
Professor Salzer has broad research interests in the area of extragalactic astronomy. His current research focuses are in the area of abundances in galaxies and star-formation in the nearby universe. His abundance research involves studying the metal content of hundreds of galaxies to understand the demographics of chemical enrichment as well as to measure the evolution of abundances to modest lookback times. His current star-formation studies focus on measuring the rate at which stars are being born in hundreds of nearby gas-rich galaxies, with the goal of carrying out an unbiased census of star formation in the local universe. In addition, he has ongoing interests in Seyfert Galaxies and AGN, Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies, and the spatial distribution of galaxies in the local universe, with an eye toward the affects that galaxian environment plays in shaping the properties of galaxies.

Area of expertise:

  • Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Salzer's Projects

  • Survey for Star Forming Dwarf Galaxies Surveys for Emission-Line Galaxies
  • Optical properties of HI-selected Galaxies
  • Star-formation Census of the Local Universe

Research Interests

  • Galaxy evolution, active galactic nuclei, starburst galaxies, chemical evolution in galaxies, multi-wavelength studies of dwarf galaxies, emission-line surveys
PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Astronomy, 1987
MS, Iowa State University, Physics