeiSitaresmi, Mei N.Vik, TerryVik, TerryVik, Terry A.Ven, PeterVen, Peter M.Ven, PeterKaspers, GertjanKaspers, Gertjan J.L. and Kaspers, Gertjan
Pediatric Blood and Cancer, vol. 65, (no. 8), pp. n/a, 2018-08-01. | Journal Article
Influence of health insurance status on paediatric non-Hodgkin's lymphoma treatment in Kenya
Martijn, HugoMartijn, HugoNjuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusOlbara, GilbertOlbara, GilbertLangat, SanaLangat, SanaSkiles, JodiSkiles, JodiMartin, StephenMartin, StephenVik, TerryVik, TerryVen, PeterVen, PeterKaspers, GertjanKaspers, GertjanMostert, Saskia and Mostert, Saskia
Paediatrics Open, vol. 1, (no. 1), 2017. | Journal Article
Wilms Tumor Treatment Outcomes: Perspectives From a Low-Income Setting
Njuguna, FestusNjuguna, FestusMartijn, Hugo AMartijn, Hugo AKuremu, Robert TengeKuremu, Robert TengeSaula, PeterSaula, PeterKirtika, PatelKirtika, PatelOlbara, GilbertOlbara, GilbertLangat, SandraLangat, SandraMartin, SteveMartin, SteveSkiles, JodiSkiles, JodiVik, TerryVik, TerryKaspers, Gertjan J LKaspers, Gertjan J LMostert, Saskia and Mostert, Saskia
Journal of global oncology, vol. 3, (no. 5), pp. 562, 2017-Oct. | Journal Article
Factors influencing survival among Kenyan children diagnosed with endemic Burkitt lymphoma between 2003 and 2011: A historical cohort study
Buckle, G.Buckle, GeoffreyBuckle, GeoffreyMaranda, LouiseMaranda, LouiseMaranda, L.Skiles, J.Skiles, JodiSkiles, JodiOng'echa, John MichaelOng’echa, J.M.Ong'echa, John MichaelFoley, JoslynFoley, J.Foley, JoslynEpstein, MaraEpstein, MaraEpstein, M.Vik, Terry AVik, T.A.Vik, Terry ASchroeder, A.Schroeder, AndrewSchroeder, AndrewLemberger, JenniferLemberger, JenniferLemberger, J.Rosmarin, AlanRosmarin, A.Rosmarin, AlanRemick, Scot CRemick, Scot CRemick, S.C.Bailey, Jeffrey ABailey, Jeffrey ABailey, J.A.Vulule, JohnVulule, JohnVulule, J.Otieno, Juliana AOtieno, Juliana AOtieno, J.A.Moormann, A.M.Moormann, Ann M and Moormann, Ann M
International Journal of Cancer, vol. 139, (no. 6), pp. 1240, 15 September 2016. | Journal Article
Factors influencing time to diagnosis and treatment among pediatric oncology patients in Kenya.
Pediatric hematology and oncology. | Journal Article
Successful treatment of a solitary skull metastasis in a child with Wilms' Tumor
McDuffie, LucasMcDuffie, LucasFallon, RobertFallon, RobertVik, TerryVik, TerryBillmire, Deborah and Billmire, Deborah
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, vol. 22, (no. C), pp. 49, 2016. | Journal Article
A Pilot Study of Circulating Endothelial and Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells in Children With Sarcomas
Pradhan, Kamnesh RPradhan, Kamnesh RPradhan, Kamnesh RMund, Julie AMund, Julie AMund, Julie AClaussen, Heather LClaussen, Heather LClaussen, Heather LGosiengfiao, Yasmin CGosiengfiao, Yasmin CGosiengfiao, Yasmin CRadulescu, Vlad CRadulescu, Vlad CRadulescu, Vlad CBallard, Jennifer JBallard, Jennifer JBallard, Jennifer JLiu, ZiyueLiu, ZiyueLiu, ZiyueVik, Terry AVik, Terry AVik, Terry ACase, JamieCase, Jamie and Case, Jamie
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology, vol. 37, (no. 6), pp. 448, 2015-Aug. | Journal Article
Model-Based Individualized Treatment of Chemotherapeutics: Bayesian Population Modeling and Dose Optimization
Jayachandran, DevarajJayachandran, DevarajJayachandran, DevarajJayachandran, DevarajLaínez-Aguirre, JoséLaínez-Aguirre, JoséLaínez-Aguirre, JoséLaínez-Aguirre, JoséRundell, AnnRundell, AnnRundell, AnnRundell, AnnVik, TerryVik, TerryVik, TerryVik, TerryHannemann, RobertHannemann, RobertHannemann, RobertHannemann, RobertReklaitis, GintarasReklaitis, GintarasReklaitis, GintarasReklaitis, GintarasRamkrishna, DoraiswamiRamkrishna, DoraiswamiRamkrishna, Doraiswami and Ramkrishna, Doraiswami
PloS one, vol. 10, (no. 7), pp. e0133244, 2015-00-00. | Journal Article
Optimal Chemotherapy for Leukemia: A Model-Based Strategy for Individualized Treatment
Jayachandran, DevarajJayachandran, DevarajJayachandran, DevarajRundell, Ann ERundell, Ann ERundell, Ann EHannemann, Robert EHannemann, Robert EHannemann, Robert EVik, Terry AVik, Terry AVik, Terry ARamkrishna, DoraiswamiRamkrishna, Doraiswami and Ramkrishna, Doraiswami
PloS one, vol. 9, (no. 10), pp. e109623, 2014-00-00. | Journal Article
Optimal management of endemic Burkitt lymphoma: a holistic approach mindful of limited resources
Moormann, AnnMoormann, Ann MSkiles, JodiSkiles, Jodi LOtieno, JulianaOtieno, Juliana ABuckle, Geoffrey CBuckle, GeoffreyVik, Terry and Vik, Terry A
Blood and Lymphatic Cancer: Targets and Therapy, vol. 4, (no. default), pp. 99, 2014-09-00. | Journal Article
Thrombophilia testing in children: a 7 year experience.
Pediatric blood & cancer. | Journal Article