43 Grants (Page 1 of 2)
3D Multiscale Biomolecular Human Reference Atlas Construction, Visualization and Usage [4 of 5]
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 1OT2OD033756-01), $1,827,384USD, 2022-08-01 -- 2023-07-31
3D Multiscale Biomolecular Human Reference Atlas Construction, Visualization and Usage [4 of 5]
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 3OT2OD033756-01S1), $99,999USD, 2022-08-01 -- 2023-07-31
Amplifying the Value of HuBMAP Data Through Data Interoperability and Collaboration
Blood, Philip DBorner, Katy and SILVERSTEIN, JONATHAN C
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 3OT2OD030545-01S2), $500,000USD, 2020-09-25 -- 2022-09-24
Amplifying the Value of HuBMAP Data Through Data Interoperability and Collaboration
Blood, Philip DBorner, Katy and SILVERSTEIN, JONATHAN C
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 3OT2OD030545-01S1), $150,000USD, 2020-09-25 -- 2022-09-24
myAURA: Personalized Web Service for Epilepsy Management
Borner, KatyMILLER, WENDY R and Rocha, Luis M
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM) (ID: 7R01LM012832-04), $299,259USD, 2021-06-01 -- 2022-05-31
The Human Body Atlas: High-Resolution, Functional Mapping of Voxel, Vector, and Meta Datasets
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 3OT2OD026671-01S4), $1,500,000USD, 2021-06-21 -- 2022-06-20
Amplifying the Value of HuBMAP Data Through Data Interoperability and Collaboration
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 1OT2OD030545-01), $500,000USD, 2020-09-25 -- 2022-09-24
myAURA: Personalized Web Service for Epilepsy Management
Borner, KatyMILLER, WENDY R and Rocha, Luis M
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM) (ID: 5R01LM012832-03), $336,135USD, 2018-09-10 -- 2022-05-31
The Human Body Atlas: High-Resolution, Functional Mapping of Voxel, Vector and Meta Datasets
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 3OT2OD026671-01S3), $1,000,000USD, 2018-09-21 -- 2022-09-20
Convergence Accelerator Phase I (RAISE): Analytics-Driven Accessible Pathways To Impacts-Validated Education (ADAPTIVE)
Anbar, ArielBorner, KatyJona, Kemi and Storksdieck, Martin
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office Of The Director, Office of Integrative Activities (ID: 1936656), $995,000USD, 09/01/2019 -- 05/31/2020
myAURA: Personalized Web Service for Epilepsy Management
Borner, KatyMILLER, WENDY R and Rocha, Luis M
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM) (ID: 5R01LM012832-02), $336,441USD, 09/10/2018 -- 05/31/2022
The Human Body Atlas: High-Resolution, Functional Mapping of Voxel, Vector and Meta Datasets
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 3OT2OD026671-01S1), $600,000USD, 06/21/2019 -- 06/20/2020
The Human Body Atlas: High-Resolution, Functional Mapping of Voxel, Vector, and Meta Datasets
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 3OT2OD026671-01S2), $49,496USD, 06/21/2019 -- 06/20/2020
Information Visualization of NSWC Crane Innovation Ecosystem
Borner, Katy
U.S. Department Of Defense (Dod), United States Navy (ID: N001641811005), $200,000USD, 6/1/2018 -- 9/30/2018
myAURA: Personalized Web Service for Epilepsy Management
Borner, KatyMILLER, WENDY R and Rocha, Luis M
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine (NLM) (ID: 1R01LM012832-01A1), $336,733USD, 09/10/2018 -- 05/31/2022
The Human Body Atlas: High-Resolution, Functional Mapping of Voxel, Vector, and Meta Datasets
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of the Director (OD) (ID: 1OT2OD026671-01), $330,000USD, 09/21/2018 -- 09/20/2022
TRIPODS+X:RES:Collaborative Research: Multi-Level Graph Representation for Exploring Big Data
Borner, Katy
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien, Division Of Mathematical Sciences (ID: 1839167), $300,000USD, 10/01/2018 -- 09/30/2021
Data Visualization Literacy: Research and Tools that Advance Public Understanding of Scientific Data
Peppler, KylieBorner, KatyKennedy, BryanUzzo, Stephen and Heimlich, Joe
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Education and Human Resources, Division Of Research On Learning (ID: 1713567), $1,355,236USD, 08/01/2017 -- 07/31/2021
NRT: Interdisciplinary Training in Complex Networks and Systems
Rocha, LuisRazo, ArmandoPescosolido, BerniceBorner, Katy and Sporns, Olaf
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Education and Human Resources, Division Of Graduate Education (ID: 1735095), $2,999,845USD, 09/01/2017 -- 08/31/2022
EAGER: Open XD Metrics on Demand Value Analytics
Furlani, ThomasBorner, KatyGallo, StevenLink, Matthew and Henschel, Robert
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr, Div Of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ID: 1566393), $296,416USD, 04/01/2016 -- 03/31/2018
Conference: SciSIP Conference on Modelling Science, Technology, and Innovation, May 2016
Borner, Katy and Milojevic, Stasa
National Science Foundation (NSF), Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie, SBE Off Of Multidisciplinary Activities (ID: 1546824), $48,750USD, 09/01/2015 -- 08/31/2016
Monitoring, Modeling &Forecasting Tools for Fostering Innovative S&T Workforce
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) (ID: 5U01GM098959-04), $262,023USD, 09/15/2011 -- 08/31/2015
Monitoring, Modeling &Forecasting Tools for Fostering Innovative S&T Workforce
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) (ID: 5U01GM098959-03), $257,834USD, 09/15/2011 -- 08/31/2015
Monitoring, Modeling &Forecasting Tools for Fostering Innovative S&T Workforce
Borner, Katy
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) (ID: 5U01GM098959-02), $270,661USD, 09/15/2011 -- 08/31/2015
Pathways: Sense-Making of Big Data
Borner, KatyMaltese, Adam and Heimlich, Joseph
National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education & Human Resources, Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) (ID: 1223698), $250,000USD, 07/15/2012 -- 06/30/2014