

  • Symmetries and reactions involving polarized particles

My current research involves three projects:

  • I am part of the aCORN Collaboration whose goal is to measure the correlation between the directions of the electron and anti-neutrino momenta in the decay of the neutron.
  • I am part of a collaboration to measure a relatively complete set of observables for the four-body system starting in the d+d channel with a polarized deuteron beam.
  • I participate in a collaboration to develop a search for an electric dipole moment on the deuteron using the large electric fields (in the particle frame) available in a storage ring.
Past Affiliations
PhD, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Physics, 1975
MS, University of Wisconsin, 1971
BA, Rice University, 1969
nuclear physics applied physics cooperative science programs beams (radiation) nuclear science and technology
American Physical Society