83 Publications (Page 2 of 4)
Liking Violence and Action: An Examination of Gender Differences in Children's Processing of Animated Content
Weaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JJensen, Jakob DJensen, Jakob DJensen, Jakob DMartins, NicoleMartins, NicoleMartins, NicoleHurley, Ryan JHurley, Ryan JHurley, Ryan JWilson, Barbara JWilson, Barbara J and Wilson, Barbara J
Media Psychology, vol. 14, (no. 1), pp. 70, 3/9/2011. | Journal Article
The Role of Actors' Race in White Audiences' Selective Exposure to Movies
Weaver, Andrew J
Journal of Communication, vol. 61, (no. 2), pp. 385, April 2011. | Journal Article
Abrupt climate change: Findings from the us climate change science program synthesis and assessment product 3.4
Weaver, AndrewWeaver, AndrewClark, PeterClark, PeterBrook, EBrook, ECook, ECook, EDelworth, TDelworth, TMcGeehin, JMcGeehin, JSteffen, K and Steffen, K
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 6, (no. 6), pp. 062002, 20090201. | Journal Article
Lebans, Handman, McDonald, and Lurie Receive 2009 Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism—Features
Weaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JHandman, Jim and Handman, Jim
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, vol. 90, (no. 30), pp. 260, 28 July 2009. | Journal Article
The Role of Graphic and Sanitized Violence in the Enjoyment of Television Dramas
Weaver, Andrew and Wilson, Barbara J
Human Communication Research, vol. 35, (no. 3), pp. 442-463, Jul 2009. | Journal Article
Chaplains Needs to be Aware of Increased Heroin Use Among Youth
Weaver, Andrew J
Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, vol. 14, (no. 2), pp. 151, 7/11/2008. | Journal Article
Stochastic models of the meridional overturning circulation: time scales and patterns of variability
Monahan, AdamMonahan, Adam HMonahan, AdamAlexander, JulieAlexander, JulieAlexander, JulieWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew and Weaver, Andrew
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 366, (no. 1875), pp. 2544, 20080728. | Journal Article
A national survey of hospital directors' views about the importance of various chaplain roles: differences among disciplines and types of hospitals
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JHandzo, George FHandzo, George FGalek, KathleenGalek, KathleenWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JOvervold, Jon A and Overvold, Jon A
The journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCC, vol. 60, (no. 3), pp. 213, 2006-Fall. | Journal Article
A Systematic Review of Religious and Spiritual Research in Social Work
Modesto, KevinModesto, KevinWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, AndrewFlannelly, Kevin J and Flannelly, Kevin
Social Work & Christianity, vol. 33, (no. 1), pp. 89, 20060401. | Journal Article
Reconceptualizing attraction to media violence: A meta-analysis and an experiment (Dissertation)
Weaver, Andrew (2006).
“Swift boating” Bush’s Bishops
Weaver, Andrew J
Tikkun, vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 65, 2006. | Journal Article
“Swiftboating” Bush's Bishops
Weaver, Andrew J
Tikkun, vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 65, 2006-05-00. | Journal Article
"Swiftboating" Bush's bishops.(Spiritual Activism)
Weaver, Andrew
Tikkun, vol. 21, (no. 3), pp. 46, 20060501. | Journal Article
The Clergy as a Source of Mental Health Assistance: What Americans Believe
Ellison, Christopher GEllison, ChristopherVaaler, MargaretFlannelly, Kevin JVaaler, Kevin JFlannelly, KevinWeaver, Andrew J and Weaver, Andrew
Review of Religious Research, vol. 48, (no. 2), pp. 211, 20061201. | Journal Article
Trends in the Scientific Study of Religion, Spirituality, and Health: 1965-2000
Weaver, AndrewWeaver, AndrewPargament, KennethPargament, KennethFlannelly, KevinFlannelly, KevinOppenheimer, Julia and Oppenheimer, Julia
Journal of Religion and Health, vol. 45, (no. 2), pp. 214, 20060701. | Journal Article
A National Survey of Health Care Administrators' Views on the Importance of Various Chaplain Roles
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JHandzo, George FHandzo, George FSmith, Walter J and Smith, Walter J
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 59, (no. 1-2), pp. 96, 20050300. | Journal Article
A review of research on the effects of religion on adolescent tobacco use published between 1990 and 2003
Weaver, Andrew JFlannelly, Kevin J and Strock, Adrienne L
Adolescence, vol. 40, (no. 160), pp. 761, 2005-Winter. | Journal Article
A Review of Spiritual and Religious Measures in Nursing Research Journals: 1995-1999
Kilpatrick, ShelleyKilpatrick, ShelleyKilpatrick, Shelley DWeaver, AndrewWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, AndrewMc Cullough, Michael EMcCullough, MichaelMccullough, MichaelMcCullough, MichaelPuchalski, ChristinaPuchalski, ChristinaPuchalski, ChristinaLarson, David BLarson, DavidLarson, DavidHays, Judith CHays, JudithHays, JudithFarran, CarolFarran, CarolFarran, Carol JFlannelly, KevinFlannelly, Kevin and Flannelly, Kevin J
Journal of Religion and Health, vol. 44, (no. 1), pp. 66, 20050401. | Journal Article
A Study of Pastoral Care, Referral, and Consultation Practices Among Clergy in Four Settings in the New York City Area
Moran, MichaelMoran, MichaelFlannelly, KevinFlannelly, KevinWeaver, AndrewWeaver, AndrewOvervold, JonOvervold, JonHess, WinifredHess, WinifredWilson, Jo and Wilson, Jo
Pastoral Psychology, vol. 53, (no. 3), pp. 266, 20050100. | Journal Article
CLIVAR/PAGES Intersection Panel: Understanding natural climate variability through integrating the climate dynamics and paleoclimate communities
Jansen, Eystein and Weaver, Andrew
PAGES news, vol. 13, (no. 3), pp. 2, 2005-11-00. | Journal Article
Correlates of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Chaplains and Other Clergy who Responded to the September 11th Attacks in New York City
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JRoberts, Rabbi Stephen BRoberts, Rabbi Stephen BWeaver, Andrew J and Weaver, Andrew J
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 59, (no. 3), pp. 224, 20050900. | Journal Article
The Quantity and Quality of Research on Religion and Spirituality in Four Major Gerontology Journals Between 1985 and 2002
Weaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JFlannelly, Laura TFlannelly, Laura TFlannelly, Laura TStrock, Adrienne LStrock, Adrienne LStrock, Adrienne LKrause, NealKrause, NealKrause, Neal MFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin J and Flannelly, Kevin J
Research on Aging, vol. 27, (no. 2), pp. 135, 20050300. | Journal Article
What Do We Know about the Effectiveness of Faith-based Health Programs?
Flannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JTannenbaum, Helen P and Tannenbaum, Helen P
Southern medical journal, vol. 98, (no. 12), pp. 1244, 2005-Dec. | Journal Article
A Comparative Analysis of the Psychological Literature on Collaboration Between Clergy and Mental-Health Professionals—Perspectives from Secular and Religious Journals: 1970–1999
Oppenheimer, JuliaOppenheimer, JuliaFlannelly, KevinFlannelly, KevinWeaver, Andrew and Weaver, Andrew
Pastoral Psychology, vol. 53, (no. 2), pp. 162, 20041100. | Journal Article
An Analysis of Referrals to Chaplains in a Community Hospital in New York over a Seven Year Period
Fogg, Sarah LFogg, Sarah LFlannelly, Kevin JFlannelly, Kevin JWeaver, Andrew JWeaver, Andrew JHandzo, George F and Handzo, George F
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, vol. 58, (no. 3), pp. 235, 20040900. | Journal Article