656 Publications (Page 27 of 27)
n.d.no date or unknown
Steering data streams in distributed computational laboratories
Isert, C.King, D.Schwan, K.Plale, B. and Eisenhauer, G.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). | Conference Proceeding
Structure, sharing and preservation of scientific experiment data
Pallickara, Sangmi LeePlale, B.Jensen, S. and Sun, Yiming
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). | Conference Proceeding
Taking the step from meta-information to communication middleware in computational data streams
Plale, B.Widener, P. and Schwan, K.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). | Conference Proceeding
TrustCell: Towards the End-to-End Trustworthiness in Data-Oriented Scientific Computing
Pallickara, S.L. and Plale, B.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). | Conference Proceeding
Understanding grid resource information management through a synthetic database benchmark/nvorkload
Plale, B.Jacobs, C.Jenson, S.Liu, YingMoad, C.Parab, R. and Vaidya, P.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). | Conference Proceeding
Work In Progress: Just Be An Interactive Experience for K-12 Students
Siek, K.A.Stephano, A.Cessna, D.Connelly, K. and Plale, B.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). | Conference Proceeding