My research makes use of geochemical proxies to reconstruct the paleoclimatic history of the earth. Through climate reconstructions, it is my goal to improve our understanding of climatic variability, both in terms of the sensitivity of the climate system to various forcings and the range of variability expressed, and both as a result of natural forcing variability and anthropogenic causes. I focus on isotopic tracers of paleoclimate, but the interpretation of stable isotope records depends on an understanding of a variety of other proxy data, including fossil pollen, geomorphic evidence, marine micropaleontology and chemical stratigraphy, and historical records.
Reaserach: Isotope geochemistry; Organic geochemistry; Paleoclimate; Stable Isotopes
Research Area:
Research Interests:
- stable isotopes (C, N, H, O); paleoclimatic records from sediments, tree-rings, and soils; transformations of organic matter during diagenesis and maturation of oil and coal