39 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Improving social harm indices with a modulated Hawkes process
Mohler, GeorgeMohler, GeorgeCarter, JeremyCarter, JeremyRaje, Rajeev and Raje, Rajeev
International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 439, July-September 2018. | Journal Article
On the application of search-based techniques for software engineering predictive modeling: A systematic review and future directions
Malhotra, RuchikaKhanna, Megha and Raje, Rajeev R
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. 32, pp. 109, February 2017. | Journal Article
Understanding the trust of software‐intensive distributed systems
Gallege, Lahiru SGallege, Lahiru SGamage, Dimuthu UGamage, Dimuthu UHill, James HHill, James HRaje, Rajeev R and Raje, Rajeev R
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 28, (no. 1), pp. 143, January 2016. | Journal Article
Learning improves service discovery
Olson, Andrew MOlson, Andrew MRaje, Rajeev RRaje, Rajeev RDevaraju, BarunDevaraju, BarunGallege, Lahiru S and Gallege, Lahiru S
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 27, (no. 7), pp. 1694, May 2015. | Journal Article
Compositional reasoning of performance in component-based distributed systems
Sun, ChanglinRaje, Rajeev RTilak, Omkar and Bryant, Barrett R
Cluster Computing, vol. 11, (no. 4), pp. 331-340, 2008. | Journal Article
QoSPL: A QoS-Driven Software Product Line Engineering Framework for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems
Liu, Shih-HsiLiu, Shih-HsiBryant, BarrettBryant, BarrettGray, JeffGray, JeffRaje, RajeevRaje, RajeevTuceryan, MihranTuceryan, MihranOlsen, AndrewOlsen, AndrewAuguston, Mikhail and Auguston, Mikhail
2006. | Journal Article
A Component Assembly Approach Based On Aspect-Oriented Generative Domain Modeling
Cao, FeiCao, FeiBryant, Barrett RBryant, Barrett RBurt, Carol CBurt, Carol CRaje, Rajeev RRaje, Rajeev ROlson, Andrew MOlson, Andrew MAuguston, Mikhail and Auguston, Mikhail
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 114, pp. 136, 2005-01-17. | Journal Article
A Component-Based Approach for Constructing High-Confidence Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Liu, Shih-HsiLiu, Shih-HsiBryant, BarrettBryant, BarrettAuguston, MikhailAuguston, MikhailGray, JeffGray, JeffRaje, RajeevRaje, RajeevTuceryan, Mihran and Tuceryan, Mihran
2005. | Journal Article
A Non-Invasive Approach to Assertive and Autonomous Dynamic Component Composition in the Service- Oriented Paradigm
Fei CaoCao, FeiBryant, Barrett RBryant, BarrettRajeev R. RajeRaje, RajeevAndrew M. OlsonOlson, AndrewAuguston, MikhailMikhail AugustonWei ZhaoZhao, WeiBurt, Carol and Carl C. Burt
2005. | Journal Article
Distributed multi-agent information filtering--A comparative study
Mukhopadhyay, SnehasisPeng, S.Raje, Rajeev RMostafa, Javed and Palakal, Mathew J
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 56, (no. 8), pp. 834-842, Jun 2005. | Journal Article
Marshaling and unmarshaling models using the entity-relationship model
Cao, FeiBryant, Barrett RZhao, WeiBurt, Carol CRaje, Rajeev ROlson, Andrew M and Auguston, Mikhail
Symposium on Applied Computing: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing; 13-17 Mar. 2005. 2005. | Conference Proceeding
QoS-UniFrame: A Petri Net-based Modeling Approach to Assure QoS Requirements of Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems
Liu, Shih-hsuLiu, Shih-hsuBryant, BarrettBryant, BarrettGray, JeffreyGray, JeffreyRaje, RajeevRaje, RajeevOlson, AndrewOlson, AndrewAuguston, Mikhail and Auguston, Mikhail
2005. | Journal Article
Two-level assurance of QoS requirements for distributed real-time and embedded systems
Liu, Shih HsiBryant, Barrett RGray, JeffRaje, Rajeev ROlson, Andrew and Auguston, Mikhail
Symposium on Applied Computing: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing; 13-17 Mar. 2005. 2005. | Conference Proceeding
TwoLevel Assurance of QoS Requirements for Distributed Realtime and Embedded Systems
Liu, Shih-HsiBryant, BarrettGray, JeffreyRaje, RajeevOlson, Andrew and Auguston, Mikhail
2005. | Journal Article
COBioSIFTER - A CORBA-Based Distributed Multi-Agent Biological Information Management System
Raje, RajeevRaje, Rajeev RZhu, DaochengZhu, DaochengMukhopadhyay, SnehasisMukhopadhyay, SnehasisTang, LiyingTang, LiyingPalakal, MathewPalakal, MathewMostafa, Javed and Mostafa, Javed
Cluster Computing, vol. 7, (no. 4), pp. 373-389, 2004. | Journal Article
From Natural Language Requirements to Executable Models of Software Components
Bryant, BarrettBryant, BarrettLee, Beum-SeukLee, Beum-SeukCao, FeiCao, FeiZhao, WeiZhao, WeiBurt, CarolBurt, CarolRaje, RajeevRaje, RajeevOlson, AndrewOlson, AndrewAuguston, Mikhail and Auguston, Mikhail
2003. | Journal Article
Identification of biological relationships from text documents using efficient computational methods.
Palakal, Mathew JStephens, MatthewMukhopadhyay, SnehasisRaje, Rajeev R and Rhodes, Simon J
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology. , vol. 1, (no. 2), pp. 307-42, 2003/Jul. | Journal Article
Multi-agent information classification using dynamic acquaintance lists
Mostafa, JavedMukhopadhyay, SnehasisPalakal, Mathew JPeng, Shengquan and Raje, Rajeev R
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, vol. 54, (no. 10), pp. 966-975, 2003. | Journal Article
Programming languages and object technologies
Jo, Chang-Hyun and Raje, Rajeev R
Symposium on Applied Computing: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing. 2003. | Conference Proceeding
A multi-level text mining method to extract biological relationships.
Palakal, Mathew JStephens, MatthewMukhopadhyay, SnehasisRaje, Rajeev R and Rhodes, Simon J
Proceedings / IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference. IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference. , vol. 1, pp. 97-108, 2002. | Journal Article
An intelligent biological information management system.
Palakal, Mathew JMukhopadhyay, SnehasisMostafa, JavedRaje, Rajeev RN'Cho, Mathias and Mishra, Santosh
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) , vol. 18, (no. 10), pp. 1283-8, 2002/Oct. | Journal Article
A quality-of-service-based framework for creating distributed heterogeneous software components
Raje, Rajeev RBryant, Barrett ROlson, Andrew MAuguston, Mikhail and Burt, Carol
Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, vol. 14, (no. 12), pp. 1009-1034, 2002. | Journal Article
A translation approach to component specification
Cao, FeiBryant, Barrett RZhao, WeiBurt, Carol CRaje, Rajeev RAuguston, Mikhail and Olson, Andrew M
Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications: Companion of the 17th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications; 04-08 Nov. 2002. 2002. | Conference Proceeding
Formal specification of generative component assembly using two-level grammar
Bryant, Barrett RBurt, Carol CAuguston, MikhailRaje, Rajeev R and Olson, Andrew M
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 27: Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and knowledge engineering; 15-19 July 2002. 2002. | Conference Proceeding
Homogeneous agent-based distributed information filtering
Raje, RajeevRaje, Rajeev RQiao, M.Qiao, MingyongMukhopadhyay, SnehasisMukhopadhyay, SnehasisPalakal, M.Palakal, MathewPeng, S.Peng, ShengquanMostafa, Javed and Mostafa, Javed
Cluster Computing, vol. 5, (no. 4), pp. 377-388, 2002. | Journal Article