155 Publications (Page 5 of 7)
PACER: An Internet-based interactive learning system for Computing Science
M. J. Palakal and C. L. Boyd and Palakal, Mathew J
June 1996
The design and implementation of an interactive learning system using JAVA
F. Myers, T. Biggs, C. Brown, M. J. Palakal, and C. L. Boyd and Palakal, Mathew J
18 Oct 1996
Analysis and classification of delay-sensitive cortical neurons based on response to temporal parameters in echolocation signals
Chittajallu, SKPalakal, Mathew J and Wong, D.
Hearing Research, vol. 84, (no. 1-2), pp. 157-166, 1995. | Journal Article
Analysis and Classification of Delay-Sensitive Cortical Neurons Based on Response to Temporal Parameters in Echolocation Signals
S. K. Chittajallu, M. J. Palakal, and D. Wong and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 157-166). 1995
An Optimization Neural Network Model for Fatigue Predictions of Panels with Multiple Site Damage, Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks
T.L. Biddlecome, M.J. Palakal, and R.M.V. Pidaprti and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 911-916). 1995
Augmenting Parallel Reasoning Mechanisms with Learning in Expert Systems
M. J. Palakal and A. V. Hudli and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 1-11). 1995
Augmenting parallel reasoning mechanisms with learning networks in expert systems
Palakal, Mathew J and Hudli, Anand V
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 8, (no. 5), pp. 525, 1995. | Journal Article
Neural network approach to fatigue-crack-growth predictions under aircraft spectrum loadings
Pidaparti, Ramana M and Palakal, Mathew J
Journal of Aircraft (0021-8669), vol. 32, (no. 4), pp. 825-831, 1995. | Journal Article
Tonotopic Representation of Auditory Responses Using Self-Organizing Maps
M. J. Palakal, U. Murthy, S. K. Chittajallu, and D. Wong and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 7-21). 1995
A Real-Time Dynamic Backward Task Planner for Intelligent Mobile Robot
Q. Xue, Y. P. Chien, Y. Feng*, and M. J. Palakal and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 1-21). 1994
Computational model of signal-encoding in the mamalian peripheral auditory system
S. K. Chittajallu, M. J. Palakal, and K. G. Kohrt and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 1303-1307). 1994
Computational model of signal-encoding in the mammalian peripheral auditory system
Chittajallu Siva KPalakal, Mathew J and Kohrt Kevin
(pp. 1303-1307). 02 Oct 1994
Computational model of signal-encoding in the mammalian peripheral auditory system
Chittajallu, Siva KPalakal, Mathew J and Kohrt, Kevin
Vol. 2, vol. 2, pp. 1303-1307, 1994. | Journal Article
Modeling Cortical Neuron Responses using Artitifical Neural Networks
M. J. Palakal, Siva K. Chittajallu, and Donald Wong and Palakal, Mathew J
Fatigue crack growth prediction for spectrum loadings using neural networks
Pidaparti, Ramana M and Palakal, Mathew J
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 34th and AIAA/ASME Adaptive Structures Forum, La Jolla, CA; UNITED STATES; 19-22 Apr. 1993. 1993. | Conference Proceeding
Fatigue crack growth prediction for spectrum loadings using neural networks
R. M. V. Pidaparti and M. Palakal and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 926-931). 1993
Fatigue crack growth prediction for spectrum loadings using neural networks.
Pidaparti, RMV and Palakal, Mathew J
AIAA, 1993. | Journal Article
Prediction of Non-Linear Stress-Strain Behavior of Graphite-Epoxy Laminates using Neural Networks
R. M. V. Pidaparti and M. Palakal and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 1533-1535). 1993
A Neural Network Approach to Large Dimensional Spectral Pattern Processing
M. Palakal and M. Zoran and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. pp. 691-696). 1992
A Neural Network Based Material Model for Graphite-Epoxy Laminates
R. M. V. Pidaparti, M. Othman, and M. Palakal and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. pp. 1104-1113). 1992
A Real-Time Task Planner for Intelligent Mobile Robot
Q. Xue, M. Palakal, and Y. P. Chien and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. pp.26-29). 1992
Intelligent Task Planning and Environment Learning of a Mobile Robot
Y. P. Chien, Q. Xue, M. Palakal, and S. Chittajallu and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 1120-1125). 1992
A mobile robot system for the handicapped.
Palakal, Mathew JTrivedi, M. MChien, Y. PChittajallu, S. K and Xue, Q. L
SPIE Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Part 1; Orlando; FL (USA); 2-4 Apr. 1991. 1991. | Conference Proceeding
A Mobile Robot System for the Handicapped
M. Palakal, Y. P. Chien, S. K. Chittajallu and Q. L. Xue and Palakal, Mathew J
(pp. 1178-1183). 1991
A neural network based expert system model
Hudli Anand VPalakal, Mathew J and Zoran Michael J
(pp. 895). 08 Jul 1991