309 Publications (Page 13 of 13)
A retinoic acid response element is present in the mouse cellular retinol binding protein I (mCRBPI) promoter
Smith, W.C.Nakshatri, H.Leroy, P.Rees, J. and Chambon, P.
(pp. 2223-2230)
Mouse retinoic acid receptor ?2 isoform is transcribed from a promoter that contains a retinoic acid response element
Leroy, P.Nakshatri, H. and Chambon, P.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 88, pp. 10138-10142. | Journal Article
Mouse Retinoic Acid Receptor α2 Isoform is Transcribed from a Promoter that Contains a Retinoic Acid Response Element
Leroy, PierreNakshatri, Harikrishna and Chambon, Pierre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 88, (no. 22), pp. 10142, 19911115. | Journal Article
Activity and enhancer binding factors for jc virus regulatory elements in differentiating embryonal carcinoma cells
Nakshatri, HarikrishnaPater, Alan and Pater, Mary M
Virology, vol. 177, (no. 2), pp. 789, 1990. | Journal Article
Transcription and transformation by papovaviruses (Dissertation)
Nakshatri, Harikrishna (1990).
Ubiquitous and cell-type-specific protein interactions with human papillomavirus type 16 and type 18 enhancers
Nakshatri, HarikrishnaPater, Mary M and Pater, Alan
Virology, vol. 178, (no. 1), pp. 103, 1990. | Journal Article
Functional role of BK virus tumor antigens in transformation
Nakshatri, H.Pater, M.M. and Pater, A.
Journal of Virology, vol. 62, pp. 4613-4621. | Journal Article
Functional role of BK virus tumor antigens in transformation
Nakshatri, H.Pater, M.M. and Pater, A.
(pp. 4613-4621)
Glucocorticoid-Dependent Oncogenic Transformation by Type 16 but Not Type 11 Human Papilloma Virus DNA
Pater, MaryHughes, GlenysHyslop, DavidNakshatri, Harikrishna and Pater, Alan
Nature, vol. 335, (no. 6193), pp. 832-5, Oct 27, 1988. | Journal Article