2 Grants
Development of Innovative Medical Device Technology for Quantifying Forces during Soft Tissue Manipulation Assessment and Intervention
Anwar, Sohel and Loghmani, Mary T
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) (ID: 1R41AT011494-01), $256,129USD, 2021-04-01 -- 2022-03-31
NRT-IGE: Promoting Creativity in Engineering and Technology Graduate Education through Integration of Arts, Design and Experiential Learning in the Curriculum
Izadian, AfshinAnwar, SohelTovar, Andres and Nalim, M. Razi
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Education and Human Resources, Division Of Graduate Education (ID: 1633426), $452,958USD, 09/01/2016 -- 08/31/2019