31 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Heteromeric amyloid filaments of ANXA11 and TDP-43 in FTLD-TDP Type C
Co-existence of PrPD types 1 and 2 in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease of the VV subgroup: phenotypic and prion protein characteristics.
I, CaliG, PuotiJ, SmucnyPM, CurtissL, CraccoT, KitamotoR, OcchipintiML, CohenBS, Appleby and P, Gambetti
Scientific reports. | Journal Article
Covalently-linked PrP fragments in two major GSS variants. Prion 2019
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease revisited: accumulation of covalently-linked multimers of internal prion protein fragments.
Cracco, LauraL, CraccoX, XiaoXiao, XiangzhuSK, NemaniNemani, Satish KLavrich, JodyJ, LavrichCali, IgnazioI, CaliGhetti, BernardinoB, GhettiS, NotariNotari, SilvioSurewicz, Witold KWK, SurewiczP, Gambetti and Gambetti, Pierluigi
Acta neuropathologica communications. | Journal Article
Variable Protease-Sensitive Prionopathy Transmission to Bank Voles.
R, NonnoS, NotariMA, Di BariI, CaliL, PirisinuCL, CraccoD, KofskeyI, VanniJ, LavrichP, ParchiU, Agrimi and P, Gambetti
Emerging infectious diseases. | Journal Article
Fatal familial insomnia and sporadic fatal insomnia.
Cracco, LauraL, CraccoBS, ApplebyAppleby, Brian SGambetti, Pierluigi and P, Gambetti
Handbook of clinical neurology. | Journal Article
Novel strain properties distinguishing sporadic prion diseases sharing prion protein genotype and prion type.
L, CraccoCracco, LauraS, NotariNotari, SilvioI, CaliCali, IgnazioSy, Man SunMS, SyChen, Shu GSG, ChenML, CohenCohen, Mark LB, GhettiGhetti, BernardinoAppleby, Brian SBS, ApplebyZou, Wen QuanWQ, ZouCaughey, ByronB, CaugheySafar, Jiri GJG, SafarGambetti, Pierluigi and P, Gambetti
Scientific reports. | Journal Article
The comparative study of protease-resistant prion protein typically associated with CJD and GSS reveals an unexpected basic similarity. Ninety-third Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists
Transmission study of human prion diseases in PrP glycan-KO transgenic mice. prion 2017
New determinants of phenotypic diversity in sporadic human prion diseases. Prion 2015
Synthetic Aβ peptides acquire prion-like properties in the brain.
X, XiaoXiao, XiangzhuCali, IgnazioI, CaliJ, YuanYuan, JueL, CraccoCracco, LauraCurtiss, PaulP, CurtissL, ZengZeng, LiangAbouelsaad, MaiM, AbouelsaadD, GazgalisGazgalis, DimitrisGX, WangWang, Gong-XianKong, QingzhongQ, KongH, FujiokaFujioka, HisashiPuoti, GianfrancoG, PuotiWQ, Zou and Zou, Wen Quan
Oncotarget. | Journal Article
Genetic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease associated with the P105S-129V mutation in the PRNP gene. XVIII International Congress of Neuropathology
Glycans modulate the transmissibility of PrPSc and the sCJDMM2 and sFI phenotypes. Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists
Sporadic fatal insomnia in an adolescent.
JL, BlaseL, CraccoLB, SchonbergerRA, MaddoxY, CohenI, Cali and ED, Belay
Pediatrics. | Journal Article
Transmissibility and propagation of co-existing prions of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease into humanized transgenic mice. Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists
Transmissibility and propagation of PrPSc from sCJDMM1-2 in humanized transgenic mice. Prion 2014
Transmission characteristics of variably protease-sensitive prionopathy.
S, NotariNotari, SilvioX, XiaoXiao, XiangzhuEspinosa, Juan CarlosJC, EspinosaY, CohenCohen, YvonneQing, LiutingL, QingP, Aguilar-CalvoAguilar-Calvo, PatriciaD, KofskeyKofskey, DianeCali, IgnazioI, CaliCracco, LauraL, CraccoKong, QingzhongQ, KongTorres, Juan MariaJM, TorresZou, WenquanW, ZouGambetti, Pierluigi and P, Gambetti
Emerging infectious diseases. | Journal Article
A case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease associated with the P105S-129V mutation in PRNP gene. Eighty Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists
Co-occurrence of distinct types of scrapie prion protein in sporadic Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease. Eighty Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists
Heart-fatty acid-binding and tau proteins relate to brain injury severity and long-term outcome in subarachnoid haemorrhage patients.
ER, ZanierT, ZoerleM, FioriniL, LonghiL, CraccoA, BersanoV, BrancaMD, BenedettiMG, De SimoniS, Monaco and N, Stocchetti
British journal of anaesthesia. | Journal Article
New mechanisms of phenotypic determination in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and sporadic fatal insomnia. Eighty Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists
Analysis of phenotypic heterogeneity associated with homologous genotype-PrPSc type pairings: sCJDMV2, sCJDMM2 and sFI. Prion 2012
Co-existence of PrPSc types 1 and 2 in sporadic CJD with genotype 129VV. Prion 2012
Phenotypic heterogeneity in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease associated with a new prion protein mutation. Congress of the Italian Association of Neuropathology (AINP) and XXXVII Congress of the Italian Association for Research on Brain Aging (AIRIC)
Sporadic fatal insomnia in a young woman: a diagnostic challenge: case report.
KM, MoodyMoody, KarenSchonberger, LawrenceLB, SchonbergerMaddox, RyanRA, MaddoxZou, Wen QuanWQ, ZouL, CraccoCracco, LauraI, Cali and Cali, Ignazio
BMC neurology. | Journal Article