140 Publications (Page 3 of 6)
Bidirectional Notch Signaling and Osteocyte-Derived Factors in the Bone Marrow Microenvironment Promote Tumor Cell Proliferation and Bone Destruction in Multiple Myeloma
Delgado-Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusDelgado Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DHiasa, MasahiroHiasa, MasahiroHiasa, MasahiroHiasa, MasahiroChirgwin, John MChirgwin, John MChirgwin, John MChirgwin, John MCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaYoneda, ToshiyukiYoneda, ToshiyukiYoneda, ToshiyukiYoneda, ToshiyukiMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IRoodman, G DavidRoodman, G DavidRoodman, G DavidRoodman, G DavidBellido, TeresitaBellido, TeresitaBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Cancer research, vol. 76, (no. 5), pp. 1100, 2016-Mar-01. | Journal Article
Control of Bone Anabolism in Response to Mechanical Loading and PTH by Distinct Mechanisms Downstream of the PTH Receptor.
Delgado‐Calle, JesusDelgado Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusTu, XiaolinTu, XiaolinTu, XiaolinPacheco‐Costa, RafaelPacheco-Costa, RafaelPacheco-Costa, RafaelMcAndrews, KevinMcAndrews, KevinMcAndrews, KevinEdwards, RachelEdwards, RachelEdwards, RachelPellegrini, Gretel GPellegrini, Gretel GPellegrini, Gretel GKuhlenschmidt, KaliKuhlenschmidt, KaliKuhlenschmidt, KaliOlivos, NaomieOlivos, NaomieOlivos, NaomieRobling, AlexanderRobling, AlexanderRobling, AlexanderPeacock, MunroPeacock, MunroPeacock, MunroPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IBellido, TeresitaBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, October 5, 2016. | Journal Article
Erratum: Osteocytic signalling pathways as therapeutic targets for bone fragility
Plotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Nature reviews. Endocrinology, 2016-Jul-29. | Journal Article
Genetic Sost Deletion and Pharmacological Inhibition of Sclerostin Prevent Multiple Myeloma-Induced Bone Loss without Affecting Tumor Growth
Delgado-Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusDelgado Calle, JesusAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DZhou, DanZhou, DanZhou, DanPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IBellido, Teresita MBellido, Teresita MBellido, Teresita MRoodman, G. DavidRoodman, G. David and Roodman, G. David
Blood, vol. 128, (no. 22), pp. 1136, 2016-12-02. | Journal Article
Osteocytic connexin 43 is not required for the increase in bone mass induced by intermittent PTH administration in male mice
Pacheco-Costa, R.Davis, H.M.Atkinson, E.G.Katchburian, E.Plotkin, L.I. and Reginato, R.D.
(pp. 45-57)
Osteocytic connexin 43 is not required for the increase in bone mass induced by intermittent PTH administration in male mice.
Pacheco-Costa, RDavis, H MAtkinson, E GKatchburian, EPlotkin, L I and Reginato, R D
Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions, vol. 16, (no. 1), pp. 45-57, March 2016. | Journal Article
Osteocytic signalling pathways as therapeutic targets for bone fragility
Plotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, LilianBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Nature Reviews. Endocrinology, vol. 12, (no. 10), pp. 593-605, Oct 2016. | Journal Article
Protection from Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis by Anti-Catabolic Signaling in the Absence of Sost/Sclerostin.
Sato, Amy YSato, Amy YSato, Amy YCregor, MeloneyCregor, MeloneyCregor, MeloneyDelgado Calle, JesusDelgado‐Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RPeacock, MunroPeacock, MunroPeacock, MunroPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IBellido, TeresitaBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, May 10, 2016. | Journal Article
Removing or truncating connexin 43 in murine osteocytes alters cortical geometry, nanoscale morphology, and tissue mechanics in the tibia.
Hammond, Max ABerman, Alycia GPacheco-Costa, RafaelDavis, Hannah MPlotkin, Lilian I and Wallace, Joseph M
Bone, vol. 88, pp. 85-91, July 2016. | Journal Article
Role of connexins and pannexins during ontogeny, regeneration, and pathologies of bone.
Plotkin, Lilian ILaird, Dale W and Amedee, Joelle
BMC cell biology, vol. 17 Suppl 1, pp. 19, May 24, 2016. | Journal Article
Bidirectional Notch Signaling Between Multiple Myeloma (MM) Cells and Osteocytes As a Potential Target to Inhibit Tumor Growth and Osteoclast Recruitment in MM
Delgado-Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusDelgado Calle, JesusAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DCregor, Meloney DCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SMohammad, Khalid SPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IBellido, Teresita MBellido, Teresita MBellido, Teresita MBellido, Teresita MRoodman, G. DavidRoodman, G. DavidRoodman, G. David and Roodman, G. David
Blood, vol. 126, (no. 23), pp. 2977, 2015-12-03. | Journal Article
Comments on the articles presented at the 2015 ASBMR Experts’ Discussion,Comentarios de trabajos presentados en la ASBMR 2015 discutidos por expertos
Mastaglia, S.R.Rey, P.Davis, H.M. and Plotkin, L.I.
(pp. 249-256)
Connexins and pannexins in the skeleton: gap junctions, hemichannels and more.
Plotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IStains, Joseph P and Stains, Joseph P
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS, vol. 72, (no. 15), pp. 2853-2867, August 2015. | Journal Article
Cx43 and mechanotransduction in bone.
Plotkin, Lilian ISpeacht, Toni L and Donahue, Henry J
Current osteoporosis reports, vol. 13, (no. 2), pp. 67-72, April 2015. | Journal Article
Defective cancellous bone structure and abnormal response to PTH in cortical bone of mice lacking Cx43 cytoplasmic C-terminus domain.
Pacheco-Costa, RafaelPacheco-Costa, RafaelPacheco-Costa, RafaelDavis, HannahDavis, Hannah MDavis, HannahSorenson, ChadSorenson, ChadSorenson, ChadHon, MaryHon, MaryHon, Mary CHassan, IrajHassan, IrajHassan, IrajReginato, RejaneReginato, RejaneReginato, Rejane DAllen, Matthew RAllen, MatthewAllen, MatthewBellido, TeresitaBellido, TeresitaBellido, TeresitaPlotkin, LilianPlotkin, Lilian I and Plotkin, Lilian
Bone, vol. 81, pp. 632-643, December 2015. | Journal Article
Inhibition of osteocyte apoptosis prevents the increase in osteocytic receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) but does not stop bone resorption or the loss of bone induced by unloading.
Plotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IGortazar, Arancha RGortazar, Arancha RDavis, Hannah MDavis, Hannah MCondon, Keith WCondon, Keith WGabilondo, HugoGabilondo, HugoMaycas, MartaMaycas, MartaAllen, Matthew RAllen, Matthew RBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 290, (no. 31), pp. 18934-18942, July 31, 2015. | Journal Article
Modifications in bone matrix of estrogen-deficient rats treated with intermittent PTH.
Pacheco-Costa, RafaelCampos, Jenifer FreitasKatchburian, Eduardode Medeiros, Valquíria PereiraNader, Helena BoncianiNonaka, Keico OkinoPlotkin, Lilian Irene and Reginato, Rejane Daniele
BioMed research international, vol. 2015, pp. 454162, 2015. | Journal Article
Osteocytes mediate the anabolic actions of canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling in bone.
Tu, XiaolinTu, XiaolinTu, XiaolinDelgado-Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusDelgado Calle, JesusCondon, KeithCondon, KeithCondon, Keith WMaycas, MartaMaycas, MartaMaycas, MartaZhang, HuajiaZhang, HuajiaZhang, HuajiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaCarlesso, NadiaTaketo, MakotoTaketo, MakotoTaketo, Makoto MBurr, DavidBurr, David BBurr, DavidPlotkin, LilianPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, LilianBellido, TeresitaBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 112, (no. 5), pp. E478-E486, February 3, 2015. | Journal Article
Prevention of glucocorticoid induced-apoptosis of osteoblasts and osteocytes by protecting against endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in vitro and in vivo in female mice.
Sato, AmySato, Amy YTu, XiaolinTu, XiaolinMcAndrews, KevinMcAndrews, Kevin APlotkin, LilianPlotkin, Lilian IBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Bone, vol. 73, pp. 60-68, April 2015. | Journal Article
Analysis of epigenetic modifications in bone cells: Osteoblasts are osteoblasts isolated from bone a good model to study changes in DNA methylation?
Plotkin, L.I.
(pp. 33-34)
Apoptotic osteocytes and the control of targeted bone resorption.
Plotkin, Lilian I
Current osteoporosis reports, vol. 12, (no. 1), pp. 121-126, March 2014. | Journal Article
Comment on Osteocytes: Masters Orchestrators of Bone
Plotkin, LilianPlotkin, LilianBellido, Teresita and Bellido, Teresita
Calcified Tissue International, vol. 95, (no. 4), pp. 382-3, Oct 2014. | Journal Article
Connexin 43 hemichannels and intracellular signaling in bone cells.
Plotkin, Lilian I
Frontiers in physiology, vol. 5, pp. 131, 2014. | Journal Article
High bone mass in mice lacking Cx37 because of defective osteoclast differentiation.
Pacheco-Costa, RafaelHassan, IrajReginato, Rejane DDavis, Hannah MBruzzaniti, AngelaAllen, Matthew R and Plotkin, Lilian I
The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 289, (no. 12), pp. 8508-20, 2014/Mar/21. | Journal Article
Notch- and TNFα-Activated Signaling Pathways Mediate Osteocyte Apoptosis Triggered By Multiple Myeloma Cells
Delgado-Calle, JesusDelgado-Calle, JesusDelgado Calle, JesusAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithAnderson, JudithPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IPlotkin, Lilian IBellido, TeresitaBellido, TeresitaBellido, TeresitaRoodman, G. DavidRoodman, G. David and Roodman, G. David
Blood, vol. 124, (no. 21), pp. 3354, 2014-12-06. | Journal Article