8 Publications
Perceived wintering latitude determines timing of song output in a migratory bird
Brewer, Dustin EMcGill, Clint A and Fudickar, Adam M
Ecology and Evolution, vol. 10, (no. 2), pp. 755, January 2020. | Journal Article
Genomes to space stations: the need for the integrative study of migration for avian conservation
Fudickar, Adam MFudickar, Adam MKetterson, Ellen D and Ketterson, Ellen D
Biology letters, vol. 14, (no. 2), pp. 20170741, 2018-02-00. | Journal Article
Understanding variation in migratory movements: A mechanistic approach
Watts, Heather EWatts, Heather ECornelius, Jamie MCornelius, Jamie MFudickar, Adam MFudickar, Adam MPérez, JonathanPérez, JonathanRamenofsky, Marilyn and Ramenofsky, Marilyn
General and Comparative Endocrinology, vol. 256, pp. 122, 2018-01-15. | Journal Article
Mechanisms Associated with an Advance in the Timing of Seasonal Reproduction in an Urban Songbird
Fudickar, Adam MFudickar, Adam MGreives, Timothy JGreives, Timothy JAbolins-Abols, MikusAbolins-Abols, MikusAtwell, Jonathan WAtwell, Jonathan WMeddle, Simone LMeddle, Simone LFriis, GuillermoFriis, GuillermoStricker, Craig AStricker, Craig AKetterson, Ellen D and Ketterson, Ellen D
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 5, 2017-08-02. | Journal Article
Differential gene expression in seasonal sympatry: mechanisms involved in diverging life histories
Fudickar, Adam MFudickar, Adam MPeterson, Mark PPeterson, Mark PGreives, Timothy JGreives, Timothy JAtwell, Jonathan WAtwell, Jonathan WBridge, Eli SBridge, Eli SKetterson, Ellen D and Ketterson, Ellen D
Biology letters, vol. 12, (no. 3), pp. 20160069, 2016-Mar. | Journal Article
Early spring sex differences in luteinizing hormone response to gonadotropin releasing hormone in co-occurring resident and migrant dark-eyed juncos ( Junco hyemalis )
Greives, Timothy JGreives, TimothyFudickar, Adam MFudickar, AdamAtwell, JonathanAtwell, Jonathan WMeddle, SimoneMeddle, Simone LKetterson, Ellen D and Ketterson, Ellen
General and Comparative Endocrinology, vol. 236, pp. 23, 2016. | Journal Article
Reproductive Allochrony in Seasonally Sympatric Populations Maintained by Differential Response to Photoperiod: Implications for Population Divergence and Response to Climate Change
Fudickar, Adam MFudickar, Adam MGreives, Timothy JGreives, Timothy JAtwell, Jonathan WAtwell, Jonathan WStricker, Craig AStricker, Craig AKetterson, Ellen DKetterson, Ellen DWilliams, Tony D and Michalakis, Yannis
The American naturalist, vol. 187, (no. 4), pp. 446, 20160401. | Journal Article
Female-biased obligate strategies in a partially migratory population
Fudickar, AdamSchmidt, AndreasHau, MichaelaQuetting, Michael and Partecke, Jesko
Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 82, (no. 4), pp. 871, 20130701. | Journal Article