83 Publications (Page 3 of 4)
A Review of Research on Chaplains and Community-Based Clergy in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, and the New England Journal of Medicine: 1998–2000
Weaver, Andrew JFlannelly, Kevin JKoenig, Harold G and Smith, Fred Douglas
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 58, (no. 4), pp. 350, 20041200. | Journal Article
A systematic review of religion and spirituality in three palliative care journals
Flannelly, KevinWeaver, Andrew and Costa, Karen
Journal of Palliative Care, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 50, 20040322. | Journal Article
A systematic review of religion and spirituality in three palliative care journals, 1990-1999
Flannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew J and Costa, Karen G
Journal of palliative care, vol. 20, (no. 1), pp. 56, 2004-Spring. | Journal Article
A Three-Year Study of Chaplains' Professional Activities at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JHandzo, George F and Handzo, George F
Chaplaincy Today, vol. 20, (no. 2), pp. 12, 7/1/2004. | Journal Article
Factors Affecting Healthcare Chaplaincy and the Provision of Pastoral Care in the United States
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JHandzo, George FHandzo, George FWeaver, Andrew J and Weaver, Andrew J
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 58, (no. 1-2), pp. 130, 20040300. | Journal Article
Rapid Rise of Sea Level 19,000 Years Ago and Its Global Implications
Clark, Peter UClark, PeterMcCabe, A.McCabe, A. MMix, Alan CMix, AlanWeaver, Andrew J and Weaver, Andrew
Science, vol. 304, (no. 5674), pp. 1144, 20040521. | Journal Article
Religion and spirituality in three major general medical journals from 1998 to 2000
Weaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JCase, David BCase, David BCosta, Karen G and Costa, Karen G
Southern medical journal, vol. 97, (no. 12), pp. 1245, 2004-Dec. | Journal Article
An Evaluation of the Quantity and Quality of Empirical Research in Three Pastoral Care and Counseling journals, 1990–1999: Has Anything Changed?
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JOppenheimer, Julia EOppenheimer, Julia ELiu, ClarenceLiu, ClarenceWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JLarson, David B and Larson, David B
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 57, (no. 2), pp. 178, 20030600. | Journal Article
A systematic review on chaplains and community-based clergy in three palliative care journals: 1990 - 1999
Flannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew JSmith, Walter J and Oppenheimer, Julia E
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, vol. 20, (no. 4), pp. 268, 20030700. | Journal Article
A three‐year study of chaplains' professional activities at Memorial Sloan‐Kettering Cancer Center in New York city
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JHandzo, George F and Handzo, George F
Psycho‐Oncology, vol. 12, (no. 8), pp. 768, December 2003. | Journal Article
Brief Communications Research on Religion and Health and Professional Chaplaincy: A Second Opinion
Weaver, Andrew JFlannelly, Kevin J and Stone, Howard W
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 57, (no. 3), pp. 363, 20030900. | Journal Article
Collaboration Between Clergy and Mental Health Professionals: A Review of Professional Health Care Journals From 1980 Through 1999
Weaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Laura TFlannelly, Laura TFlannelly, Laura TOppenheimer, Julia EOppenheimer, Julia E and Oppenheimer, Julia E
Counseling and Values, vol. 47, (no. 3), pp. 171, April 2003. | Journal Article
Compassion Fatigue Among Chaplains, Clergy, and Other Respondents After September 11th
Roberts, Rabbi StephenRabbi Stephen B RobertsFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, KevinWeaver, AndrewWeaver, Andrew JFigley, Charles and Figley, Charles R
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 191, (no. 11), pp. 758, 2003-November. | Journal Article
Creating learning communities to meet teachers' needs in professional development
Good, Jennifer M and Weaver, Andrew
Journal of In-service Education, vol. 29, (no. 3), pp. 450, 2003-09-01. | Journal Article
A Review of Mortality Research on Clergy and Other Religious Professionals
Flannelly, KevinFlannelly, KevinWeaver, AndrewWeaver, AndrewLarson, DavidLarson, DavidKoenig, Harold and Koenig, Harold
Journal of Religion and Health, vol. 41, (no. 1), pp. 68, 20020401. | Journal Article
A Systematic Review of Research on Religion in Six Primary Marriage and Family Journals: 1995-1999
Weaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JSamford, Judith ASamford, Judith ASamford, Judith AMorgan, Virginia JMorgan, Virginia JMorgan, Virginia JLarson, David BLarson, David BLarson, David BKoenig, Harold GKoenig, Harold GKoenig, Harold GFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin J and Flannelly, Kevin J
The American Journal of Family Therapy, vol. 30, (no. 4), pp. 309, 7/1/2002. | Journal Article
Mental Health Issues among Clergy and Other Religious Professionals: A Review of Research
Weaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JLarson, David BFlannelly, Kevin JLarson, David BFlannelly, Kevin JStapleton, Carolyn LStapleton, Carolyn LKoenig, Harold G and Koenig, Harold G
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 56, (no. 4), pp. 403, 20021200. | Journal Article
Religious and Spiritual Variables in Three Major Oncology Nursing Journals: 1990-1999
Flannelly, Laura TFlannelly, Laura TFlannelly, Laura TFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew J and Weaver, Andrew J
Oncology nursing forum, vol. 29, (no. 4), pp. 685, 2002-May. | Journal Article
A 10-year Review of Research on Chaplains and Community-based Clergy in 3 Primary Oncology Nursing Journals: 1990–1999
Weaver, AndrewWeaver, AndrewFlannelly, LauraFlannelly, LauraFlannelly, KevinFlannelly, KevinVandeCreek, LarryVandeCreek, LarryKoenig, HaroldKoenig, HaroldHandzo, George and Handzo, George
Cancer Nursing, vol. 24, (no. 5), pp. 340, 2001-October. | Journal Article
Accidentally Informed: Incidental News Exposure on the World Wide Web
Tewksbury, David HTewksbury, DavidWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JMaddex, Brett D and Maddex, Brett D
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, vol. 78, (no. 3), pp. 554, 20010900. | Journal Article
The Science of Climate Change What Do We Know?
Weaver, AndrewWeaver, AndrewMcBean, GordonMcBean, GordonRoulet, Nigel and Roulet, Nigel
Isuma, vol. 2, (no. 4), 20010101. | Journal Article
Research on Religious Variables in Five Major Adolescent Research Journals: 1992 to 1996
The Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, vol. 188, (no. 1), pp. 44, 2000-January. | Journal Article
Praying with John Cardinal Newman
Weaver, Andrew and Stapleton, Carolyn
Cistercian Studies Quarterly, vol. 34, (no. 3), pp. 420, 19990701. | Journal Article
The treatment of World War II in the secondary school national history textbook of the six major powers involved in the war
Santoli, Susan and Weaver, Andrew
Journal of Social Studies Research, vol. 23, (no. 2), pp. 34, 19990101. | Journal Article
A Systematic Review of Research on Religion in Four Major Psychiatric Journals: 1991-1995
Weaver, AndrewWeaver, AndrewWeaver, A JSamford, J ASamford, JudithSamford, JudithLarson, DavidLarson, DavidLarson, D BLucas, L ALucas, LeaLucas, LeaKoenig, Harold GKoenig, HaroldKoenig, HaroldPatrick, VijayalakshmyPatrick, V and Patrick, Vijayalakshmy
The Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, vol. 186, (no. 3), pp. 189, 1998-March. | Journal Article