656 Publications (Page 23 of 27)
End-to-end trustworthy data access in data-oriented scientific computing
Pallickara, Sangmi LeePlale, BethFang, LiangGannon, DennisTurner, SJLee, BS and Cai, W
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, pp. 395-398. | Journal Article
Multi-model based optimization for stream query processing
Liu, Y. and Plale, B.
18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2006, pp. 150-155. | Conference Proceeding
Multi-model based optimization for stream query processing
Liu, Y. and Plale, B.
(pp. 150-155)
-Book chapter-
Simmhan, Yogesh L.Plale, BethCannon, DennisMarru, SureshMoreau, L and Foster, I
In Performance evaluation of the karma provenance framework for scientific workflows (vol. 4145). (pp. 222-236). 2006
Performance Evaluation of the Karma Provenance Framework for Scientific Workflows
Simmhan, Yogesh L.Plale, BethGannon, Dennis and Marru, Suresh
(pp. 222–236). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
Personal workspace for large-scale data-driven computational experiment
Sun, YimingJensen, ScottPallickara, Sangmi LeePlale, Beth and IEEE
2006 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing, pp. 112-119. | Journal Article
Query optimization for distributed data streams
Liu, Y. and Plale, B.
Proceedings of the ISCA 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering, SEDE 2006, pp. 259-264. | Conference Proceeding
Query optimization for distributed data streams
Liu, Y. and Plale, B.
(pp. 259-264)
Stream processing in data-driven computational science
Liu, Y.Vijayakumar, N.N. and Plale, B.
Proceedings - IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing, pp. 160-167. | Conference Proceeding
Towards a Quality Model for Effective Data Selection in Collaboratories
Simmhan, Y.L.Plale, B. and Gannon, D.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). | Conference Proceeding
Towards low overhead provenance tracking in near real-time stream filtering
Vijayakumar, N.N. and Plale, B.
-Book chapter-
Vijayakumar, Nithya N.Plale, BethMoreau, L and Foster, I
In Towards low overhead provenance tracking in near real-time stream filtering (vol. 4145). (pp. 46-54). 2006
Towards Low Overhead Provenance Tracking in Near Real-Time Stream Filtering
Vijayakumar, Nithya N. and Plale, Beth
(pp. 46–54). Springer Science \mathplus Business Media
TrustCell: Towards the end-to-end trustworthiness in data-oriented scientific computing
Pallickara, Sangmi LeePlale, Beth and Society, IEEE Computer
2006 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, Proceedings, pp. 33-40. | Journal Article
Active Management of Scientific Data
Plale, Beth APlale, B.Alameda, J.Alameda, JayWilhelmson, B.Wilhelmson, BobGannon, D.Gannon, DennisHampton, ShawnHampton, S.Rossi, A.Rossi, AlDroegemeier, Kelvin K and Droegemeier, K.
IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 9, pp. 27–34. | Journal Article
A survey of data provenance in e-science
Simmhan, YLPlale, B and Gannon, D
(pp. 31-36)
A survey of data provenance in e-science
S Immhan, Yogesh LSimmhan, YogeshPlale, Beth APlale, BethGannon, Dennis and Gannon, Dennis
ACM SIGMOD Record, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 36, 09-01-2005. | Journal Article
Building Grid Portal Applications From a Web Service Component Architecture
Gannon, DennisGannon, D.Alameda, J.Alameda, J.Chipara, OctavChipara, O.Christie, M.Christie, M.Dukle, V.Dukle, V.Fang, L.Fang, L.Farrellee, M.Farrellee, M.Kandaswamy, G.Kandaswamy, G.Kodeboyina, D.Kodeboyina, D.Krishnan, S.Krishnan, S.Moad, C.Moad, C.Pierce, M.Pierce, M.Plale, B.Plale, Beth ARossi, A.Rossi, A.Simmhan, Y.Simmhan, Y.Sarangi, A.Sarangi, A.Slominski, A.Slominski, A.Shirasuna, S.Shirasuna, S.Thomas, T. and Thomas, T.
Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 93, pp. 551–563. | Journal Article
Calder: Enabling grid access to data streams
Vijayakumar, N.Liu, Y. and Plale, B.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 283-284. | Conference Proceeding
Calder: Enabling grid access to data streams
Vijayakumar, N.Liu, Y. and Plale, B.
(pp. 283-284)
Calder: Enabling grid access to data streams
Vijayakumar, NLiu, YPlale, B and IEEE
14th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Proceedings, pp. 283-284. | Journal Article
Cooperating Services for Data-Driven Computational Experimentation
Plale, Beth APlale, B.Gannon, DennisGannon, D.Huang, YiHuang, YiKandaswamy, G.Kandaswamy, G.Pallickara, SLPallickara, S. LeeSlominski, A. and Slominski, A.
Comput. Sci. Eng., vol. 7, pp. 34–43. | Journal Article
Distributed streaming query planner in calder system
Liu, Y.Plale, B. and Vijayakumar, N.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, pp. 316-317. | Conference Proceeding
Distributed streaming query planner in Calder system
Liu, YPlale, BVijayakumar, N and IEEE
14th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, Proceedings, pp. 316-317. | Journal Article
Distributed streaming query planner in Calder system
Liu, YPlale, BVijayakumar, N and IEEE
(pp. 316-317)