The lab is at the forefront of network models of neural systems, all modalities of brain connectivity, and the emerging field of connectomics. Many of our ongoing projects involve collaborations in brain mapping (with an emphasis on human brain data, but also inclusing non-human primate, rodent and insect brains), brain dynamics (as recorded with EEG, MEG or fMRI), development of new methods for network analysis (especially centrality and modularity), and individual differences in brain networks across healthy populations as well as disturbances in brain injury and disease (ADHD, schizophrenia).
- Connectomics: Brain Network Analysis and Modeling
- Community Structure and Mesoscale Organization
- Communication Processes in Neural Systems
- Clinical Network Neuroscience
- Brain Dynamics and Awareness
- Topological Analysis of Brain Dynamics
- Economy, Efficiency, and Evolution
- An Edge-Centric Approach to Brain Networks
Area of Study:
- Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience
Research Topics:
- Network Neuroscience
- Connectomics
- Anatomical and Functional Brain Connectivity
- Computational Neuroscience
My work is focused on the study of brain connectivity and networks (connectomics), including patterns of anatomical projections, and the role of connectivity in shaping brain dynamics and function.
Research Interests:
- computational and cognitive neuroscience; connectomics; network models of the human brain; brain networks across the computational models of brain dynamics; embodied cognitive science
Research Interests
- computational and cognitive neuroscience; connectomics; network models of the human brain; brain networks across the computational models of brain dynamics; embodied cognitive science
Subject Area
- Psychological and Brain Sciences