27 Publications (Page 1 of 2)
Bayesian deprivation index models for explaining variation in elevated blood lead levels among children in Maryland
Wheeler, David CRaman, ShyamJones, Resa MSchootman, Mario and Nelson, Erik J
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, vol. 30, pp. 100286, August 2019. | Journal Article
Correlates of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination and Association with HPV-16 and HPV-18 DNA Detection in Young Women
Feder, Molly AFeder, Molly A.Kulasingam, Shalini L.Kulasingam, Shalini LKiviat, Nancy BKiviat, Nancy B.Mao, ConstanceMao, ConstanceNelson, Erik J.Nelson, Erik JWiner, Rachel LWiner, Rachel L.Whitham, Hilary KWhitham, Hilary K.Lin, JohnLin, JohnHawes, Stephen E. and Hawes, Stephen E
Journal of Women's Health, 2019-07-02. | Journal Article
Explaining variation in elevated blood lead levels among children in Minnesota using neighborhood socioeconomic variables.
Wheeler, David CJones, Resa MSchootman, Mario and Nelson, Erik J
The Science of the total environment, vol. 650, pp. 970-977, February 10, 2019. | Journal Article
Trends in binge drinking and alcohol abstention among adolescents in the US, 2002-2016
Clark Goings, TrenetteClark Goings, T.Salas-Wright, C.P.Salas-Wright, Christopher PBelgrave, Faye ZBelgrave, F.Z.Nelson, E.J.Nelson, Erik JHarezlak, J.Harezlak, JaroslawVaughn, M.G. and Vaughn, Michael G
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 200, pp. 123, 2019-07-01. | Journal Article
Abstention from Drug Use and Delinquency Increasing among Youth in the United States, 2002-2014
Vaughn, Michael GNelson, Erik JOh, SehunSalas-Wright, Christopher PDeLisi, Matt and Holzer, Katie J
Substance Use & Misuse, vol. 53, (no. 9), pp. 1481, 7/29/2018. | Journal Article
An Epidemiological Study of Burglary Offenders: Trends and Predictors of Self-Reported Arrests for Burglary in the United States, 2002-2013
DeLisi, MattNelson, Erik JVaughn, Michael GBoutwell, Brian B and Salas-Wright, Christopher P
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, vol. 62, (no. 4), pp. 1127, 20180300. | Journal Article
Knowledge of the Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus and Preventive Practices Against Zika Virus Among U.S. Travelers.
Nelson, Erik JNelson, E.J.Nelson, ErikLuetke, Maya CLuetke, M.C.Luetke, MayaMcKinney, ConnerMcKinney, ConnerMcKinney, C.Omodior, OghenekaroOmodior, O. and Omodior, Oghenekaro
Journal of community health, November 26, 2018. | Journal Article
Obtaining contextually relevant geographic data using Facebook recruitment in public health studies.
Nelson, Erik JLoux, TravisArnold, Lauren DSiddiqui, Saad T and Schootman, Mario
Health & place, November 19, 2018. | Journal Article
Racial and ethnic trends in illicit drug use and binge drinking among adolescent and young adult offenders in the United States
Vaughn, Michael GSalas-Wright, Christopher PCordova, DavidNelson, Erik J and Jaegers, Lisa
Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 59, pp. 80, November-December 2018. | Journal Article
Aggregate-level lead exposure, gun violence, homicide, and rape
Boutwell, BrianBoutwell, Brian BBoutwell, Brian BNelson, Erik JNelson, Erik JNelson, ErikQian, ZhengminQian, ZhengminQian, ZhengminVaughn, Michael GVaughn, MichaelVaughn, Michael GWright, JohnWright, John PWright, John PBeaver, Kevin MBeaver, KevinBeaver, Kevin MBarnes, J CBarnes, J CBarnes, JPetkovsek, MelissaPetkovsek, MelissaPetkovsek, MelissaLewis, RogerLewis, RogerLewis, RogerSchootman, MarioSchootman, MarioSchootman, MarioRosenfeld, RichardRosenfeld, Richard and Rosenfeld, Richard
PloS one, vol. 12, (no. 11), pp. e0187953, 2017-00-00. | Journal Article
Positive association between short-term ambient air pollution exposure and children blood pressure in China–Result from the Seven Northeast Cities (SNEC) study
Zeng, Xiao-WenZeng, Xiao-WenZeng, X. W.Qian, Z. M.Qian, Zhengmin (Min)Qian, Zhengmin MinVaughn, M. G.Vaughn, Michael GVaughn, Michael GNelson, Erik JNelson, Erik JNelson, E. J.Dharmage, S. C.Dharmage, Shyamali CDharmage, Shyamali CBowatte, G.Bowatte, GayanBowatte, GayanPerret, J.Perret, JenniferPerret, JenniferChen, Duo-HongChen, D. H.Chen, Duo-HongMa, H.Ma, HuiminMa, HuiminLin, ShaoLin, S.Lin, ShaoFoy, B.de Foy, Benjaminde Foy, BenjaminHu, L. W.Hu, Li-WenHu, Li-WenYang, Bo-YiYang, Bo-YiYang, B. Y.Xu, Shu-LiXu, Shu-LiXu, S. L.Zhang, C.Zhang, ChuanZhang, ChuanTian, Yan-PengTian, Yan-PengTian, Y. P.Nian, MinNian, M.Nian, MinWang, JiaWang, J.Wang, JiaXiao, XiangXiao, XiangXiao, X.Bao, Wen-WenBao, Wen-WenBao, W. W.Zhang, Ya-ZhiZhang, Y. Z.Zhang, Ya-ZhiDong, G. H.Dong, Guang-Hui and Dong, Guang-Hui
Environmental Pollution, vol. 224, pp. 705, May 2017. | Journal Article
Potential High-Risk Areas for Zika Virus Transmission in the Contiguous United States
Shacham, EnbalNelson, Erik JHoft, Daniel FSchootman, Mario and Garza, Alexander
American journal of public health, vol. 107, (no. 5), pp. 731, 2017-05-00. | Journal Article
Trends in Fighting and Violence Among Adolescents in the United States, 2002–2014
Salas-Wright, Christopher PNelson, Erik JVaughn, Michael GReingle Gonzalez, Jennifer M and Córdova, David
American journal of public health, vol. 107, (no. 6), pp. 982, 2017-06-00. | Journal Article
Truancy in the United States: Examining temporal trends and correlates by race, age, and gender
Maynard, Brandy RMaynard, Brandy RVaughn, Michael GVaughn, Michael GNelson, Erik JNelson, Erik JSalas-Wright, Christopher PSalas-Wright, Christopher PHeyne, David AHeyne, David AKremer, Kristen P and Kremer, Kristen P
Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 81, pp. 196, October 2017. | Journal Article
Condom deserts: geographical disparities in condom availability and their relationship with rates of sexually transmitted infections
Shacham, EnbalNelson, Erik JSchulte, LaurenBloomfield, Mark and Murphy, Ryan
Sexually Transmitted Infections, vol. 92, (no. 3), pp. 199, 20160500. | Journal Article
Handgun carrying among White youth increasing in the United States: New evidence from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2002-2013.
Vaughn, Michael GNelson, Erik JSalas-Wright, Christopher PDeLisi, Matt and Qian, Zhengmin
Preventive medicine, vol. 88, pp. 127-133, July 2016. | Journal Article
The intersection of aggregate-level lead exposure and crime.
Boutwell, Brian BNelson, Erik JEmo, BrettVaughn, Michael GSchootman, MarioRosenfeld, Richard and Lewis, Roger
Environmental research, vol. 148, pp. 79-85, July 2016. | Journal Article
Trends and correlates of marijuana use among late middle-aged and older adults in the United States, 2002–2014
Salas-Wright, ChristopherVaughn, MichaelCummings-Vaughn, LeniseHolzer, KatherineNelson, ErikAbiNader, Millan and Oh, Sehun
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 171, pp. 106, 2016. | Journal Article
Trends and correlates of substance use disorders among probationers and parolees in the United States 2002–2014
Fearn, Noelle EFearn, NoelleVaughn, MichaelVaughn, Michael GNelson, ErikNelson, Erik JSalas-Wright, Christopher PSalas-Wright, ChristopherDeLisi, MattDe Lisi, MattQian, Zhengmin and Qian, Zhengmin
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 167, pp. 139, 2016. | Journal Article
Childhood lead exposure and sexually transmitted infections: New evidence.
Nelson, Erik JShacham, EnbalBoutwell, Brian BRosenfeld, RichardSchootman, MarioVaughn, Michael and Lewis, Roger
Environmental research, vol. 143, pp. 131-137, November 2015. | Journal Article
Geospatial patterns of human papillomavirus vaccine uptake in Minnesota.
Nelson, Erik JNelson, Erik JHughes, JohnHughes, JohnOakes, J MOakes, J MichaelPankow, James SPankow, James SKulasingam, Shalini L and Kulasingam, Shalini L
BMJ open, vol. 5, (no. 8), pp. e008617, 2015. | Journal Article
Human Papillomavirus Infection in Women Who Submit Self-collected Vaginal Swabs After Internet Recruitment
Nelson, ErikNelson, Erik JNelson, ErikNelson, Erik JHughes, JohnHughes, JohnHughes, JohnHughes, JohnOakes, JOakes, JOakes, J MOakes, J MThyagarajan, BharatThyagarajan, BharatThyagarajan, BharatThyagarajan, BharatPankow, James SPankow, JamesPankow, James SPankow, JamesKulasingam, Shalini LKulasingam, Shalini LKulasingam, Shalini and Kulasingam, Shalini
Journal of Community Health, vol. 40, (no. 3), pp. 386, 20150600. | Journal Article
Racial and ethnic trends and correlates of non-medical use of prescription opioids among adolescents in the United States 2004–2013
Vaughn, MichaelNelson, ErikSalas-Wright, ChristopherQian, Zhengmin and Schootman, Mario
Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 73, pp. 24, 2015. | Journal Article
Estimation of Geographic Variation in Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Uptake in Men and Women: An Online Survey Using Facebook Recruitment
Nelson, Erik JNelson, Erik JNelson, Erik JHughes, JohnHughes, JohnHughes, JohnOakes, J MOakes, J MichaelOakes, J MPankow, James SPankow, James SPankow, James SKulasingam, Shalini LKulasingam, Shalini L and Kulasingam, Shalini L
Journal of medical Internet research, vol. 16, (no. 9), pp. e198, 2014-Sep-01. | Journal Article
Spatial patterns of human papillomavirus-associated cancers within the state of Minnesota, 1998-2007
Nelson, Erik JHughes, John and Kulasingam, Shalini L
Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology, vol. 9, pp. 13, 2014-Jun. | Journal Article