2 Publications
Microaggressions: Clinical errors with sexual minority clients
Spengler, Elliot SSpengler, Elliot SMiller, Deborah JMiller, Deborah JSpengler, Paul M and Spengler, Paul M
Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), vol. 53, (no. 3), pp. 366, 2016-Sep. | Journal Article
Psychological masquerade embedded in a cluster of related clinical errors: Real practice, real solutions, and their scientific underpinnings
Spengler, Paul MSpengler, Paul MMiller, Deborah JMiller, Deborah JSpengler, Elliot S and Spengler, Elliot S
Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), vol. 53, (no. 3), pp. 341, 2016-Sep. | Journal Article