3 Grants
Critical pathways for distribution of phospholemman and the Na, K-ATPase protein complex in cardiomyocytes
Chen, Zhenhui
American Heart Association (Aha) (ID: 23TPA1069000), £300,000GBP, 2023-07-01 -- 2026-06-30
Critical Sorting Steps and Pathways in the Trafficking of Cardiac Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Proteins
Chen, Zhenhui
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) (ID: 1R01HL169877-01), $665,129USD, 2023-06-15 -- 2027-03-31
Specific Accumulation of Phospholamban in Nuclear Membranes of Cardiomyocytes: Role in Regulating Nuclear Calcium Stores
Chen, Zhenhui
American Heart Association (Aha) (ID: 18TPA34170284), £300,000GBP, 2018-07-01 -- 2021-06-30