4 Publications
The role of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the management of unresectable gross disease or gross residual disease after surgery in ependymoma
Lo, SimonLo, Simon SLo, SimonAbdulrahman, RamziAbdulrahman, RamziAbdulrahman, RamziDesRosiers, PaulDesRosiers, PaulDes Rosiers, Paul MFakiris, AchillesFakiris, AchillesFakiris, AchillesWitt, Thomas CWitt, ThomasWitt, ThomasWorth, RobertWorth, RobertWorth, Robert MDittmer, PhilDittmer, Phil HDittmer, PhilDes Rosiers, ColleenDesRosiers, ColleenDesRosiers, Colleen MFrost, StephanieFrost, StephanieFrost, StephanieTimmerman, RobertTimmerman, Robert and Timmerman, Robert
Journal of Neuro - Oncology, vol. 79, (no. 1), pp. 51-6, Aug 2006. | Journal Article
The role of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in the management of unresectable gross diseaseor gross residual disease after surgery in ependymoma
Lo, Simon SAbdulrahman, RamziDes Rosiers, Paul MFakiris, AchillesWitt, Thomas CWorth, Robert MDittmer, Phil HDesRosiers, Colleen MFrost, Stephanie and Timmerman, Robert
Journal of Neuro-Oncology, vol. 79, (no. 1), pp. 51-56, 2006. | Journal Article
Monte carlo simulation of the Leksell Gamma Knife: II. Effects of heterogeneous versus homogeneous media for stereotactic radiosurgery.
Moskvin, VadimMoskvin, VadimTimmerman, RobertTimmerman, RobertDesRosiers, ColleenDesRosiers, ColleenRandall, MarcusRandall, Marcus EDesRosiers, PaulDesRosiers, PaulDittmer, PhilDittmer, Phil HPapiez, Lech and Papiez, Lech
Physics in medicine and biology, vol. 49, (no. 21), pp. 4879-95, 2004/Nov/7. | Journal Article
A technique for inguinal node boost using photon fields defined by asymmetric collimator jaws.
Dittmer, Phil H and Randall, Marcus E
Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 59, (no. 1), pp. 61-4, 2001/Apr. | Journal Article