340 Publications (Page 13 of 14)
Breast self-examination in women 65 and older.
Champion, Victoria L
Journal of gerontology, vol. 47 Spec No, pp. 75-9, 1992/Nov. | Journal Article
Compliance with guidelines for mammography screening.
Champion, V.L.
(pp. 253-258)
Compliance with guidelines for mammography screening.
Champion, Victoria L
Cancer Detection and Prevention, vol. 16, (no. 4), pp. 253-8, 1992. | Journal Article
Relationship of age to factors influencing breast self-examination practice.
Champion, Victoria L
Health care for women international, vol. 13, (no. 1), pp. 1-9, 1992 Jan-Mar. | Journal Article
Supporting statements and rationale
Ravid, KatyaWetzler, LeeMc Aneny, DavidAuerbach, SanfordCharns, MartinCuller, CorinnaAmar, SalomonHou, BoFabian, PatriciaWilson, MichaelShaw, DanielGrgicak, CatherineLi, L.Lin, HonghuangLeite Morris, KimberlyLiebschutz, JaneCostello, CatherineThomas, KevinChen, TaiMisra, DevyaniFried, SusanBorkan, StevenSeaton, BarbaraPilch, PaulGreen, AlysiaRichardson, MarkLuo, ZhijunKazis, LewisMoore, JeffreyPace, ChristineMessersmith, LisaSulis, CarolNear, RichardWiesman, JaniceColeman, DavidUlcickas Yood, MariannePeters, AlanWolpowitz, DeonDibart, SergeMc Donnell, MarieOshry, LaurenHenshaw, MichelleAfasizheva, InnaRosenberg, LynnMühlberger, ElkeAndry, ChristopherToth, LouisSherr, DavidSalih, ErdjanFleisher, NeilSlavin, MaryLittle, FredericDedeoglu, AlpaslanGonnerman, WayneBerger Greenstein, JoriMerrigan, DanielGibson, FrankHohler, AnnaScott, ThayerMilunsky, AubreyBryant, CamronChapman, SheilaSherman, MichaelSingh, SatishDechert, TraceyStanley, H.Klings, ElizabethKapoor, AlokKnapp, CliffordPham, HauDupuis, JoseeWerler, MarthaBigio, IrvingIeong, MichaelBeard, JenniferGokce, NoyanSayegh, RajaGlickman, MarkCoogan, PatriciaMonach, PaulWebster, ThomasKilliany, RonaldSahin Toth, MiklosBais, ManishZamansky, GlenWalkey, AllanGlantz, LeonardLee Parritz, AvivaDe Jong, WilliamWhite, LauraRothman, EmilyFrancis, JeanGong, HaiyanMonti, StefanoJun, GyungahMiller, JeffreyGibbs, TerrellHochberg, NatashaJacobson, BrianWalsh, KennethSullivan, KimberlyLibbey, CarynQuinton, LeeVan Seventer, JeanMollica, StevenShirihai, OrianPanchenko, MariaBolotina, VictoriaPopham, D.L.Khan, FBastian, B.C.Ortega, RafaelKramnik, I.Qiu, WendyAu, RhodaThorevska, N.Tandon, R.Elliott, R.L.G, KasotakisCostanza, M.E.Newman, A.B.Biddison, W.E.AI, NeugutBachman, S.S.Kim, S.Y.H.Sciaky, D.Colucci, W.S.Colucci, W.S.J, SpetzWetter, A. C.Snyder Cappione, JenniferCulpepper, LarryHarris, DavidBernstein, JudithSandel, MeganAschengrau, AnnYasuda, KeiBarber, ThomasTrackman, PhilipWei, GuoxianSeshardi, SudhaRosenbloom, DavidThiagalingam, SambasivamoorthyMariner, WendyHeeren, TimothyXuan, ZimingBhatia, IshwarSarid Segal, OfraFarrer, LindsayWaning, BrendaKlein, MichaelWoodson, JonathanFredman, LisaNoordzij, JacobWarner, MaryAnnas, GeorgeBlatman, RobertAtema, AnnemiekeDeclercq, EugeneLouik, CarolCotton, RobinOberhaus, StephanieEllias, SamuelSchumacher, DanielVerfaellie, MiekeDe Luca, CarloHolick, MichaelHamburg, NaomiShaik Dasthagirisaheb, YazdaniBrooks, DanielSoghomonian, Jean JacquesAlbers, AlisonGordon, CraigRuiz Opazo, NelsonDavidson, NancyKramnik, IgorBokhour, BarbaraLichtenstein, DavidGoldstein, LeeBabikian, VikenSchlezinger, JenniferHylek, ElaineFarraye, FrancisLunze, KarstenBarouch, KasumiBerman, JeffreyHaydar, TarikOsterman, JanetIstfan, NawfalMascarenhas, AnaSimon, JonathonRao, SandhyaRussek, ShelleyHorsburgh, CharlesFarwell, AlanHoyt, RichardGenco, CarolineMc Bride, DavidWray, LewisFrazier, SusanFish, SusanCiraulo, DomenicKaye, ElizabethDrainoni, Mari LynnBinello, EmanuelaJara, HernanBossart, KatharineCrawford, KermitHatch, ElizabethVaughan, CharlesSundararajan, DevakiZhang, YuqingGorshkova, IrinaWasan, SharmeelSchreiber, BarbaraHollingsworth, HelenBliss, CharlesDedier, JulienNaimi, TimothyShipley, G.Prout, MarianneMac Leod, WilliamPokines, JamesBharti, AjitSam, FloraChang, Bei HungMaine, DeborahTrojanowska, MariaWang, CatharineVachon, LouisTuzova, MarinaHeiger Bernays, WendyViglianti, GregoryFuller, JonIverson, RonaldBalady, GaryGignac, GretchenRussell, DavidColucci, WilsonSteiling, KatrinaOlshaker, JonJones, JudithLightfoot, OrlandoRitter, BrigitteSamuelson, JohnSu, MingfangLogue, MarkZuckerman, BarrySteinberg, MartinFine, AlanBattaglia, TracyHerscovitz, HayaXiao, Zhi XiongBurke, PeterMurabito, JoanneBeiser, AlexaHowland, JonathanLerner, AdamLü, JiningJoshi, PriyaAprahamian, TamarDenis, GeraldSager, AlanWeber, HorstFarber, HarrisonSimms, RobertPark, Hee YoungGeorgian Smith, DianneFox, MatthewDe Las Morenas, AntonioWitzburg, RobertFranzblau, CarlSchroy, PaulRosene, DouglasHerrera, VictoriaGavras, IreneSokolove, RobertChristiansen, CindyRuenger, ThomasLevenson, SuzetteDelalle, IvanaSices, LauraEllison, RobertMostoslavsky, GustavoChetty, VeerappaHyman, LindaRay, RahulXu, JuliaNelson, KerrieTaylor, LindaMochida, YoshiyukiZannis, VassilisJette, AlanBarlam, TamarPerls, ThomasAllukian, MyronMontano, MontyGrodin, MichaelRomero, Jose RafaelCheng, DebbieBachschmid, MarkusDasgupta, ShoumitaSaitz, RichardFeinberg, EmilyBerk, JohnSarkar, SibajiMassaro, JosephLeeman, SusanJick, SusanWolff, JamesSiegel, MichaelWalter, HeatherGabel, ChristopherLenders, CarineSaint Hilaire, Marie HeleneBonegio, RamonBerenbaum, IsidoreWasserman, AmySamet, JeffreyCabral, HowardCrosby, SondraSchwartz, JohnPistey, RobertCornwall, M.Rifkin, IanZeim, JasonCardoso, WellingtonJacobs, AliceLevy, JonathanKopits, IlonaKase, CarlosAyilavarapu, SrinivasHoffman Kleiner, MiriamHoagland, ToddFarsai, PaulBrody, JeromeLee, HenriObler, LoraineNathanson, DanGuarente, JohnCui, RutaoFoster, SusanKemper, ThomasAfasizhev, RuslanAtkinson, DavidSalant, DavidIdo, YasuoSmall, DonaldWolf, PhilipBatal, HussamAkey, ChristopherOffner, GwynnethRosenzweig, JamesHermos, JohnSoncini, JenniferCampbell Reardon, ChristineBauman, MargaretIkezu, TsuneyaGardiner, PaulaFan, XuepingQuillen, KarenWeinberg, EllenEberhardt, RobertMigneault, JeffreyKavanagh, PatriciaBarry, Mary AnitaOzonoff, DavidMardirossian, VartanZumwalt, AnnHelmerhorst, EvaPerissi, ValentinaYang, QiongDavidoff, RavinZucker, CharlesGodfrey, TonyConnors, LawreenMcdonough, ChristineLarrieux, Jean RobertLiu, GangGohel, AnitaPessina, MonicaBachman, SaraMahalingam, MeeraHamilton, JamesMc Knight, C.York, MichaelDietz, VictorPrashker, MarkBernardo, JohnFarina, GiuseppinaNedeljkovic, ZoranMc Clean, MichaelLooby Gordon, SandraEisen, SusanChristensen, ThomasBaldwin, ClintStuver, SherriMizgerd, JosephAlexander, EdwardSmith, BarbaraNiu, JingboMeier Ewert, HansAbraham, CarmelaAlexanian, SaraRobbins, PhillipsPalmer, JulieStern, RobertKieval, RaphaelWehler, CarolynJohnson, W.D'innocenzo, RichardCenter, DavidTornheim, KeithBoffa, JosephMccloskey, LoisNunes, DavidMorgano, StevenHead, JamesLowe, RobertMilberg, WilliamHamer, DavidsonBurgess, JamesAlford, DanielLevine, SharonFarah, FadiCorkey, BarbaraCarmine, BrianHartshorn, KevanWhelan, StephenJean, Jyh ChangGoldman, LauraHabershaw, GeoffreyRuderman, NeilZhu, TongMaliszewski, TerryRuberg, FrederickHan, RongTonkiss, JohnCorwin, MichaelJack, BrianNguyen, ThanhAdams, WilliamBotchkarev, VladimirMitchell, SuzanneO'bryan, PaulZoeller, RaphaelDemissie, SerkalemPolgar, PeterHenderson, AndrewSaide, JudithRoy, SayonDurfee, JohnMyers, RichardHo, JenniferKatz, MarkBujor, AndreeaParker, VictoriaKreger, BernardTrinkaus Randall, VickeryBerz, JonathanLa Valley, MichaelBabayan, RichardStreeter, ChrisCorley, RonaldKissin, EugeneNavarro, CarynConnor, JohnSlack, BarbaraMacvarish, KathleenSohn, WoosungGoldberg, LynneSharon, JacquelineLehman, WilliamYaglom, JuliaApovian, CarolineKasotakis, GeorgeMeshulam, TovaZhdanova, IrinaBrady, StephenFarb, DavidBarnes, LindaChitalia, VipulFriedman, PaulaJurasic, MarianneClark, JackHains, FrederickAlbrecht, KennethKandror, KonstantinKotton, DarrellSteffen, MartinLamorte, WayneFeeley, FrankHardt, EricDe Stefano, AnitaMadico, GuillermoGummuluru, RahmHavasi, AndreaSack, BurtonStrunin, LeeKathuria, HasmeenaNugent, MatthewSchembri, FrankChou, LaishengEton, OmarMurphy, JohnCarey, KathleenStucchi, ArthurMehra, PushkarDai, YanRahimi, NaderLarson, PamelaLunetta, KathrynLafyatis, RobertKuohung, WendyWilkinson, JoanneFarmer, StephenWalley, AlexanderOscar Berman, MarleneTagne, Jean BoscoSherva, RichardPerrine, SusanGeltman, PaulGallagher, GeorgeKroshian, VaskenMeriin, AnatoliFisher, SusanHolsapple, JamesLayne, MatthewGyurko, RobertSagiv, SharonIngalls, RobinGiordano, RussellHuang, ChristopherJanket, Sok JaGoktug, GurkanMeenan, RobertLuebke, JenniferBoehmer, UlrikeHughes, DouglasNeogi, TuhinaBraverman, LewisGalagan, JamesCozier, YvetteOrlander, JayFalanga, VincentLevin, DavidDuprex, PaulGarcia, RaulPaige, ChristineSpira, AvrumFearns, RachelRorie, Jo AnnaMostofsky, DavidKirsch, KathrinBoden, LeslieStanfield, LorraineWise, LaurenValentine, CatherineBrecher, PeterMeyer Rath, GesineSaha, AsishTheodore, ArthurFincke, BenjaminBuczek Thomas, JoBansil, RamaCupples, L.Stearns Kurosawa, DeborahStier, ElizabethKornetsky, ConanCruikshank, W.W.Cohen, R AD, SherrDemant, P.Kashani-Sabet, M.Helin, J.Walter, A.W.Annas, G.J.Setoguchi, S.Khanna, S.Tilluckdharry, L.JF, BurgessGoldberg, J. P.Dane, F.C.Ludmer, P.L.Ludmer, P.L.Glynn, N.W.Schrock, L.Brazer, W.Ruderman, N BTicko, S.Cabral, H.Hamm, H.Wright, R.F.Center, D.M.Sharma, M.C.King, A. C.Wilson, R.M.Stopa, S.F.E, RobinsonBloom, B.B.CS, PhibbsBrown, M.L.Costello, C.E.Center, D.M.Wright, R.F.Umez-Eronini, A.Taylor, C.A.Godfrey, T.Havasi, A.Cruikshank, W.W.Setlow, P.Sigman-Grant, M.Seshadri, S.Culpepper, L.Pelfrey, C.M.Cassel, C.K.Arnold, J.M.Sebastiani, P.Arnold, J.M.T, MurrayChipkin, S RJick, S.Frank, S.A.Perls, T.T.Heeren, T.J, NievesGanz, P.Ganz, P.Champion, V.Baer, R.Menon, V.Coffman, J DHolloway, R.G.Taub, D.D.Amoateng-Adjepong, Y.Smith, T.J.Moore II, D.H.Braunwald, E.Manthous, C.A.Keeley, R.Cohen, H.J.Mayeux, R.Turner, R.V.Kieburtz, K.Bröcker, E.-B.Braunwald, E.Crayton, E.Kroenke, K.Christensen, K.Devine, C.De Vries, R.G.Frame, P.S.LeBoit, P.E.Glasse, L.Zmuda, J.M.Drewnowski, A.Pinkel, D.Eckert, G.Mor, V.Barral, S.Swindle, R.Dunn, A.Johnson, G.Pauker, S.G.Lee, J.H.West, S.L.Simonsick, E.M.al.Walston, J.D.Yashin, A.I. and Hadley, E.
(pp. 7-16)
Supporting statements and rationale.
Costanza, M EAnnas, G JBrown, M LCassel, C KChampion, Victoria LCohen, Harvey JFrame, P SGlasse, LMor, V and Pauker, Stephen G
Journal of gerontology, vol. 47 Spec No, pp. 7-16, 1992/Nov. | Journal Article
The relationship of attitudes, knowledge, and social support to breast-feeding.
Richardson, V and Champion, Victoria L
Issues in comprehensive pediatric nursing, vol. 15, (no. 3), pp. 183-97, 1992 Jul-Sep. | Journal Article
The role of breast self-examination in breast cancer screening.
Champion, Victoria L
Cancer, vol. 69, (no. 7 Suppl), pp. 1985-91, 1992/Apr/1. | Journal Article
Variables related to breast self-examination
Champion, Victoria and Miller, Theodore
Psychology of Women Quarterly, vol. 16, (no. 1), pp. 81, 19920301. | Journal Article
Variables related to breast self-examination: Model generation
Champion, V.L., & Miller, T. and Champion, Victoria L
(pp. 81-96). 1992
Variables Related to Breast Self-Examination: Model Generation
Champion, Victoria L and Miller, Theodore K
Psychology of Women Quarterly, vol. 16, (no. 1), pp. 81, Mar 1992. | Journal Article
Workshop III. Breast self?examination and breast physical examination
McKenna, R.J.Greene, P.Winchester, D.P.Baines, C.J.Foster, R.S.Champion, V. and O’Malley, M.S.
Cancer, vol. 69, pp. 2003-2004. | Journal Article
Public values and beliefs toward nursing as a career.
May, F.E.Champion, V. and Austin, J.K.
(pp. 303-310)
Public values and beliefs toward nursing as a career.
May, F EChampion, Victoria L and Austin, Joan K
The Journal of nursing education, vol. 30, (no. 7), pp. 303-10, 1991/Sep. | Journal Article
The relationship of selected variables to breast cancer detection behaviors in women 35 and older.
Champion, Victoria L
Oncology nursing forum, vol. 18, (no. 4), pp. 733-9, 1991 May-Jun. | Journal Article
The relationship of selected variables to breast cancer detection behaviors in women 35 and older.
Champion, V.L.
(pp. 733-739)
Breast self-examination in women 35 and older: a prospective study.
Champion, Victoria L
Journal of behavioral medicine, vol. 13, (no. 6), pp. 523-38, 1990/Dec. | Journal Article
Relationship between cross-cultural health attitudes and community health indicators.
Champion, Victoria LAustin, J K and Tzeng, Oliver C
Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.), vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 243-50, 1990/Dec. | Journal Article
Cross-cultural relationships between self-concept and body image in high school-age boys.
Austin, J.K.Champion, V.L. and Tzeng, O.C.
(pp. 234-240)
Cross-cultural relationships between self-concept and body image in high school-age boys.
Austin, Joan KChampion, Victoria L and Tzeng, O C
Archives of psychiatric nursing, vol. 3, (no. 4), pp. 234-40, 1989/Aug. | Journal Article
Effect of knowledge, teaching method, confidence and social influence on breast self-examination behavior.
Champion, Victoria L
Image--the journal of nursing scholarship, vol. 21, (no. 2), pp. 76-80, 1989. | Journal Article
Variables related to research utilization in nursing: an empirical investigation
Champion, Victoria L and Leach, A.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 14, (no. Sep 89), pp. 705-10, 1989. | Journal Article
Variables related to research utilization in nursing: an empirical investigation.
Champion, Victoria L and Leach, A
Journal of advanced nursing, vol. 14, (no. 9), pp. 705-10, 1989/Sep. | Journal Article
Attitudinal variables related to intention, frequency and proficiency of breast self-examination in women 35 and over.
Champion, Victoria L
Research in nursing & health, vol. 11, (no. 5), pp. 283-91, 1988/Oct. | Journal Article
Cross-cultural comparison of images of nurses and physicians
Champion, Victoria LAustin, J. and Tzeng, Oliver C
International Nursing Review, vol. 34, (no. Mar/Apr 87), pp. 43-8, 1987. | Journal Article