
Research Areas

  • Ancient Greek Literature and Culture
  • Greco-Roman Literary Criticism
  • 5th-Century Greek Theater
  • Music, Performance, and Aesthetics

My current book project explores the centrality of performance and the physical body to conceptualizations of literary language and style in antiquity; I am writing elsewhere about the influence of dance and movement over Longinus' notion of sublimity, and about the reception of Sappho’s lyric poetry in Greek literary criticism. 5th-century Athenian theater, with an emphasis on its soundscapes and performance realities, is also an ongoing area of my research and teaching related to my larger interests in sensory stimulation and lived experiences of verbal art. 


PhD, Stanford University, Classics, Language and Literature, 2020
BA, Occidental College, Music Performance, 2011
BA, Occidental College, English & Comparative Literary Studies, 2011