12 W eeks of a R ibavirin‐ F ree S ofosbuvir and N onstructural P rotein 5 A I nhibitor R egimen I s E nough to T reat R ecurrence of H epatitis C A fter L iver T ransplantation
Houssel‐Debry, Pauline⋅Coilly, Audrey⋅Fougerou‐Leurent, Claire⋅Jezequel, Caroline⋅Duvoux, Christophe⋅Ledinghen, Victor⋅Radenne, Sylvie⋅Kamar, Nassim⋅Leroy, Vincent⋅Martino, Vincent Di⋅D'Alteroche, Louis⋅Canva, Valérie⋅Conti, Filomena⋅Dumortier, Jerome⋅Montialoux, Hélène⋅Lebray, Pascal⋅Botta‐Fridlund, Danielle⋅Tran, Albert⋅Moreno, Christophe⋅Silvain, Christine⋅Besch, Camille⋅Perre, Philippe⋅Francoz, Claire⋅Abergel, Armando⋅Habersetzer, François⋅Debette‐Gratien, Maryline⋅Cagnot, Carole⋅Diallo, Alpha⋅Chevaliez, Stéphane⋅Rossignol, Emilie⋅Veislinger, Aurélie⋅Duclos‐Vallee, Jean‐Charles and Pageaux, Georges‐Philippe
Hepatology, vol. 68, (no. 4), pp. 1287, 2018-10-00. | Journal Article