5 Grants
Collaborative Research: MRA: Dew impacts on ecosystem carbon, energy and water fluxes at continental scale - a synthesis across NEON sites
Wang, Lixin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Biological Sciences, Division Of Environmental Biology (ID: 2307257), $429,172USD, 2023-09-01 -- 2027-08-31
GP-EXTRA: Building a new generation of urban environmental scholar-citizens through community-based programs for science and impact
Licht, KathyWang, LixinJacinthe, Pierre AndreFilippelli, Gabriel and Hess, Justin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Geosciences, ICER (ID: 1701132), $428,085USD, 08/01/2017 -- 07/31/2020
CAREER: The effects of non-rainfall moisture inputs on dryland ecosystem functions
Wang, Lixin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Geosciences, Division Of Earth Sciences (ID: 1554894), $342,695USD, 06/01/2016 -- 05/31/2021
Collaborative Research: Forest Water Use and the Influence of Acid Deposition
Wang, Lixin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate For Geosciences, Division Of Earth Sciences (ID: 1562055), $99,212USD, 06/01/2016 -- 05/31/2019
US-Namibia Planning Visit: Building a Research Collaboration on the Effects of Non-rainfall Input on Dryland Ecosystem Functions
Wang, Lixin
National Science Foundation (NSF), OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, Office of International and Integrative Activities (ID: 1427642), $67,348USD, 08/15/2014 -- 07/31/2015