HIV Infections, AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Chlamydia Infections, Health Care Delivery, Managed Care The Chlamydia Laboratory is interested in the molecular and clinical epidemiology of Chlamydia trachomatis infections in humans. The primary focus of their laboratory over the last several years has been defining epidemiological factors which affect transmission and persistence of C. trachomatis infections in patients. This has included the description of heterotypic antibiotic resistance in selected C. trachomatis isolates. They are presently attempting to define the role of this resistance in development of persistent infections and their consequences. They are currently using PCR and DNA sequencing to identify variance of strains and to determine transmission patterns among sexual partners. In addition, they are studying in vitro genetic recombination among different strains of selected C. trachomatis as a means by which they may escape immune surveillance.
Adolescent Health, Adolescents, Adults, Africa, Eastern, Africa, Sub-Sahara, AIDS, Antibiotics, Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Proteins, Biological Resources, Biological Sciences, Biology, Molecular, Biotechnology, Cell Lines, Multidisciplinary Biomedical Research
Past Affiliations
PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Biochemistry, 1970
MD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1970
BA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chemistry, 1964
africa, eastern africa, sub-sahara adolescents adults adolescent health biotechnology hiv/aids antibiotics biological resources cell lines biological sciences bacteriology biochemistry & molecular biology biochemistry, proteins