340 Publications (Page 4 of 14)
Evaluating the impact of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms (CIPN-sx) on perceived ability to work in breast cancer survivors during the first year post-treatment
Zanville, Noah RZanville, NoahZanville, NoahZanville, NoahNudelman, KellyNudelman, KellyNudelman, KellyNudelman, Kelly N HSmith, Dori JSmith, DoriSmith, DoriSmith, DoriVon Ah, DianeVon Ah, DianeVon Ah, DianeVon Ah, DianeMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMcDonald, BrennaMc Donald, Brenna CChampion, Victoria LChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaSaykin, AndrewSaykin, AndrewSaykin, Andrew J and Saykin, Andrew
Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 24, (no. 11), pp. 4789, 20161100. | Journal Article
Examining the relationship between social cognitive processing and depressive symptoms in long-term breast cancer survivors and their partners
Cohee, Andrea ACohee, Andrea AChampion, Victoria and Champion, Victoria
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 34, (no. 3_suppl), pp. 191, 2016-01-20. | Journal Article
Factors associated with depressive symptoms in young long-term breast cancer survivors.
Cohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaCohee, Andrea ACohee, A.A.Stump, TimothyStump, T.Stump, TimothyStump, TimothyAdams, RebeccaAdams, RebeccaAdams, Rebecca NAdams, R.N.Johns, ShelleyJohns, Shelley AJohns, S.A.Johns, ShelleyVon Ah, D.Ah, DianeVon Ah, DianeAh, DianeZoppi, KathleenZoppi, KathleenZoppi, K.Zoppi, KathleenFife, BetsyFife, BetsyFife, B.Fife, BetsyMonahan, P.O.Monahan, Patrick OMonahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickCella, DavidCella, DavidCella, D.Cella, DavidChampion, Victoria LChampion, V.L.Champion, Victoria and Champion, Victoria
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, vol. 25, (no. 8), pp. 1991-1997, August 2016. | Journal Article
Family caregiving challenges in advanced colorectal cancer: patient and caregiver perspectives
Mosher, Catherine EMosher, Catherine EMosher, CatherineMosher, CatherineAdams, Rebecca NAdams, RebeccaAdams, Rebecca NAdams, RebeccaHelft, Paul RHelft, PaulHelft, PaulHelft, Paul RO’Neil, BertO'Neil, Bert HO’Neil, BertO'neil, Bert HShahda, SafiShahda, SafiShahda, SafiShahda, SafiRattray, Nicholas ARattray, NicholasRattray, NicholasRattray, Nicholas AChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria and Champion, Victoria
Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 2024, 20160500. | Journal Article
Identification of subgroups with differential treatment effects for longitudinal and multiresponse variables
Loh, Wei‐YinLoh, Wei YinFu, HaodaFu, HaodaMan, MichaelMan, MichaelChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaYu, Menggang and Yu, Menggang
Statistics in Medicine, vol. 35, (no. 26), pp. 4855, 20 November 2016. | Journal Article
Long-term health outcomes of germ cell tumor survivors.
Einhorn, Lawrence HMiller, Trent JamesHanna, Nasser HEinhorn, Lawrence HChampion, VictoriaHanna, Nasser HChampion, VictoriaMonahan, PatrickStump, Timothy EMonahan, PatrickStump, Timothy EBrames, Mary JBrames, Mary JCase-Eads, Somer and Case-Eads, Somer
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, vol. 34, (no. 3_suppl), pp. 135, January 20, 2016. | Journal Article
Mammography Adherence in African-American Women: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Gathirua-Mwangi, Wambui GGathirua-mwangi, WambuiMonahan, PatrickStump, TimothyRawl, SusanSkinner, Celette and Champion, Victoria
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 50, (no. 1), pp. 70-78, Feb 2016. | Journal Article
Quality of life difficulties in partners of young breast cancer survivors
Cohee, Andrea AChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaMonahan, PatrickCohee, Andrea ACohee, Andrea AMonahan, PatrickStump, Timothy EMonahan, PatrickMiller, KathyStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EMiller, KathyWagner, LynneMiller, KathyCella, DavidWagner, LynneWagner, LynneSledge, GeorgeCella, DavidCella, DavidSledge, George and Sledge, George
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 34, (no. 3_suppl), pp. 188, 2016-01-20. | Journal Article
Randomized Pilot Trial of a Telephone Symptom Management Intervention for Symptomatic Lung Cancer Patients and Their Family Caregivers
Mosher, Catherine E., PhDMosher, Catherine EWinger, Joseph G., MSWinger, Joseph GHanna, NasserHanna, Nasser, MDJalal, Shadia I., MDJalal, Shadia IEinhorn, Lawrence H., MDEinhorn, Lawrence HBirdas, Thomas J., MDBirdas, Thomas JCeppa, Duy Khanh PCeppa, DuyKhanh P., MDKesler, Kenneth A., MDKesler, Kenneth ASchmitt, JordanSchmitt, Jordan, MDKashy, Deborah AKashy, Deborah A., PhDChampion, Victoria and Champion, Victoria L
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. 52, (no. 4), pp. 482, 2016. | Journal Article
Randomized trial of DVD, telephone, and usual care for increasing mammography adherence
Champion, Victoria LChampion, V.L.Champion, Victoria LRawl, S.M.Rawl, Susan MRawl, Susan MBourff, S.A.Bourff, Sara ABourff, Sara AChampion, Kristen MChampion, K.M.Champion, Kristen MSmith, Lisa GSmith, Lisa GSmith, L.G.Buchanan, Adam HBuchanan, Adam HBuchanan, A.H.Fish, Laura JFish, Laura JFish, L.J.Monahan, Patrick OMonahan, P.O.Monahan, Patrick OStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, T.E.Springston, J.K.Springston, Jeffery KSpringston, Jeffery KGathirua-Mwangi, Wambui GGathirua-Mwangi, W.G.Gathirua-Mwangi, Wambui GSkinner, Celette SuggSkinner, Celette Sugg and Skinner, C.S.
Journal of Health Psychology, vol. 21, (no. 6), pp. 926, 20160600. | Journal Article
Adult BMI change and risk of Breast Cancer: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005–2010
Gathirua-Mwangi, Wambui GZollinger, Terrell WMurage, Mwangi JPradhan, Kamnesh R and Champion, Victoria L
Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan), vol. 22, (no. 6), pp. 656, 2015-Nov. | Journal Article
A randomised controlled trial to prevent smoking relapse among recently quit smokers enrolled in employer and health plan sponsored quitlines
McDaniel, Anna MMcDaniel, Anna MMcDaniel, Anna MMc Daniel, Anna MVickerman, Katrina AVickerman, Katrina AVickerman, Katrina AVickerman, Katrina AStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OFellows, Jeffrey LFellows, Jeffrey LFellows, Jeffrey LFellows, Jeffrey LWeaver, Michael TWeaver, Michael TWeaver, Michael TWeaver, Michael TCarlini, Beatriz HCarlini, Beatriz HCarlini, Beatriz HCarlini, Beatriz HChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LZbikowski, Susan MZbikowski, Susan MZbikowski, Susan M and Zbikowski, Susan M
BMJ Open, vol. 5, (no. 6), pp. e007260, 20150600. | Journal Article
Coping with physical and psychological symptoms: a qualitative study of advanced lung cancer patients and their family caregivers
Mosher, Catherine EMosher, CatherineMosher, CatherineMosher, CatherineMosher, CatherineOtt, MaryOtt, MaryOtt, MaryOtt, MaryOtt, Mary AHanna, NasserHanna, NasserHanna, NasserHanna, NasserHanna, NasserJalal, ShadiaJalal, ShadiaJalal, Shadia IJalal, ShadiaJalal, ShadiaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, Victoria and Champion, Victoria L
Supportive Care in Cancer, vol. 23, (no. 7), pp. 2060, 20150700. | Journal Article
Differences in Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells among Childhood Cancer Survivors Treated with and without Radiation
Pradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshMund, JulieMund, JulieMund, JulieMund, JulieMund, JulieCase, JamieCase, JamieCase, JamieCase, JamieCase, JamieGupta, SamirGupta, SamirGupta, SamirGupta, SamirGupta, SamirLiu, ZiyueLiu, ZiyueLiu, ZiyueLiu, ZiyueLiu, ZiyueGathirua-Mwangi, WambuiGathirua-Mwangi, WambuiGathirua-Mwangi, WambuiGathirua-Mwangi, WambuiGathirua-Mwangi, WambuiMcDaniel, AnnaMcDaniel, AnnaMcDaniel, AnnaMcDaniel, AnnaMc Daniel, AnnaRenbarger, JamieRenbarger, JamieRenbarger, JamieRenbarger, JamieRenbarger, JamieChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, Victoria and Champion, Victoria
Journal of hematology & thrombosis, vol. 1, (no. 1), 2015-Aug. | Journal Article
Estimating development cost of an interactive website based cancer screening promotion program
Lairson, David RChung, Tong HanSmith, Lisa GSpringston, Jeffrey K and Champion, Victoria L
Evaluation and Program Planning, vol. 50, pp. 62, June 2015. | Journal Article
Group variable selection via convex log‐exp‐sum penalty with application to a breast cancer survivor study
Geng, ZhigengGeng, ZhigengWang, SijianWang, SijianYu, MenggangYu, MenggangMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaWahba, Grace and Wahba, Grace
Biometrics, vol. 71, (no. 1), pp. 62, March 2015. | Journal Article
Prevalence of hypogonadism in patients with previously treated germ cell tumors
Miller, Trent JamesMiller, Trent JamesMiller, Trent JamesMiller, Trent JamesEinhorn, Lawrence HEinhorn, Lawrence HEinhorn, Lawrence HEinhorn, Lawrence HHanna, Nasser HHanna, Nasser HHanna, Nasser HHanna, Nasser HChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaMonahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EBrames, Mary JBrames, Mary JBrames, Mary JBrames, Mary JCase-Eads, SomerCase-Eads, SomerCase-Eads, Somer and Case-Eads, Somer
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 33, (no. 15_suppl), pp. 9576, 2015-05-20. | Journal Article
Relationships among attention function, exercise, and body mass index: a comparison between young breast cancer survivors and acquaintance controls
Pradhan, Kamnesh RPradhan, Kamnesh RStump, Timothy EStump, Timothy EMonahan, PatrickMonahan, PatrickChampion, Victoria and Champion, Victoria
Psycho‐Oncology, vol. 24, (no. 3), pp. 332, March 2015. | Journal Article
Tailored telephone counseling increases colorectal cancer screening.
Rawl, Susan MChristy, Shannon MMonahan, Patrick ODing, YanKrier, ConnieChampion, Victoria L and Rex, Douglas
Health education research, vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 622-637, August 2015. | Journal Article
Testing the differential effects of symptom management interventions in cancer
Sikorskii, AllaSikorskii, AllaGiven, Charles WGiven, Charles WSiddiqi, Azfar-E-AlamSiddiqi, Azfar‐E‐AlamChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaMcCorkle, RuthMcCorkle, RuthSpoelstra, Sandra LSpoelstra, Sandra LGiven, Barbara A and Given, Barbara A
Psycho‐Oncology, vol. 24, (no. 1), pp. 32, January 2015. | Journal Article
Abstract B65: Colorectal cancer screening in nonadherent black Americans
Wang, Hsiao-LanWang, Hsiao-LanWang, Hsiao-LanChristy, Shannon MChristy, Shannon MChristy, Shannon MSkinner, Celette SSkinner, Celette SSkinner, Celette SChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LSpringston, Jeffrey KSpringston, Jeffrey KSpringston, Jeffrey KPerkins, Susan MPerkins, Susan MPerkins, Susan MTong, YanTong, YanTong, YanKrier, ConnieKrier, ConnieKrier, ConnieGebregziabher, NetsanetGebregziabher, NetsanetGebregziabher, NetsanetRawl, Susan MRawl, Susan M and Rawl, Susan M
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, vol. 23, (no. 11 Supplement), pp. B65, 2014-11-00. | Journal Article
Barriers to mental health service use and preferences for addressing emotional concerns among lung cancer patients
Mosher, Catherine EWinger, Joseph GHanna, NasserJalal, Shadia IFakiris, Achilles JEinhorn, Lawrence HBirdas, Thomas JKesler, Kenneth A and Champion, Victoria L
Psycho - Oncology, vol. 23, (no. 7), Jul 2014. | Journal Article
Comparison of younger and older breast cancer survivors and age‐matched controls on specific and overall quality of life domains
Champion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LChampion, Victoria LWagner, Lynne IWagner, Lynne IWagner, Lynne IWagner, Lynne IWagner, Lynne IWagner, Lynne IMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick OMonahan, Patrick ODaggy, JoanneDaggy, JoanneDaggy, JoanneDaggy, JoanneDaggy, JoanneDaggy, JoanneSmith, LisaSmith, LisaSmith, LisaSmith, LisaSmith, LisaSmith, LisaCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaCohee, AndreaZiner, Kim WZiner, Kim WZiner, Kim WZiner, Kim WZiner, Kim WZiner, Kim WHaase, Joan EHaase, Joan EHaase, Joan EHaase, Joan EHaase, Joan EHaase, Joan EMiller, Kathy DMiller, Kathy DMiller, Kathy DMiller, Kathy DMiller, Kathy DMiller, Kathy DPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshPradhan, KamneshUnverzagt, Frederick WUnverzagt, Frederick WUnverzagt, Frederick WUnverzagt, Frederick WUnverzagt, Frederick WUnverzagt, Frederick WCella, DavidCella, DavidCella, DavidCella, DavidCella, DavidCella, DavidAnsari, BilalAnsari, BilalAnsari, BilalAnsari, BilalAnsari, BilalAnsari, BilalSledge, George WSledge, George WSledge, George WSledge, George WSledge, George W and Sledge, George W
Cancer, vol. 120, (no. 15), pp. 2246, August 1, 2014. | Journal Article
Nervous system sequelae of chemotherapy treatment: Associations and proposed mechanisms
Nudelman, Kelly N. HNudelman, Kelly N. HNudelman, Kelly N. HNudelman, Kelly N. HNudelman, Kelly N. HWang, YangWang, YangWang, YangWang, YangWang, YangMcDonald, Brenna CMcDonald, Brenna CMcDonald, Brenna CMcDonald, Brenna CMc Donald, Brenna CConroy, Susan KConroy, Susan KConroy, Susan KConroy, Susan KConroy, Susan KSmith, Dori JSmith, Dori JSmith, Dori JSmith, Dori JSmith, Dori JWest, John DWest, John DWest, John DWest, John DWest, John DO'Neill, Darren PO'Neill, Darren PO'Neill, Darren PO'Neill, Darren PO'Neill, Darren PZanville, Noah RobertZanville, Noah RobertZanville, Noah RobertZanville, Noah RobertZanville, Noah RobertChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaChampion, VictoriaSchneider, Bryan PSchneider, Bryan PSchneider, Bryan PSchneider, Bryan PSchneider, Bryan PSaykin, Andrew JSaykin, Andrew JSaykin, Andrew JSaykin, Andrew J and Saykin, Andrew J
Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 32, (no. 15_suppl), pp. 9652, 2014-05-20. | Journal Article
Predictors of Stage of Adoption for Colorectal Cancer Screening Among African American Primary Care Patients
Wang, Hsiao LanChristy, Shannon MSkinner, Celette SChampion, Victoria LSpringston, Jeffrey KPerkins, Susan MTong, YanKrier, ConnieGebregziabher, Netsanet and Rawl, Susan M
Cancer Nursing, vol. 37, (no. 4), Jul-Aug 2014. | Journal Article